Add Products to the Catalog

Now that you have created products following the steps in the Products chapter of this guide, or, if you have imported them, your next step is to add them to the product groups that make up the sales catalog hierarchy.

Here's how to manually add products to the sales catalog product group hierarchy.

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Catalog and Products

    • Task: Manage Product Groups

  2. In the Manage Product Groups page, in the product group hierarchy, select the product group that you want to add products to.

  3. Lock the product group for editing by clicking the Lock button.

  4. Click the Products tab for the product group you selected.

  5. In the View filter, ensure that the Administration view is selected.

  6. In the products table, select Actions > Select and Add.

  7. In the Select and Add: Products screen, search for and select the product you're adding.

  8. Click Apply and then OK in the select and add window.

    The application returns to the Manage Product Groups page with the product added to the product group.

  9. Click the Publish button to publish the product group.

  10. Finally, click Yes in the Confirm Publish dialog window and then dismiss the confirmation message. The application publishes the product group.

  11. Save your changes.

To select the organization that provides the set of products available for marketing and sales activities, select an option in the QSC_SALES_PRODUCTS_INVENTORY_ORG_ID profile value.

For more information about how to create products manually in the sales UI, see the Products chapter in this guide. To understand how to import products and the product hierarchy, see the product import topics in the Implementing Sales guide.

Of course, if you're integrating with Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud, you may be creating product in that application's Products screens. To understand this integration a little more see the Products chapter in this guide.