How You Report an Operation Transaction Using Quick Complete

The Quick Complete method enables you to easily complete an operation step directly from the Maintenance Dispatch List results rows. Once completed, this method will automatically report any applicable operation transactions for materials and resources.

The quick complete mode enables you to quickly create one or more operation transactions from the maintenance dispatch list. This mode can only be used for the operation transactions that don't require any additional inputs. The quick complete mode is available only if there's no lot or serial controlled operation pull component in the work order operation. The Quick Complete button is disabled if the work order button is disabled for work orders with a mandatory inspection plan until you enter inspection results for the work orders.

An operation transaction is only eligible for Quick Complete if:

  • Materials have a supply type of Operation pull or Assembly pull, but don't require additional inputs such as lot or serial number
  • Materials have a supply type of Operation pull or Assembly pull, and the default supply subinventories are predefined in the operation items or by the Default Supply Subinventory plant parameter
  • Resources have a charge type of Automatic and do not require additional inputs
  • There are of multiple transactions and all transactions pass the above validations
  • There is not a mandatory Quality Inspection Plan

On successful completion of the operation transaction, a confirmation message is displayed on the Maintenance Dispatch List page showing the transaction details. In case of error, a message with error details is displayed on the Maintenance Dispatch List page.