Use Multi-Tenancy

If you're operating in multi-tenant environment, use these steps to enable multi-tenancy for the add-in.

Register the Add-In for Multi-Tenancy

Here's how to register the add-in to use multi-tenancy:

  1. Go to the Enable Microsoft 365 Integration topic. We'll use the same steps as in this topic, with some modifications to account for the multi-tenant use case.
  2. In the Register the Oracle Add-In in Microsoft Azure section (Register an application page), instead of choosing Single tenant, select Multitenant.
  3. Sign in to the Sales application as a setup user.
  4. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Microsoft 365. In the Outlook tab, enter the details for the Microsoft application. See the Enable Microsoft 365 Integration topic for more information.
  5. Download the generated manifest file and share it with all of the subsidiary administrators.
  6. Create the application consent URL and provide it to the subsidiary administrators. Here's an example of how to construct the URL:<ClientID>& state=12345&redirect uri=https://<hostName>/sales/office365/jet/close.html&ten ant=<TenantId>

    See the Get Parameters for the URL section in this topic for details about how to get the parameters to construct the URL.

  7. After the subsidiary administrators receive the manifest and consent URL, the subsidiary administrators need to upload the manifest from the Office 365 Admin page:
  8. Next, the subsidiary administrators sign in to Office at:, where they open a new browser tab and run the consent URL provided, and accept the consent.
  9. After this, subsidiary users will start seeing the add-in in Outlook. They should be able to sign in and use the application.
Note: To decommission a subsidiary, delete all subsidiary users from Oracle Sales.

Get Parameters for the URL

To get the Tenant ID and Client ID needed to construct the URL, go to the Azure portal, as shown in this section. Note that only Azure admins have the privileges to get this information.

Host Name

The hostName is the Oracle Sales cloud instance name.

Tenant ID

Go to: AAD IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/Overview and locate the Tenant ID.

Client ID

Navigate to the App Registration page and look for the registered application. When you drill down to the application, you can see the Application (client) ID in the Overview section.