Ship Confirm Documents

Use Ship Confirm Documents to process the Print Bill of Lading Report and Print Packing Slip Report scheduled processes as a single scheduled process.

This job set initiates both the reports required to print the shipping documents on ship confirm.

When to Use

The report is typically not run manually as it’s automatically generated as part of the Ship Confirm process. Occasionally, you might run the process to re-print the two reports together.

The predefined document job set can be provided while defining the shipping document job set rules using the setup task Manage Shipping Document Job Set Rules, while defining the ship confirm rules using the task Manage Ship Confirm Rules, or during ship confirm using the Change Ship Confirm Options. Customers usually create their own custom document job sets to print documents during ship confirmation.

Privileges Required

  • Print Shipping Reports (WSH_PRINT_SHIPPING_REPORTS_PRIV)


Specification Description

Job Type

Automatically on ship confirm or as an ad hoc job as needed.


This document job set is automatically generated as part of the Ship Confirm process depending on how it's set it up.

Time of Day

Any time.


The duration of the process run depends on the shipment lines on the shipment, while running the report


There can be many requests running at the same time depending on the input parameters.


There are no parameters for running this job set, but you'll need to provide parameters for individual reports. For more information, see the Print Bill of Lading Report and Print Packing Slip Report scheduled processes.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • You can view the output and log files for the individual reports in the Scheduled Processes work area. If the process status is Error, select the row, click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.