How You Report an Operation Transaction

The report operation transactions feature enables you to report the progress at the maintenance work order operation level. An operation transaction is an execution transaction that moves the dispatch status from one to another in a count point operation, including operations that can be resequenced, in the work order operations. The operation transactions are generated when the work order progresses from one operation to another.

You can report the operation transactions on the Maintenance Dispatch List Page.

Operation Transaction Types

Two types of operation transaction exist: complete transaction and reverse transactions. You can perform the complete transactions to complete the respective activities. The complete transaction for the last operation must be performed from the ready dispatch status. You can correct any errors by performing the reverse transactions. The reverse transaction reverses the status of the operation transacted earlier. The reverse transactions are performed from the complete dispatch status. The complete and reverse transactions are recorded as separate transactions.

The operation transactions must be reported at the count point operations only. The operation for the automatically transact operations are automatically reported when an operation transaction for the next count point operation is reported. Similarly, for the reverse transactions, the status is automatically reversed at the automatically transact operation if the status is manually reversed at the previous count point operation.

Note: The operation transactions aren't supported for the optional operations.

Modes of Reporting Operation Transactions

The following are the two modes for reporting the operation transactions manually:

  • Quick Complete: You can use the quick complete mode to create the operation transactions in just two clicks. This mode can be used only if the maintenance work order has all the necessary data for the transaction and the transaction doesn't require any additional inputs. You can use the quick complete mode to create multiple operation transactions in one transaction cycle.

    The quick complete action isn't allowed for those operations that has at least one resource with a job profile or equipment profile whose charge type is Automatic. For more information, refer to the Reporting Operation Transactions Using Quick Complete: Explained topic.
  • Complete with Details: You can use the complete with details mode when the transaction requires you to review and update the transaction data, such as materials consumed, resources charged, and so on. You can also use this mode to provide the additional details for the transaction, such as lot and serial information for the components, supply subinventories for the components, and so on. This mode requires navigation through multiple pages but provides the flexibility to update the transaction data that's derived from the work order. For more information, refer to the Reporting Operation Transactions Using Complete with Details: Explained topic.