Request Documents

You can start the document collection process and request documents from the student as needed.


A document request can be sent even if the document already exists on the student record and regardless of the current document status. Outbound student notifications can be configured to include standard messaging and the comments you enter upon making the request to effectively communicate additional information or specific instructions with the student.

Note: You can request one or multiple documents, filter the list of documents by category, or type the document name in the search field to find and select documents to request from the student.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with this General Permission through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Document Requester.

The user must have a role with this Document Permission through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • View Document
    • Required for any document the user will need to be able to view.
    • The user can request documents even if they do not have permission to view the document once received.
  • Doc Review Task
    • Required for any document the user will need to complete an associated Review Document for Approval task.
  • NFF Forms Task
    • Required for any Non-Federal Funds document the user will need to complete a Process an NFF Document tasks.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid Financial Aid System (FAS) UI.

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
    • Navigate to Student > Documents
      • Pending Requests or
      • Received Requests.
  2. Click the Request Document(s) button.

    The Request Document(s) button is visible on both the Pending Requests screen and the Received Documents screen.

  3. Select a Category to reduce the search results.
  4. Enter a document Name to search for a specific document.
  5. Click the button to add a document to the request.
  6. Choose whether you want to:
    • Request all of these documents (every document will be required).
    • Request any one of these documents (only one of the documents will be required).
  7. Attach To Process (if applicable).
  8. Update Award Year (if necessary).
  9. Update Document Owner type (if necessary).
  10. Enter a Comment.

    Comments are included in the outbound notification sent to the student.

  11. Click the Send Document Request button.
  12. Navigate toStudent > Documents > Pending Requests > .
    • Confirm document(s) are in a Requested status and At-Will Task Comments match.