
Here you'll understand the privileges for customer channel flows.

You can assign these privileges to your users based on their responsibilities.





Assigned to Role

Approve Customer Claims



If you haven't opted into the Approve Customer Claims with BPM Workflow feature, then this privilege allows viewing and approval of customer claims.

If you have opted into the Approve Customer Claims with BPM Workflow feature, then this privilege allows the approver to view all the details of the claim in the notification.

Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)
Approve Customer Programs UI CJM_APPROVE_CUSTOMER_PROGRAMS_PRIV If you have opted into the Approve Customer Programs with BPM Workflow feature, then this privilege allows the approver to view and approve the customer program in the notification. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
Extract Customer Accruals ESS CJM_EXTRACT_CUSTOMER_ACCRUALS_PRIV Allows exporting of customer accruals.

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Customer Channel Program Viewing (Duty Role)

Extract Customer Accruals BIP CJM_EXTRACT_CUSTOMER_ACCRUALS_PRIV_OBI Allows exporting of customer accruals.

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Customer Channel Program Viewing (Duty Role)

Get Channel Customer Checkbook Balances using REST Service


CJM_GET_CHANNEL_CUSTOMER_CHECKBOOK_BAL_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Gets the customer checkbook balances using REST service. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
Get Channel Customer Program Checkbook Balances using REST Service


CJM_GET_CHANNEL_CUSTOMER_PGM_CHECKBOOK_BAL_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Gets the program checkbook balances using REST service. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
Get Channel Item Validation Organization using REST Service REST CJM_GET_CHANNEL_ITEM_VAL_ORG_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Gets the item validation organization using REST service.

Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Get Item Rest REST EGP_GET_ITEM_REST_PRIV Allows query access to items through the REST API.

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)

Manage Channel Customer Mass Claim using REST Service REST CJM_MANAGE_CUSTOMER_MASS_CLAIM_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Enables creation, update, deletion, and viewing of channel customer mass claims using REST service. Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)
Manage Channel Customer Programs using REST Service REST CJM_MANAGE_CHANNEL_CUSTOMER_PROGRAM_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Enables creation, update, deletion, and viewing of channel customer programs and their child entities using REST service. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
Manage Customer Claims


CJM_MANAGE_CUSTOMER_CLAIMS_PRIV Enables update, and viewing of customer claims. Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)
Manage Customer Manual Adjustments using REST Service REST CJM_MANAGE_CUSTOMER_MANUAL_ADJUSTMENT_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Enables creating and viewing customer manual adjustments using REST service. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Manage Customer Programs



Enables creation, update, deletion, and viewing of customer programs and their child entities.

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Search Channel Customer Available Accruals using REST Service REST CJM_SEARCH_CHANNEL_CUSTOMER_AVAILABLE_ACCRUAL_REST_SERVICE_PRIV Enables searching of channel customer available accruals using REST service. Channel Claims Management (Duty Role)
View Customers Fucntion AR_VIEW_CUSTOMERS_PRIV Allows the viewing of the customer, account and the site information. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
View Customer Checkbook


CJM_VIEW_CUSTOMER_CHECKBOOK_PRIV Allows viewing of customer checkbook. Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)
View Customer Claims


CJM_VIEW_CUSTOMER_CLAIMS_PRIV Allows viewing of all customer claims. Channel Claims Viewing (Duty Role)

View Customer Programs



Allows viewing of all customer programs and their child entities.

Customer Channel Program Viewing (Duty Role)

View Only Activity REST ZMM_VIEW_ONLY_ACTIVITY_PRIV Allows only viewing of activities.

Customer Channel Program Management (Duty Role)

Customer Channel Program Viewing (Duty Role)