Extend Return Orders

Use an order management extension to manage your return orders.

Copy Extensible Flexfield Values from the Original Fulfillment Line to Return Order

This example copies extensible flexfield values from the original fulfillment line to a return order.

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;
import java.util.logging.Level;
Long lineId = 0;
Long headerId = 0;
def lines = header.getAttribute("Lines");
while( lines.hasNext() ) {
 def line = lines.next();
  String categoryCode = line.getAttribute("TransactionCategoryCode");
  if ("RETURN" != categoryCode) continue;
  def docRefs = line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");
  lineId = 0;
 while(docRefs.hasNext() & lineId == 0) {
   def docRef = docRefs.next();
   String docRefType = docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");
     // We found the document reference that references the original order.
     // The DocumentSubLineIdentifier attribute identifies the fulfillment line on the original order.
     lineId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentSubLineIdentifier"));
     if(headerId == 0) {
         // The DocumentIdentifier attribute identifies the header of the original order.
         headerId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
       if (headerId !=0){
           def voRow = getContextHeaderRow(headerId, "HeaderBIEffBComplianceDetailsBIVO");
           def complianceInfo = voRow.getAttribute("_ComplianceInfo");
           def context = header.getOrCreateContextRow("ComplianceDetails");
  if ( lineId != 0) {
   // throw new ValidationException(lineId.toString());
    def oLine = getLine(lineId);
    if (oLine == null) continue;
   def Ocontext = oLine.getAttribute("FulfillLineBIEffEFFBIFlattened");
    def oContextRow = Ocontext.first();
        def oattr1 = oContextRow.getAttribute("DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_FulfillLineContext1_EffLineId");
    def oattr = oContextRow.getAttribute("DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_FulfillLineContext1__FL1AttributeNum1");
      def voRow = getContextVORow(lineId, "FulfillLineBIEffBPackShipInstructionBIVO");
  def contNum1 = voRow.getAttribute("_PackingInstruction");
    def context = line.getOrCreateContextRow("PackShipInstruction");
      //  context.setAttribute("_FL1AttributeNum1",23323);
  throw new ValidationException("We couldn't find a value.");
// def effValues = line.getOrCreateContextRow("SODetails");
// effValues.setAttribute("cogs",12);
def Object getLine(Long lineId) {
def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.FulfillLinePVO");
 Object[] rows = vo.findByKey(lineId, 1);
 def originalFLine = rows[0];
 return originalFLine;
 * Returns a row for the context on the order header.
 * @param contextVOName identifies the name of the context for the virtual object. To get this value, use the context code or look it up in the extensible flexfield archive.
 * under oracle/apps/publicFlex/scm/doo/headerContextsB/analytics/view
Object getContextVORow(Long headerId, String contextVOName) {    
     def contextVO = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.publicFlex.scm.doo.fulfillLineContextsB.analytics.view." + contextVOName);
     def vc = contextVO.createViewCriteria();
     def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
     vcrow.setAttribute("FulfillLineId", headerId);
     def rowset = contextVO.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);
     def effRow = rowset.first();
     return effRow;
Object getContextHeaderRow(Long headerId, String contextVOName) {    
     def contextVO = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.publicFlex.scm.doo.headerContextsB.analytics.view." + contextVOName);
     def vc = contextVO.createViewCriteria();
     def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
     vcrow.setAttribute("HeaderId", headerId);
     def rowset = contextVO.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);
     def effRow = rowset.first();
     return effRow;

Copy Extensible Flexfield from Original Order to Return Order

This example copies extensible flexfield data from the original order to a return order that includes a return material authorization (RMA).

