Settle Multiple Claims

Deduction departments might be responsible for resolving millions of deductions each year. A single dispute or issue might have hundreds of related deductions.

Mass Settlement allows claim analysts to quickly and efficiently resolve and submit multiple related open deductions together, rather than settle each claim separately.

You can mass settle deductions, invoice deductions or manual claims with a nonpromotional credit memo. The manual write off settlement method is supported for deductions and invoice deductions. After claims are mass settled, you can search for them by mass settlement number.

The Mass Settle capability provides you with the ability to:

  • Search and select multiple customer claims, limited to manual claims, deduction, and invoice deductions.

  • Confirm you have selected the correct claims.

  • Resolve selected claims either by credit memo with a single item, single memo line description, or as a manual write-off with a receivables activity.

The table below summarizes what claim sources can be resolved, how claims can be resolved, and the resulting Receivables transaction in each use case.

Selected Claim Sources

Resolve by

Settlement via Receivables Transaction

Invoice Deduction

Credit Memo

  • With single item

  • With single-line description

Credit Memo - On Invoice

Invoice Deduction


  • With receivables activity

Write-Off Adjustment


Credit Memo

  • With single item

  • With single-line description

Credit Memo - On Account

Manual Claim

Credit Memo

  • With single item

  • With single-line description

Credit Memo - On Account



  • With receivables activity

Receipt Write-Off

How to Settle Multiple Claims

To settle multiple claims, do the following:

  1. On the Claims page, search and select multiple customer claims, limited to manual, deduction, and invoice deduction claims.
  2. Click Settle.
  3. On the Mass Settle Claims page, update the following attributes, as required:
    • Settlement Method: You can choose from Credit Memo or Manual Write-off.
    • Claim Type
    • Claim Reason
    • Mass Settlement Number: Optionally, provide a unique Mass Settlement Number or let the application generate one for you.
    • Owner
    • Additional Information: descriptive flexfields with a global context
    • Notes
    • Attachments
  4. Click Submit to start the mass settle. Make a note of the Mass Settlement Number for future reference at this time. The Mass Settle Claims scheduled process is initiated automatically to ensure a responsive user experience.