Overview of Multiple Business Units in Leads

Using multiple business units (BUs) in leads lets you offer different versions of the Leads UI according to the BU of the user.

Users in one BU can't view leads from another BU if they don't have the appropriate access. However, you can present different drop-down lists for leads in different BUs.

Multiple Business Units in Leads Use Case

Let's say your company has two divisions, each with three BUs for the geographical areas where they do business: North America, Europe, and Asia. The sales processes between the three business units is different. You can tailor the Leads pages based on the different business units.

For example, when a lead is created in the North America BU, salespeople have a finite set of values to select from in the Lead Reject Reason drop-down list. In contrast, salespeople who work in the Europe BU have different reasons for rejecting a lead and must use values that are specific to their business unit.

Set ID Lookup Types

To enable different values in a drop-down list for a specific BU, you use the supplied set-ID enabled lookup types for leads.

This table shows the leads set-ID lookup types, the values, and the descriptions. Use the Manage Set Enabled Lookups task from the Setup and Maintenance work area to access the lookup types related to leads.

Lookup Type

Lookup Values


Lead Qualification Budget Status

  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unknown

The approval status of a customer budget. The data is used to assess the lead qualification status.

Lead Rank

  • Cold

  • Hot

  • Warm

Lead rank values used as a measure of lead quality and prioritization.

Lead Reassignment Reason

  • No activity

  • Other

  • Workload

Possible reasons specified for reassigning leads.

Lead Reject Reason

  • Duplicate lead

  • Failed to reach contact

  • Incorrect data

Possible reasons specified for rejecting leads. Rejected leads can be reassigned or retired.

Lead Retire Reason

  • Duplicate lead

  • No purchase interest

Possible reasons for retiring leads. Retired leads are considered closed leads.

Lead Registration Type

  • Co-sell

  • Referral

  • Resale

Types of leads available for partners.

Lead Source Channel

  • Direct mail

  • E-Mail

  • Fax

  • Marketing Cloud

  • Phone

  • Sales visit

  • Social

  • Company website

  • Wireless message

  • Model-based prediction

  • Rules-based prediction

Source channel responsible for lead generation.

Lead Time Frame

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 9 months

  • 12 months

  • 15 months

  • 18 months

Lead cycle duration that usually coincides with a typical sales cycle duration for products and services offered.

Business Units in the Leads UI

Some users can transact in multiple BUs, for example, salespeople who are members of different sales teams. These users can select the BU they want when the lead is being created but note that the business unit can't be changed once the lead is created. Based on their selection, the set ID-enabled lookup types display based on the BU of their choice.

Additional Leads Modification by Business Units

You can modify BUs to meet your specific leads requirements. For example, you can:

  • Select which assignment rules to use for your leads, which lead assessment templates to use, and so on.

  • Set BU attributes to be visible in the Add Fields UI when performing a search for leads.

  • Hide BU attributes for single BU deployments in all transaction and search UIs.

  • Hide BU attributes for multiple BU deployments for users who transact in one BU only.