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;
import java.util.logging.Level;

//Following lines are for applying this extension only to specific cases
String poNumber = header.getAttribute("CustomerPONumber");
if (poNumber == null) return;
if (poNumber != "PMC TEST") return;

Long lineId = 0;
Long headerId = 0;

def lines = header.getAttribute("Lines");
while (lines.hasNext()) {
    def line = lines.next();

    //get the category code specified on the line. A category code of RETURN means it is a return line
    String categoryCode = line.getAttribute("TransactionCategoryCode");

    if ("RETURN" != categoryCode) continue;

    //we have a return line. Now let's find the original line
    //we will go through the document references on this line to locate the document reference
    //that identifies the original order line.

    def docRefs = line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");
    lineId = 0;
    while (docRefs.hasNext() & lineId == 0) {

        def docRef = docRefs.next();
        String docRefType = docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");
        if ("ORIGINAL_ORCHESTRATION_ORDER" == docRefType) {
            //We found the document reference that points to the original order.
            //The DocumentSubLineIdentifier attribute is the fulfillline id of the original order fulfillment line

            lineId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentSubLineIdentifier"));

            if (headerId == 0) {
                //The DocumentIdentifier attribute is the header id of the original order header
                headerId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
     if (lineId != 0) {
         //call method getline to get the original line a PVO
         def oLine = getLine(lineId);
         if (oLine == null) continue;
         //Define the context variable that you want to copy value to
         def context1 = line.getOrCreateContextRow("FulfillLineContext1");
         //Define the next context variable that you want to copy value to
         def packShipContext = line.getOrCreateContextRow("PackShipInstruction");
         //Define the next context variable that you want to copy value to
         def itemMaterialContext = line.getOrCreateContextRow("Item Material");
         //get Context form the oldline
         def Ocontext = oLine.getAttribute("FulfillLineBIEffEFFBIFlattened");
         //get to the first row of the context for the original order fulfillment line
         def oContextRow = Ocontext.first();
         //Attribute name will be like DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_<contextname>_<segmentname>
         //You can download the Flexfield archives and navigate to oracle\apps\scm\doo\processOrder\flex\fulfillLineCategories\view\
         //and look for j_ExtendedDeclarativeprivateVO.xml.  This is where you will find all the flex attribute names in above fashion
         def attr1 = oContextRow.getAttribute("DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_FulfillLineContext1__FL1AttributeNum1");
         context1.setAttribute("_FL1AttributeNum1", attr1);

    if (headerId != 0) {

        def oHeader = getHeader(headerId)

        if (oHeader == null) continue;
        //get Context from the original header
        def context = oHeader.getAttribute("HeaderBIEffEFFBIFlattened");

        //get to the first row of the context for the original header
        def contextRow = context.first();

        //Attribute name will be like DOO_HEADERS_ADD_INFO_<contextname>_<segmentname>
        //You can download the Flexfield archives and navigate to oracle\apps\scm\doo\processOrder\flex\headerCategories\view\
        //and look for j_ExtendedDeclarativeprivateVO.xml.  This is where you will find all the flex attribute names in above fashion
        def complInfo = contextRow.getAttribute("DOO_HEADERS_ADD_INFO_PMC__Pricing_partyid");

        //Define the context variable that you want to copy value to - header is the header of the return oorder which is currently being worked on
        def complianceDetails = header.getOrCreateContextRow("PMC Pricing");
        complianceDetails.setAttribute("partyid", complInfo);

        /* This SQL will be useful in identifying the correct values to set:

fnd_df_segments_tl fdst,
fnd_df_segments_b fdsb
fdst.language = 'US' and
fdst.descriptive_flexfield_code = 'DOO_HEADERS_ADD_INFO'
order by

In this instance the Sql returned


PMC Pricing PartyID     partyid

The value DOO_HEADERS_ADD_INFO_PMC__Pricing_partyid - is derived from :

Context_code = PMC Pricing , note the space is replaced by __
Segment_identifier = partyid



def Object getLine(Long lineId) {

    def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.FulfillLinePVO");

    Object[] rows = vo.findByKey(lineId, 1);
    def originalFLine = rows[0];

    return originalFLine;

def Object getHeader(Long headerId) {
    def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.HeaderPVO");

    Object[] rows = vo.findByKey(headerId, 1);
    def originalHeader = rows[0];
    return originalHeader;

void debug(String msg) {
    header.setAttribute("ShippingInstructions", header.getAttribute("ShippingInstructions") + ", " + msg);

Get Values from the Original Order

A return order doesn't include values from the original order on some order line attributes. For example, the return line doesn't include the original value for the sales credit or purchase order number. You can use an extension to get the value from the original order line. The following examples in this topic get values from the original order when you use a return material authorization (RMA).

