Enter Basic Details for the Orchestration

Enter the basic details about the orchestration, including the criteria for selecting the records the process will run on.

In this release, you can create one or more orchestrations for qualifying leads and taking opportunities from qualification to closing the deal. You can trigger different orchestrations for different sets of records. For example, you can trigger different orchestrations for different accounts, partners, sales channels, assets, close dates, competitors, and so on.

Important: Orchestrations get assigned a rank at creation. If there's an overlap in record selection criteria between Active orchestrations, then the orchestrations run in ascending order. Those with a smaller rank number get priority over those with higher numbers.
  1. Open Application Composer (Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer > Orchestration Setup).
  2. Click Create Orchestration.
  3. Enter a name of the orchestration and an optional description.
  4. Select the object, either Sales Lead or Opportunity.
  5. For Opportunity, select the sales method from the Striping Field Value field.
  6. Define the record set the orchestration applies to, by entering the parameters that will trigger the orchestration:
    1. If all conditions must be satisfied (logical AND), select Include all of. If any one of the conditions triggers the process (logical OR), select Include any of.
    2. Select the attribute, an operator, and a value. Values aren't required in all cases, when you specify an Is Null operator, for example.
    3. Add additional conditions by clicking Add Another Rule (plus sign).
  7. Click Save.
    The application opens the first orchestration stage. For opportunities, that's equivalent to the first sales stage of the Sales Method you specified. For leads, the first orchestration stage is the first lead status.
  8. Click Start.


You are now ready to create the list of objectives and steps: