Manage Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous fees can be application fees, general fees, or other fees for charges not directly associated with tuition. So it can also be admissions application fees, facility rental, or course supplies.

You may need to charge students with fees that aren't tuition-related. You can use miscellaneous fees for that purpose. Currently, we support:
  • Application fee
  • General fee
  • Miscellaneous fee

To access the page, from the Finances work area click Actions > Manage Miscellaneous Fees.

When you're creating a fee, take note of these fields:

  • In Type, select the type of fee you want to create.
  • In Transaction Source, select the receivables transaction source you want to associate with the application fee.
  • Selecting Allow discount indicates you're allowing discounts to be applied to the fee. This check box only appears when you create miscellaneous and application fees.
  • In Due Date, select the appropriate due date schedule to determine the due date of the fee.
  • In Start Date, set the date when the fee becomes active.

For an application fee, you can use the start and end dates to specify different fee amounts in the same application fee. For example, you can add an amount with only a start date. In another row, you can add an amount with a different start date and an end date.

What to do next

If you created an application fee and want to apply it to a program, you need to link the application fee to the program. See Manage Fee Associations.