Filter Records by Date and Time in Workspace and Work Areas Powered by Adaptive Search

You can now select both date and time filters on specific date and time fields to narrow down your list of search results. This saves you time because you can conduct more focused searches.

Previously, you could only specify a date while filtering records from a date field. For example, if you added the Creation Date field as a search filter, all records within the specific From and To date pickers were returned. You can now specify a specific time filter as part of your date search filter which helps to further refine your list of returned records.

Here's an example of how to filter account records by date and time in Workspace or work areas powered by Adaptive Search.

  1. From Workspace or a work area powered by Adaptive Search , select the object you want to search such as Accounts.
  2. Click Show Filters and select Creation Date from the list of available filters and move it to the selected pane as shown.
    Screenshots shows Edit Filters screen with Creation Date seclected a search filter
  3. Edit the Creation Date filter and enter the date and time on the Select Date and Time panel as shown.
    Screenshot showing the Select Date and Time panel
  4. Click Search to narrow your search results of accounts based on the creation date and time filter you specified.
    Screenshot showing the search results of accounts based on the creation date and time filter you specified.