Period Sequences

Create a chronological sequence of academic reporting periods that mirrors the institutional calendar.

You must create period sequences as part of the required setup for the Student Course Schedule. Configure Your Academic Structures for the Student Course Schedule

Create reporting period sequences by institution and academic level. For example, you might create an undergraduate sequence and a graduate sequence. Or when the institutional calendar is the same for both undergraduate and graduate, you might create a sequence that's shared between undergraduate and graduate students. The sequences you create provide a time line of study for students in their Course Schedule. The period in which a sequence begins is based on the admit period at the academic group level in the student program record.

Access the Academic Period Sequencing page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Period Sequencing.

When you create a sequence, enter a sequence name and then select an institution and academic level.

To add sequence periods, click Add Period, search for reporting periods by date range, and select the periods. You can go back later and add more periods for the sequence as needed. After you add the reporting periods, you can see them listed in order for the sequence. You can expand a period to view the academic periods associated with it (informational only).

You can indicate that a reporting period is optional. For example, if you select the Optional check box for a Summer period, that period doesn't show automatically in a student's course schedule but the student can add the period to their schedule.