Set Up Business-to-Business Messaging in Order Management

Use the Collaboration Messaging work area to set up the business-to-business flow in Order Management.

Assume you must create a relationship between your Computer Service and Rentals customer, who resides in Oracle Applications, and your Computer Associates trading partner.

  • Allow Computer Service and Rentals to receive sales orders, updates, and cancellations from Computer Associates

  • Allow Computer Service and Rentals to send acknowledgments and shipments to Computer Associates

Summary of the Steps

  1. Identify the trading partner and messages to send and receive.

  2. Create a relationship between trading partner and customer.

  3. Simulate collaboration messaging.

  4. Import source orders.

  5. Process the sales order in shipping.

  6. Examine the results.

This topic uses example values. You might need different values, depending on your business requirements.

Identify the Trading Partner and Messages to Send and Receive

  1. Get the privileges that are in the B2B Messaging Administration Duty role, then sign into Oracle Applications.

    These predefined job roles have the privileges.

    • Order Entry Specialist

    • Order Manager

    • Order Administrator

    • Warehouse Manager

    This topic uses predefined job roles. You must create your own job roles, depending on your security requirements. For details, see Privileges That You Need to Implement Order Management.

  2. Go to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

  3. Click Tasks > Manage Trading Partners.

  4. On the Manage Trading Partners page, click Actions > Create.

    Use Manage Trading Partners to communicate with a trading partner directly or through a service provider. For example, communicate through a service provider to set up a solution where the trading partner must use EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), a modified XML format, a proprietary format, and so on.

    In this example, you set up the configuration to communicate directly with the trading partner.

  5. In the Create Trading Partner dialog, set the values, then click Save and Close.



    Service Provider


    Computer Service and Rentals will communicate directly with Computer Associates instead of going through a service provider, so set this attribute to None.

    Trading Partner ID


    Partner ID Type


  6. Specify how to send messages to the trading partner.

    In the Delivery Methods tab, click Actions > Add Row, set the values, then click Save and Close.





    Delivery Method

    Web Service

    Service Name


    Not applicable

    This integration uses the Process method of the CollaborationMessage web service. Make sure the trading partner already deployed this web service on their server.

    Security Policy



    Enter the URL that locates the server and port that the trading partner uses at their location as the end point for their web services.

    For example:

    User Name

    Enter the user name that the trading partner server requires to access the endpoint.


    Enter the password that the trading partner server requires to access the endpoint.

  7. Set up the messages that Collaboration Messaging sends to the trading partner.

    Click Outbound Collaboration Messages, then add these rows.


    Collaboration Message








    • Set the Status to Active for each message.

    • Enter text that describes the message contents.

  8. Click Save

  9. Set up the messages that Collaboration Messaging receives from the trading partner.

    Click Inbound Collaboration Messages, then add these messages.


    Collaboration Message







    Set the Status to Active for each message.

  10. Click Save and Close.

Create a Relationship Between Trading Partner and Customer

You will create a relationship between customer Computer Service and Rentals and the trading partner, Computer Associates. You also identify the documents that you must enable for the partner.

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, on the Overview page, click Tasks > Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration.

  2. On the Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration page, search for the customer who will receive communications from the trading partner.

    For this example, enter Computer Service and Rentals. Assume you already set up Computer Service and Rentals as a customer. If you haven't, then you must do so now. For details, see Import Customer Data for Your Sales Orders.

  3. In the search results, if more than one row exists for this customer, then click the row that includes a check mark in the Ship to Party option and the Collaboration Configured option, then click Edit Collaboration Configuration.

  4. On the Edit Customer Collaboration Configuration page, in the Associated Service Providers area, click Actions > Add Row, then set the values.



    Service Provider


    Trading Partner ID


    Note that you specified this ID earlier in this topic when you identified the trading partner.

    Order Processing Business Unit

    Specify the business unit that processes each sales order that Order Management receives. For this example, Computer Service and Rentals resides in the Vision Operations business unit, so select Vision Operations.

    Application Partner Code

    Accept the default value.

