Process Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems

Use the Process Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems scheduled process to update to the status of help desk requests based on maintenance work order status updates.

Help desk request status updates are processed synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the method of the work order update. By default, work order status updates executed in the Work Order UI or REST API are processed synchronously through the help desk request REST API. For asynchronous transactions, like file-based data import (FBDI), run the Progress Asset Transactions to Downstream Systems scheduled process when needed to process the updates. Also, if status updates aren’t required in real time for synchronous transactions, set a profile option to defer the updates until the scheduled process for asynchronous transactions is submitted.

When to Use

You must run the scheduled process if you are updating maintenance work order status values using FBDI and need status updates for any corresponding help desk requests.

To process all updates to the help desk request statuses in a deferred mode, set the profile option to ORA_MNT_ISR_DEFER_MODE:

  • If set to N (the default value), ISR updates are synchronous for Scheduled Processes UI or REST API work order updates. For FBDI updates, you must run the scheduled process.
  • If set to Y, ISR updates will run in deferred mode and can only be completed by running the scheduled process for both synchronous and asynchronous work order status updates.

Privileges Required

  • Process Asset Transactions (MNT_PROCESS_ASSET_TXNS_PRIV)


Specification Description
Job Type

On demand, if you run the process after importing an FBDI file for a unique import batch number.

Scheduled, if you set the profile to process status updates in a deferred mode.

Frequency As needed, after importing the FBDI file. Daily, if in a deferred mode.
Time of Day After all updates to maintenance work orders have been processed.
Duration Typically, less than a few minutes. Depends on the volume of data being created or updated.
Compatibility Only one instance of the job should be running at any one time.


The process typically runs without parameters on demand or on a scheduled basis.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the submitted process on the Scheduled Processes UI. A Succeeded status indicates that the process, as well as any child processes, has completed successfully.
  • A Warning or Error indicates that issues were encountered. The specific validation errors and warning messages that prevented the process from completing successfully display in the error logs.
  • Interactive warning validations are not performed.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes UI:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel it
    • Release it

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