Create the List of Objectives

Create a list of business objectives for each orchestration stage that includes manual tasks for salespeople to perform.

You must create at least one objective for each stage with manual tasks and each objective must be mapped to at least one step that completes it. Examples of objectives for the opportunity Qualification stage may include: Engage Customer and Create Interest, Identify Customer Pain Points, Confirm Budget and Timeline, Confirm Qualification, and so on. You can consider the Engage Customer and Create Interest objective to be met when a salesperson specifies the call to the customer step was a success, for example.

Salespeople can view the list of objectives for all the orchestration stages and they can see which of the objectives have been fulfilled as they progress through the orchestration.

Before you start

You must enter the basic information for the orchestration as described in the topic Enter Basic Details for the Orchestration.

Here's what to do

  1. Click the name link for the draft orchestration that you created.
  2. Click Start on the first stage.
    The application displays the stage definition page for the first stage.
  3. If you want to define the objectives for a different orchestration stage, click on the orchestration stage name on the right of the page.
  4. In the Orchestration stage definition page, make sure that the Objectives tab is selected.
  5. For each objective, click Add Objective.
  6. Enter the objective name and description and save.
    The objective is created with the New status. That status changes to Mapped after you add the steps that complete that objective.
  7. Salespeople see the list of objectives you add in the numerical order shown in the Objectives tab. If you need to changes the order, then click Actions menu and use the Move Up or Move Down commands to reorder them.
  8. When you're done entering all the objectives for the stage, you have two options:
    • Create objectives for the next orchestration stage by clicking Continue.
    • Create the steps to complete the objectives you just entered as a diagram on the Diagram tab. You can also create them as a list on the Steps tab. Creating the steps as a diagram makes it possible for you to view the logical structure of your steps as you work.

What to do next

Two Ways of Creating Orchestration Steps