Process More Than One Change Request in a Single Purchase Order

Improve the efficiency of how you handle change requests.

If you receive more than one change request for a purchase order, then you can use this feature to group them and process them together in one purchase order. Use this feature when the change request starts with a sales order in your back-to-back flow or with a work order in your outside processing flow.

Here's how it works.

  1. Order Management or Manufacturing sends one or more change requests for a purchase order to Supply Chain Orchestration.

  2. Supply Chain Orchestration groups these change requests then waits according to a duration that you specify. If it receives any more change requests for the purchase order during the duration, then it adds them to the group.

  3. Supply Chain Orchestration sends the group of change requests to Purchasing when the duration expires.

  4. Purchasing processes all the change requests that are in the group together.


  • If Purchasing is already processing another change for the purchase order when it receives the change requests in a group, then Supply Chain Orchestration marks all the supply lines in that group as in error and displays an error message. You can use the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to manually resubmit the change request.

  • If you select at least one supply line, then Supply Chain Orchestration automatically picks all supply lines in the group and resubmits the change request to Purchasing.

Set it Up

  1. Enable the feature.

    • Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.

    • In the row that contains Supply Chain Orchestration in the Name column, click the pencil.

    • Enable the Process More Than One Change Request in a Single Purchase Order feature.

    • Click Done > Done.

  2. Specify the time frame to aggregate requests.

    • On the Setup page, click Tasks > Search, then search for and open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

    • On the Manage Administrator Profile Values, search the Profile Display Name attribute for Time to Wait While Processing Multiple Change Requests.

    • In the Profile Value attribute, specify the number of minutes to wait and aggregate change requests. The default value is 5 minutes.

    • Click Save and Close.