Modify Algorithm When Using Matrix

If you modify the result column of a pricing matrix or use an extensible flexfield with a pricing matrix, then you must modify an algorithm step.

Assume you add an extensible flexfield to a discount adjustment. Here's the set up you need to do.

  1. Click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  2. On the Manage Algorithms page, search for, then open the algorithm you must edit.

    If You Use This Matrix Type

    Then Modify This Algorithm Step

    In This Pricing Algorithm

    Pricing Segment

    Derive Pricing Segment

    Get Sales Pricing Strategy

    Sales Pricing Strategy Assignment

    Get Header Strategy

    Get Sales Pricing Strategy

    Price List Charge Adjustment

    Discount Adjustment

    Pricing Term Adjustment

    Evaluate Pricing Matrices

    Apply Matrices

    Line Strategy

    Get Pricing Strategy

    Get Line Pricing Strategy

    Pricing Charge Guideline

    Evaluate Pricing Matrices

    Apply Matrix Rules for Guidelines

    Pricing runs the predefined step at run time to process the pricing matrix.

    For this example, search for, then open Apply Matrices for editing.

    Pricing runs the predefined step at run time to process the pricing matrix.
  3. On the Edit Algorithm page, click the step that contains Evaluate Pricing Matrices in the Name column.

  4. In the Step Details area, click the step that contains Matrix in the Name Column, then examine the code in the Variable Path column.

    finest {'DynamicMatrixId: '+MatrixQ.DynamicMatrixId}; dynamicMatrix(MatrixQ.DynamicMatrixId, Line.PricingDate, ServiceParam.CacheEnabledFlag != null ? ServiceParam.CacheEnabledFlag : true)

    Here's the format of the path to the Matrix data set.

    dynamicMatrix(MatrixId, effectivityDate, enableCache)





    Identifies the pricing matrix to evaluate.


    Date to compare against the start date and end date of the pricing matrix.



    • True. Cache the matrix rules.

    • False. Don't cache.

    Most steps come with other predefined data sets, such as.

    • Charge

    • Line

    • Header

    • LineAttribute

    • ItemExtensibleAttribute

    • ServiceParam

    To reduce maintenance, use a predefined data set. If none of the predefined data sets meet your needs, then add a new one.

    If you use an item extensible attribute or extensible flexfield in a condition column, then you must add a data set. For example, here's a data set you could use to support an extensible flexfield that you add on the order header.


    Variable Path


    Data Set Join




    • Name is identical to the data set name.

    For this example.


    Zero or one


  5. In the Step Details area, scroll down, locate the First Row Actions section, then examine the code.

    • The algorithm runs this code for the first record that the query returns.

    • Pricing runs this code for each pricing matrix type except for the pricing guideline. It runs the Each Row Action for the pricing guideline.

    • Keep these points in mind during setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Here's the complete code for the first row action. You must modify it in some situations. For details, see Manage Pricing Algorithms.

finest('Processing Matrix RuleId: '+Matrix.DynamicMatrixRuleId)
MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisId = Matrix.AdjustmentBasisId
MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = Matrix.AdjustmentAmount
MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode = Matrix.AdjustmentTypeCode
MatrixQ.DynamicMatrixRuleId = Matrix.DynamicMatrixRuleId
MatrixQ.ConditionString = Matrix.MatchConditions.join(' ')
MatrixQ.ResultString =  Matrix.MatchResults.join(' ')

/*if ( Matrix.AdjustmentTypeCode?.contains('PERCENT') )
    Basis = (BasisComp.locate([PriceElementCode:Matrix.AdjustmentBasis]))?.UnitPrice?.Value
finest('Basis Value: ' + Basis)
MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(Matrix.AdjustmentTypeCode, Basis, Matrix.AdjustmentAmount, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
MatrixQ.DynamicMatrixRuleId = Matrix.DynamicMatrixRuleId

// currency conversion
if (MatrixQ.FromCurrencyCode!=Charge.CurrencyCode ) {
    if ( 'ERROR'==ConvRate?.MessageTypeCode ) {
        finest('creating line message')
        Line.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
        Charge.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
        Term.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
        msg = Message.locate([ParentEntityCode:'LINE',ParentEntityId:Line.LineId,MessageText:ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage])
        if ( msg==null ) {
            // create new error message for Line
            msg = Message.insert([PricingMessageId:getNextId()])
            msg.MessageName = ConvRate.PrcMessageName
            msg.MessageText = ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage
            msg.ParentEntityCode = 'LINE'
            msg.ParentEntityId = Line.LineId
            msg.MessageTypeCode = ConvRate.MessageTypeCode
    else {
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue *= ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1
        finer('\tConverted currency, 1 '+MatrixQ.FromCurrencyCode+' = '+ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1+' '+Charge.CurrencyCode)
// end currency conversion