Manage Fee Associations

To charge an application fee, you need to link the fee to the program. You might also want to set up postprocessing options to indicate how you want to handle applications if there are issues posting payment to students’ accounts.

Before you start, make sure you've already created an application fee.
  1. To access the page, from Student Central search for Fees, then click Fee Associations.
  2. Click Create Fee Association to link an application fee to a program, or click an existing fee association to edit it.

    When creating a fee association, take note of these fields:

    • Postprocessing Options indicates what you would like the process to do once an application is submitted. We recommend you select Always complete to prevent students or applicants from making multiple payments when there are issues posting transactions to their accounts.

      Note that you still have to manually reconcile all transactions that aren't successfully created. And you would have to notify the student and administrator when there are issues posting transactions to students' accounts.

    • In Fee Name, select the application fee you created in Miscellaneous Fees.
    • Select the Academic Level and Academic Group that the application fee applies to. Anyone applying to the program must complete the application form and pay the application fee.

A successful payment is required for an application to be considered submitted. This is why we recommend you select the postprocessing option to always complete so that applications are assigned a submitted status even if there are issues with posting payments to an applicant’s account. Otherwise, if payment fails, the application remains in “In Progress” status until payment is successful.

What to do next

You may need to set up notifications to inform administrators and students when transactions fail to post to student accounts. See Create Notifications About Payment Issues.