Supply Reviews

The Sales and Operations Planning supply review process helps you to measure and improve key metrics to produce according to your plan. Use the latest consolidated, unconstrained demand plan and analyze the feasibility of internal and external supply capacity to fulfill demands.

For example, you can analyze whether there is sufficient supplier and resource capacity and inventory to balance supply with demand.

The supply review process uses the demand plan from the Demand Review and the available supplier and resource capacity and other supply information for supply planning. The process also determines the ability to meet the consensus-based demand plan, compares future supply planning performance with archived, historical measures. After you make the consensus forecast adjustments in the demand review process, you can rerun the supply plan. Running the supply plan enables you to evaluate where you can create sufficient additional supply to meet increased demand.

Use the Supply Review Summary dashboard in the Sales and Operations Planning work area to view the following graphs:

  • Demand and Supply: View the total demand compared to the total supply to determine if there are any gaps.

  • Resource Overloading: Drill down into detailed graphs that show you organizations with overloaded resources. For example, you can drill down to the Resource Plan by Month table. In the Resource Plan by Month table, you can identify the resources and the time buckets in which resources are constrained.

  • Supply Overloading: View the key time periods and supplier items that have a large number of exceptions. You can drill from individual items in the Exceptions Top Utilized Items graph to view the plan for the associated suppliers of that item.

  • Inventory Turnover: View this graph to monitor inventory cover.

  • Cost Comparison: View the manufacturing, purchase, carrying, and shipping costs.