Close Multiple Opportunities

You can select several opportunities in the opportunity list and close them at once. You must have Full or Edit access to the opportunities to update them.

Close Multiple Opportunities at Once

Here's how to close multiple opportunities at once.

Note: If Competitor is a required field in the close opportunity flow, the opportunities you update must already have competitors associated with them before you attempt to update them.
  1. Sign in as a salesperson and navigate to Sales > Opportunities.

  2. In the Opportunities overview (also called the landing page or list page), enter the search criteria for the opportunities that you want to close, and click Search.

    The application returns a list of results based on your search criteria.

  3. From the Actions menu, click Update.

  4. Select the opportunities you want to close.

    To select multiple opportunities, hold the Ctrl key down as you select them. You can click the Select All link if you want to close all the opportunities up to a maximum of 25. Click Deselect All to undo your selection.

  5. After you have made your selections, click the Update button.

    The Update Opportunities page appears. The page title indicates how many opportunities you're updating.

  6. From the Field drop-down list, select Status.

    After you make your selection, the application activates the corresponding Value column for data entry or selection.

  7. Select one of the values that belongs to a Closed status category. For example, select Won.

  8. Enter a Win/Loss Reason, if enabled as required by your administrator.

  9. If you want to enter a date to close your selected opportunities, enter Close Date in the Field drop-down list. Then enter a date to close the opportunities from the corresponding Value field.

  10. Click Add if you want to add more fields to update for your closed opportunities.

  11. Click Submit to commit the changes.

    A page appears, confirming that the changes were successfully applied.

  12. Click Close in the confirmation page to return to the overview page.