Item Enrichment - Initial Setup

Here's the initial setup you must do before you enrich the items master:

  1. Associate the Healthcare External Enrichment attribute group to the relevant item classes and item pages. For details, see Associate Healthcare Attributes With Items.
  2. Deploy the Register with External Healthcare Catalog attribute for the appropriate item classes.
  3. Create a validation rule set:
    1. In the Product Information Management work area, go to the Tasks panel tab, click Manage Rule Sets.
    2. Create a validation rule set to filter items with the Register with External Healthcare Catalog attribute value set as Yes. For details, see Define Rule Sets and Item Rules.
      Note: When defining the rules, specify the Attribute Group as External Healthcare Enrichment and the Attribute as Register with External Healthcare Catalog with Value as Yes and Suspend.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Associate the validation rule set to the predefined spoke system called External Healthcare Catalog:
    1. In the Product Information Management work area, go to the Tasks panel tab, click Manage Spoke Systems.
    2. Search for the External Healthcare Catalog spoke system.
    3. Under Item:
      • In Selection Criteria, add the item selection rules to specify the selection criteria. The item selection rule includes the business entity, operator, and entity name. Select the following values:
        • Business Entity: Organization
        • Operator: Equals
        • Entity name: Name of your master organization
      • From the Validation Rule Set drop-down list, select validation rule set you created in step 3.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Schedule the Product Hub Publication Job scheduled process with the External Healthcare Catalog spoke system to publish the list of items that need enrichment to Oracle WebCenter Content for every four hours. For details, see Define the Schedule and Parameters for the Scheduled Process. You must specify the following parameters:
    • Spoke System: External Healthcare Catalog
    • Publish Items: Yes
    • Select No for the other parameters.