How You Review Document Reference Details

You can view the document references on a new References tab on the Edit Work Order page. The tab displays a simple results region showing the document type, document number, and end date. For most work orders there's only a single source object if created from a consuming application. Clicking on a references row populates the panel to the right, displaying key details from the source object. These details provide you additional context about the source object and help with the resolution of the work order operations. To view these details, ensure that have the correct security access for each consuming application object defined in your user roles.

Here's a list of the setup required to view the details for a document reference.

Resource Type


Security Access

Service Request

Displays service request details such as the title, status code, severity, category, critical attribute, channel type code, create and last update date/time, and problem description.

If you've been assigned a job role your enterprise uses for maintenance manager work, you must have this privilege to view service request details:

View Service Request (SVC_VIEW_SR_USING_REST_PRIV)

Help Desk: Internal Service Requests

Displays ticket title, status, severity, category, primary contact, assigned agent, critical attribute, creation and last update date/time, and problem description.

If you license the Help Desk and want to view Internal Service request details, you have to create your own role and assign it to each maintenance execution user:

  • Define your role name

  • Add this functional security policy: View Internal Service Request (SVC_VIEW_ISR_SR_PRIV)

  • Create this data security policy:

    • Define a unique policy name

    • Select the Data Resource: Service Request Header

    • Select the Data Set: Select by instance set

    • Select the Condition: Access the service request header for table SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS for all internal help desk service requests

    • Set the Privilege Actions: Read; View Service Request Header

Internet of Things (IoT) incident

Displays the type, state, priority, incident date, summary and description.

IoT Asset Monitoring must be licensed and the integration parameters defined.

No additional privileges are required to view the IoT incident details.

Sales Order and RMAs

Displays the order number, line number, sales order line type, created and last updated date/time.

If you license Order Management and want to view the details, here's what you must do:
  • If you have users responsible for the maintenance manager role, you must define business unit-level access explicitly:
    • Use the Setup and Maintenance work area.
    • Select the setup for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management.
    • Select the Users and Security functional area.
    • Select All Tasks under the task listing.
    • Select the Manage Data Access for Users task.
    • Select the Users with Data Access option.
    • For each user name, create individual access rows with these details:
      • User Name

      • Role, such as maintenance manager

      • Security Context: Business unit

      • Security Context Value: The business unit

  • Create your own configured role and assign it to each maintenance execution user:
    • Define your role name.
    • Add this functional security policy: Get Sales Orders Using REST Services (FOM_SALES_ORDER_REST_GET_PRIV).
    • Assign to each user.
    • Confirm individual business unit access as detailed above.
  • Enabling business unit access for this privilege triggers a licensing requirement for Order Management, if not already licensed.
  • Defining individual business unit access affects any user that has the order entry role. During sales order creation, the business unit attribute displays all values for which the user is granted access.