Get Order Type from Original Order

This example gets the order type from the original sales order and uses it to set the value of the order type of a return order.

// Extension : DefaultOrderTypeFromOrigOrder
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;

// Go through all the order lines. We're interested in return lines. As soon as we find a return line, we will use the document
// reference on the line to try to locate the original order.
def lines=header.getAttribute("Lines");

while (lines.hasNext()) {

    def line=lines.next();

    // Get the line type specified on the line. A line type code of ORA_RETURN means its a return line.
    String lineTypeCode=line.getAttribute("TransactionLineTypeCode");

    if ("ORA_RETURN"==lineTypeCode) {
        // We have a return line. Now let's find the original order.
        // We will go through the document references on this line to locate the document reference
        // that identifies the original order.
        def docRefs=line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");

        while (docRefs.hasNext()) {
            def docRef=docRefs.next();
            String docRefType=docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");

            if ("ORIGINAL_ORCHESTRATION_ORDER"==docRefType) {
                // We found the document reference that points to the original order.
                // The DocumentIdentifier attribute is the header id of the original order.
                Long headerId=new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
                // Call the getOrderType method to get the order type of the original order using a PVO
                String orderTypeCode=getOrderType(headerId);

                debug("Original Order Order Type: "+ orderTypeCode);

                // If order type isn't null, set it on the current order, else use a validation exception.
                if (orderTypeCode !=null) {
                    header.setAttribute("TransactionTypeCode", orderTypeCode);

                else {
                    throw new ValidationException("Order type isn't specified on the original order.");

* Returns the order type of the indicated order.
String getOrderType(Long headerId) {
    debug("finding order by headerId: "+ headerId);

    def vo=context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.HeaderPVO");

    Object[] rows=vo.findByKey(headerId, 1);
    def originalHeader=rows[0];

    return originalHeader.getAttribute("OrderTypeCode");

void debug(String msg) {
// Print a debug message. This code appends the string passed in as parameter to the shipping instructions attribute.
// To avoid performance problems, you must comment out this debug statement in your production environment.
   header.setAttribute("ShippingInstructions", header.getAttribute("ShippingInstructions") + msg + "\n");

Get Purchase Order from Original Order

This example gets purchase order details from the order header and order line of the original order, then copies them to the return order and return order line.

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;
import java.util.logging.Level;
Long lineId = 0;
Long headerId = 0;
def lines = header.getAttribute("Lines");
while (lines.hasNext()) {
  def line = lines.next();
  String categoryCode = line.getAttribute("TransactionCategoryCode");

  if ("RETURN" != categoryCode) continue;
    def docRefs = line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");
    lineId = 0;
    while (docRefs.hasNext() & lineId == 0) {
      def docRef = docRefs.next();
      String docRefType = docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");

      if ("ORIGINAL_ORCHESTRATION_ORDER" == docRefType) {
        // We found the document reference that points to the original order.
        // The DocumentSubLineIdentifier attribute is the fulfillline id of the original order fulfillment line.
        lineId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentSubLineIdentifier"));

        if (headerId == 0) {
          // The DocumentIdentifier attribute is the header id of the original order header.
          headerId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
  if (lineId != 0) {
    // throw new ValidationException(lineId.toString());
    def oLine = getLine(lineId);

    if (oLine == null) continue;
      def oLinePO = oLine.getAttribute("FulfillLineCustomerPoNumber");
      def oHeaderPO = oLine.getAttribute("HeaderCustomerPoNumber");
      line.setAttribute("CustomerPONumber", oLinePO);
      header.setAttribute("CustomerPONumber", oHeaderPO);
    } else {
        throw new ValidationException("Value not found");
  def Object getLine(Long lineId) {
  def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.FulfillLinePVO");
  Object[] rows = vo.findByKey(lineId, 1);
  def originalFLine = rows[0];
  return originalFLine;

Get Extensible Flexfields from Original Order

This example gets extensible flexfields from the order line of the original order, then copies it to a return order line.

