Outsourced Manufacturing Flows

Depending on the nature of business, an enterprise may choose to outsource its manufacturing activities using either contract manufacturing or outside processing:

  • Contract Manufacturing: When you completely outsource the manufacturing process. That is, you outsource the entire product manufacturing process to a supplier.

  • Outside Processing (OSP): When you partially outsource the manufacturing process. That is, you outsource one or more product manufacturing operations to suppliers and process the rest in-house.

In Fiscal Document Capture, use the following two flows for contract and outside processing scenarios:

  • Acquisition of Contract Services: Create fiscal documents for acquisition of contract services that may or may not match the purchase orders, and contain transactions that may or may not involve payments.

  • Acquisition of OSP Services: Create fiscal documents for acquisition of outside processing services that may or may not match the purchase orders, and contain transactions that may or may not involve payments.

You can also create the following complimentary fiscal documents:

  • Price and Tax complimentary fiscal documents for contract manufacturing using the Acquisition of Contract Services Complimentary flow.

  • Price, Quantity, and Tax complimentary fiscal documents for outside processing using the Acquisition of OSP Services Complimentary flow.

Note: Fiscal Document Capture currently doesn't support the consecutive outside processing operations flow.