Curriculum Build Statuses

A build status refers to the life cycle of a curriculum item.

Create build statuses, using institutionally defined phrases, for use with curriculum items such as programs. An example is Open for Admission.

Access the Curriculum Build Statuses page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Curriculum Build Statuses.

Map a build status to a curriculum build status of Active or Inactive. The curriculum build status controls how a curriculum item is handled in the application and on externally facing search UIs. For example, map a program with a build status of In Review to a curriculum build status of Inactive. This means that the program isn't available in search pages for students and guests.

Curriculum Types

Associate a build status with one or more predefined curriculum types such as program. The build status is then available in the Build Status field when you create a curriculum item of that type. For example, in the Build Status field on the Create Program page. Enter a number in the Sort Order field to control the order in which the build status appears on the create page.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load curriculum build statuses using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Create Curriculum Registry Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet