Create the Root Product Group

The root product group is the top-level product group in your catalog. The display name you use appears in the UI for users.

Note: If you're importing product groups, follow the steps in the Implementing Sales guide.

Here's how to create the root product group:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Catalog (or Sales Catalog and Products)

    • Task: Manage Product Groups

  2. In the Manage Product Groups page, click the create icon (the add icon available in the toolbar in the left pane).

  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name without spaces. This is the internal name of the group.

  4. In the Display field, enter the product group display name. This is the name that displays in the UI to users.

  5. Optionally, enter a description and start and end dates.

  6. Select these check boxes:

    • Active: Your catalog must be active to be used in consuming applications.

    • Root Catalog: The root catalog is the top product group in the hierarchy. All other product groups created under it are considered subgroups. You can only add root catalogs to the Base usage in the Manage Product Group Usage page. You need to add your catalog to the Base usage so that it can be used in consuming applications.

    • Locked: A product group must be "locked" to be edited.

  7. Deselect the Allow Duplicate Children check box. You must deselect this check box because the same product groups can't appear multiple times in the sales catalog hierarchy.

  8. Leave the Allow Selection check box checked.

  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. Verify that the root product group appears in the Manage Product Groups pane.