
When events occur in Oracle Student Management Cloud, they can trigger communications to send to subscribers. Examples of events include enrollment in scheduled courses, submittal of admissions applications, generation of bills for students, amd many more.

Access the System Events work area: From Student Central, click Search, click the Academic Settings icon, and expand System Events. Here you can access these areas:

  • Event Metrics

    View statistics about events in a given time frame, such as total events, events by a particular status, and success rate of delivery.

  • Event Subscribers
    View the subscribers to events. When an event triggers, communications are sent to those subscribed to the event.
    Note: As of the 23D release, subscribers are limited to the currently-existing endpoints in the application.
  • Events

    View a list of active and inactive events. You can click an event name in the list to view details of the event, including the event code, payload format, and description. Click the View Event Metrics link on the page to view metrics for the event.

    Browse through the events that were initiated in a particular time frame. Use the filtering options to drill down to events with a particular status. Search for a particular generated event.

    Retry initiating an event if the event has failed.

Here are examples of delivered events:

  • Admissions application submission.

  • Admit decision made.

  • Admit decision made and payment is required for enrollment.

  • Admission deny decision made.

  • An invitation is sent to a recommender to submit a recommendation on behalf of an applicant.

  • Enrollment in a scheduled course.

    A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

  • A scheduled course drop.

  • Cancellation of a scheduled course.

  • Addition of a scheduled course meeting.

  • Cancellation of a scheduled course meeting.

  • Instructor's announcements for students in a course roster.

  • Payment to a student or sponsor account.

  • Charges posted to a student or sponsor account.

  • Refund posted to a student or sponsor account.

  • Bill generated for a student or sponsor account.

  • The payment initiated through student self service was received.

  • No payment was required through student self service and the enrollment was successful.

  • A student selected manual fee payment option.

  • A bill is due reminder.

  • A checklist is assigned.

  • A checklist is due reminder.

  • A checklist is completed.

  • A task is assigned.

  • A task is due reminder.

  • A task is completed.

You can see all the delivered events by clicking Add Event on the new category page or the edit category page.