Manage Access to Academic Group Data

Use data profiles to control user access to academic group data. This ensures that a registrar and academic coordinator can create, view, edit and search for only academic groups that they're responsible for.

Use the Manage Application Access task to create a data profile based on a business object. Then assign that profile, with the relevant privilege, to a role or user. Some data profiles are predefined for the business objects. On the Data Profiles page, a value of Yes shows in the Predefined field.

You can control user access to viewing and editing academic groups by these attributes:

  • Institution

  • Academic Level

  • Academic Organization

  • Academic Group

You can control user access to creating academic groups by the same list of attributes except for academic group.

You can control access by one attribute, multiple attributes, or all attributes. You can control access for specific roles and for individual users.

Manage Academic Groups

Create data profiles for the Academic Group business object. You can also use predefined data profiles. These data profiles impact the access of a user to manage and view academic group data in the Curriculum, Academic Groups UI:

  • An Academic Group data profile, with the Manage Academic Group privilege, controls which academic groups a user can manage. For example, a user can search for, view, and update only Undergraduate level academic groups.

  • An Academic Group data profile, with the View Academic Group privilege, controls which academic groups a user can search for and view only.

Create Academic Groups

To control which academic groups a user can create, use data profiles to secure the prompts that are used to create a group. In the Manage Application Access task, create a data profile for the business object that relates to the prompt. You can also use predefined data profiles.

Here's an example. For the Academic Level prompt, you create a data profile for the Academic Level business object. When you assign the profile to a user, you select the predefined privilege Create Academic Group on Academic Level. You select the Undergraduate and Professional academic levels. This means that when a user creates an academic group in the Curriculum: Academic Groups UI, the user can select only Undergraduate or Professional in the Academic Level field.

Here are the business objects and related privileges that you can use for your data profiles.

Business Object


Academic Institution

Create Academic Group on Academic Institution

Academic Organization

Create Academic Group on Academic Organization

Academic Level

Create Academic Group on Academic Level