  5. In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider area, add these documents.








    • You use this area to specify the documents that this customer will communicate with the trading partner.

    • Set the Association Status to Enabled for each document.

  6. Click Save and Close, then click Done.

    The customer can now communicate with the trading partner.

Simulate Collaboration Messaging

  1. Click Tasks > Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging Setup.

  2. On the Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging Setup page, set the values.



    Service Provider


    From Partner ID


    Not applicable

    You will be testing a flow that sends a new source order from the trading partner, Computer Associates, so you use the Partner ID that you specified earlier in this topic.

    External Message ID

    Enter the number that identifies the message you're testing, such as 08192016_001.

    External Message Name


    Processing Service


  3. Click Create Message Payload.

    Notice that the Message Payload area uses the settings that you specified in step 2 to create, then display the XML that this test will use to communicate the message. You can modify the XML, if necessary.

  4. Click Process.

    A separate web service in Collaboration Messaging simulates communication from the trading partner. It receives the XML document, validates it, then displays a Processing Confirmation dialog that includes the XML result of the test. If the test is successful, then the XML will include this code.


  5. Make a note of the line that includes the message ID, such as.


    In this example, IN_8001 is the message ID.

Import Source Orders

The simulation created a simulated source order. Next, you import it order into Order Management and view it.

  1. Use a scheduled process to import the source orders. For details, see Import Orders Into Order Management.

    • When you run the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process, set the Data File to the file that Messaging Framework created when you simulated collaboration messaging. The data file will include a concatenation of the document name plus the message ID. For example:

    • Set the Source System to ORA_ELECTRONIC_DOCUMENTS when you run the Import Sales Orders scheduled process. Order Management uses this predefined source system for each source order it receives from the trading partner.

    • As an option, in the Batch Name parameter, specify the unique ID of the message you received, such as 08192016_001.

    • Order Management uses the setup from the Pricing work area to determine pricing. It will ignore any pricing data that the source order contains.

    • When the Import Sales Orders scheduled process finishes, Order Management can process the sales orders through order fulfillment.

  2. In the Order Management work area, on the Overview page, search for the simulated order, such as Demo_Order.

  3. In the search results, note that the value in the Source Order attribute includes the order number you simulated, such as Demo_Order_0819_001.

  4. In the Order column, click the order number.

  5. On the Order page, notice that the order status is Processing, and the fulfillment line status is Awaiting Shipping, which indicates that Order Management released the sales order to order fulfillment.

    The messaging framework creates an acknowledgment message, then publishes it to the trading partner.

Process the Sales Order in Shipping

  1. In the Shipments work area, on the Overview page, search for the sales order you noted in the Source Order attribute earlier, such as Demo_Order_0819_001.

  2. On the Edit Shipment Line page, click Cancel.

  3. On the Manage Shipment Lines page, click Actions > Pick Release, then click Save and Close.

  4. On the Overview page, search for Demo_Order_0819_001.

  5. On the Edit Shipment Line page, notice that the Line Status is Staged, then click the link next to Shipment.

  6. On the Edit Shipment page, click Ship Confirm, then click Save and Close.

    Shipping creates an event. Collaboration Messaging subscribes to this event.

  7. On the Manage Shipments page, in the row for your shipment, notice that the ASN Status is Sent.

    This status indicates that Shipping sent the ASN status to Collaboration Messaging.

Examine the Results in Collaboration Messaging

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click Tasks, then click Manage Collaboration Messaging History.

  2. In the Search area, set the value, then click Search.





  3. In the Messages area, in the External Message ID column, click the row that references the message you simulated earlier, such as 08192016_001.

  4. Click Actions, then click a menu item.

    Menu Item


    View Source Document

    View the input XML that Collaboration Messaging received from the trading partner.

    View Output Document

    View the output XML that Collaboration Messaging converted from the input XML, and then sent to Order Management.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Click Tasks > Manage Collaboration Messaging History.

  7. Examine the results of the acknowledgment.

    In the Search area, set the value, then click Search.





  8. Examine the results of the shipment.

    In the Search area, set the value, then click Search.


