Configure the New Item Request Approval Phase

You can configure the new item request approval as user defined or rules based. User defined approval lets you add users or user groups as approvers, without specifying any conditions. Rules-based approval lets you create complex rules for managing the workflow.

During the approval phase, approval notifications are routed to the approvers (or participants). Notifications can be addressed to individual users or to multiple users in a predefined user group. Users can approve or reject the new item request from the notification.

Best Practices for Approval

Here are some best practices for assigning the new item request approval to a role:

  • It's recommended that you limit the number of users in the role to 50.

  • When the role is expanded into a comma separated list, the number of characters in the list should not exceed 2000.

How Role Expansion Works

In the new item request's Approvers table, roles are expanded to show all members of the role only in certain cases.

  • If the approver is a role and Response Required From is set to All, the role is expanded to show all its members.

  • If only one response is required on a user-defined approval and roles have been added as approvers, the roles are not expanded to show their members.

In either case, all members of the role receive notifications on completion of the new item request workflow, and you can track who signed off. Note that the Assignee field in the notification is also not expanded to show all role members.

How You Configure the Approval

Here's how you configure the approval in a new item request type:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: New Item Requests

    • Task: Manage New Item Request Type Details

  2. Click the Workflow tab and select the approval phase.

  3. Select the automatic demotion status for approval.

  4. Select the entry criteria for the new item request to proceed to the next status.

  5. Assignment Method: Select User Defined or Rules Based.

    User defined approval lets you add users or user groups as approvers, without specifying any conditions.

    Rules-based approval lets you create complex rules for managing the workflow. You use the BPM Worklist to create complex approval rules based on item, attributes, or attribute groups.

    Note: New item approval rules are defined and managed through the Approval Management Engine. For information on how approval rules are defined and managed, see the Oracle Cloud Developing SOA Applications with Oracle SOA Suite guide.
  6. Response Required From: Select One or All.

    If you set Response Required From as One and the new item request is assigned to a role, only one user with that role needs to complete the task.

    If you set it as All, all users with that role must complete the task.

    You can also configure optional approvers.

  7. Click Save.