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;
import java.util.logging.Level;
Long lineId = 0;
Long headerId = 0;
def lines = header.getAttribute("Lines");
while (lines.hasNext()) {
    def line = lines.next();

    String categoryCode = line.getAttribute("TransactionCategoryCode");

    if ("RETURN" != categoryCode) continue;
    def docRefs = line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");
    lineId = 0;
    while (docRefs.hasNext() & lineId == 0) {
        def docRef = docRefs.next();
        String docRefType = docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");
        if ("ORIGINAL_ORCHESTRATION_ORDER" == docRefType) {
            // We found the document reference that references the original order.
            // The DocumentSubLineIdentifier attribute identifies the fulfillment line in the original order.

            lineId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentSubLineIdentifier"));
            if (headerId == 0) {
                // The DocumentIdentifier attribute identifies the header in the original order.
                headerId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
    if (lineId != 0) {
        // throw new ValidationException(lineId.toString());
        def oLine = getLine(lineId);
        if (oLine == null) continue;

        def Ocontext = oLine.getAttribute("FulfillLineBIEffEFFBIFlattened");
        def oContextRow = Ocontext.first();
        def oattr1 = oContextRow.getAttribute("DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_FulfillLineContext1_EffLineId");
        def oattr = oContextRow.getAttribute("DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ADD_INFO_FulfillLineContext1__FL1AttributeNum1");

        def context = line.getOrCreateContextRow("FulfillLineContext1");
        context.setAttribute("_FL1AttributeNum1", oattr);
    } else {
        throw new ValidationException("Value not found");

def Object getLine(Long lineId) {

    def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.FulfillLinePVO");
    Object[] rows = vo.findByKey(lineId, 1);
    def originalFLine = rows[0];

    return originalFLine;

Make Sure Business Unit on Return Matches Business Unit on Original Order

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
def poNumber = header.getAttribute("CustomerPONumber");
if (poNumber == null || !("VS_BU_TEST".equals(poNumber))) {
Set<Long> referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds = null;
def lines = header.getAttribute("Lines");
while( lines.hasNext() ) {
  def line = lines.next();
  def categoryCode = line.getAttribute("TransactionCategoryCode");
  if (categoryCode == null || !(categoryCode.equals("RETURN"))) {
  def docRefs = line.getAttribute("DocumentReferences");
  Long headerId = null;
  while(docRefs.hasNext()) {
    def docRef = docRefs.next();
    String docRefType = docRef.getAttribute("DocumentReferenceType");
    if( "ORIGINAL_ORCHESTRATION_ORDER".equals(docRefType) ) {
      if (referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds == null) {
        referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds = new HashSet<Long>();
      headerId = new Long(docRef.getAttribute("DocumentIdentifier"));
      if (!(referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds.contains(headerId))) {
if (referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds != null && referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds.size()>0) {
  def buId = header.getAttribute("BusinessUnitIdentifier");
  def vo = context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.scm.doo.publicView.analytics.HeaderPVO");
  def vc = vo.createViewCriteria();                                                             
  def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
  Object inQuery = " in " + referencedReturnLinesHeaderIds;
  inQuery = inQuery.replace('[', '(');
  inQuery = inQuery.replace(']', ')');
  vcrow.setAttribute("HeaderId", inQuery);
  def rowset = vo.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);
  def row = null;
    row = rowset.next();
    def returnBuId = row.getAttribute("BUBusinessUnitId");
    if (returnBuId != buId) {
      throw new ValidationException("The request failed. Make sure the business unit of this return order matches the business unit on the original order, then resubmit your sales order. ");