Overview of Service Mapping

A service mapping is a map that creates relationships between services, sources, entities, and attributes.

These source and destination entities are available for mapping to Installed Base Assets:

  • Sales Order Header and Sales Order Lines (source entities)
  • Installed Base Assets (destination entity)

After you set up the integration and create a sales order, the information loads on the Sales Order flexfield or Sales Order line flexfield, and then transfers to the destination attributes. Destination attributes can be either Installed Base Asset Descriptive flexfields or Application Composer custom fields.

To create service mappings, you must have the Installed Base Administrator privilege.

Use these tasks in the Manage Maintenance work area to create and manage service mappings:

  • Manage Service Mapping
  • Manage Algorithms
  • Manage Sales Order to Asset Data Correction in Spreadsheet

Manage Service Mapping

Use this task to create or access the sandbox used to define the actual mapping of the entities. All mapping is first done within a sandbox before you deploy the mappings to your production environment.

Manage Algorithms

An algorithm is a set of rules that uses conditional logic, variables, functions, and Groovy scripting to manipulate data. After you have created your service mappings in your sandbox, you use the Manage Algorithms task to write Groovy Scripts used to execute the mapping. The algorithm references the service mappings that you created in your sandbox.

Manage Sales Order to Asset Data Correction in Spreadsheet

When creating assets, service mapping data that fail destination field validations will be identified in the process error logs. Use the in-session ADFdi spreadsheet, Manage Sales Order to Asset Data Collection in Spreadsheet, to correct these source-data issues. The spreadsheet is available from the task menu in the Maintenance Management work area. After you reprocess the mapping, a confirmation message will confirm successful completion. You then can verify the data on the Asset Overview page.