Manage Work Orders in the My Maintenance Work Page

Each row in the My Maintenance Work page corresponds to a specific work order and asset. The information is ordered by date and priority for easy management. The page lets you repair one or more assets using a single work order, as each row represents the work order and a specific asset.

The dispatch list is enabled by default as the execution page. To enable the My Maintenance Work page, use the instructions in the Maintenance chapter of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

You need to complete the following to start executing maintenance work using the My Maintenance Work page:

  • Enable the page by setting a profile option.
  • Ensure that users have the existing Dispatch List privilege.
  • Ensure that users have security access to each maintenance organization for which they will report maintenance.
  • Run the initial bulk ingestion of work orders and schedule a routine bulk ingestion update.
Note: You should enable the My Maintenance Work page only after careful testing and consideration of the differences in capabilities between the execution pages.

After you have enabled the page and the index has successfully ingested work orders, you can navigate to My Maintenance Work directly from the Supply Chain Execution functional area or by using the main task menu from the Maintenance Management landing page. My Maintenance Work is a smart search enabled page that automatically returns search results in a table when you navigate to the page. The count of the total number of rows returned is also included.

The search section includes a keyword search, default filter chips, and additional filters. The results section displays rows that each correspond to a unique combination of work order and asset. You can use a single work order to repair one or more assets, resulting in one or more unique combination of rows in the results. The page provides you ready access to a list of actionable work orders in released status that require reporting and completion by work order and asset.

Search Section

The search section lets you narrow down the results rows based on your search criteria. By default, you see work orders from across all maintenance organizations to which you have access, and not just those for the contextual maintenance organization on the Maintenance Management landing page.

You can further refine the results using the following:

  • Keyword Search: The keyword search allows you to search directly on work order and asset attributes:
    • Work Order Number
    • Work Order Description
    • Asset Number
    • Asset Description: Helpful if the asset number is system generated.
    • Serial Number
    • Lot Number
    • Asset Item Number
    • Asset Item Description
    • Organization Code
  • Default filter chips: Use these quick ready-to-use filters to further refine your results:
    • My Work: Use this filter to manage your work queue if you use resource assignments. You can select the following options:
      • Assigned: Returns work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.
      • Qualified: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource but are not assigned. You can then self-assign yourself to the qualified operations.
      • Qualified and assigned: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource, but are not assigned. Also returns work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.
    • Status: Use this filter to view Released or Completed work orders. Unreleased, on-hold, and closed work orders are not shown in the results rows. It is helpful to use a combination of the My Work and Status filters to view your open work.
    • Time Period: Use this filter to view work orders for Last Week, Today, or Next Week.
  • Filters: The complete list of filters can be accessed by clicking Filters. The list of filters includes:
    • Planned Start Date: Filters results by a start and end date range.
    • Planned Completion Date: Filters results by a start and end date range.
    • Organization: Filters results for the selected work order organization.
    • Work Center: Filters results by work orders that have at least one operation that matches the selected work center name.
    • Resource: Filters results by work orders that have at least one operation resource that matches the selected resource name.
    • Resource Instance: Filters results by work orders that have at least one operation resource assignment that matches the selected resource instance ID.
  • Saved Search: You can optionally use saved searches, allowing you to easily set the default or user-selected search context of the results. You can create personal, as well as shared search result options.

The following are some tips on keyword-based searches:

  • Searches are case insensitive. Both capitalized and non-capitalized keyword terms match when searching by work order or asset details.
  • You can search using a full-text search, such as a work order or asset number. This should narrow your search results.
  • You can also use a partial-text search, such as the first few numbers of a work order or text in an asset description. This will search using a starts with and contains search method. This should broaden your search results.
  • If you search using text that is hyphenated, such as Work-Order, the terms are searched using an or condition. Therefore, you will search for Work or Order text values.
  • If you search using text that is delimited by an underscore, such as Work_Order, the term is searched using the entire text.
  • Special characters, such as asterisks are not supported.

The following are some tips on using filter chips:

  • Filters can use a list of pre-defined values, directly return search results and the count of matches, or may require you to enter a value to refine the results.
  • Some filters, such as dates, have a start and end range value that you need to select.
  • You can use combinations of filters to refine your results. After you select each filter chip, the results are refreshed and the count of result rows is updated.
  • You can optionally create a saved search based on the selected filters.
  • You can remove a selected filter to refresh the results and revert to the previous search results.
  • You can mix filters and keyword searches.

Results Section

Smart search results automatically appear on the My Maintenance Work page. The count of result rows returned appears above the results. The results are based on the default search criteria, which can also use a saved search. You can further refine the results through a keyword or search filter. For example, you can choose to see only work orders with a status of Released.

Each result row corresponds to a work order and an asset, not to the next open count point operation in a work order. The user gets a holistic view of a work order and can use a single work order to repair one or more assets.

The result rows include the following:

  • Image Icon or Avatar: The image indicates if you are qualified, or not, for a work order. Once assigned, the image icon changes to the user’s avatar.
  • User Qualification or Assignment: If you are qualified for or assigned to the work order, then the Assign to Me or Unassign from Me button above the result rows is enabled.
  • Work Order Number: Clicking the work order number takes you to the Report Work page.
  • Asset Number
  • Work Order Description
  • Work Order Status
  • Planned Start Date
  • Planned Completion Date
  • Priority
  • Asset Description
  • Row Actions

Clicking the Actions menu for a result row lets you perform the following actions on the work-order and asset combination:

  • Preview Work: Lets you review key work order details, such as the following:
    • Work order header details, including the work order description, asset, and warranty repair indications.
    • Work order scope of work details, including the maintenance program and work definition.
    • Turnover notes and attachments.
    • List of operations and required transactions.
    • Asset details, including the asset description and serial number.
    • Document References in case the work order was created by an outside process. For example, a work request from the help desk, or an IoT incident reported from Oracle Asset Monitoring.
    • Supplier warranty contracts if defined for the asset or for any assets in the asset's physical hierarchy.
  • Report Work:

    Lets you report on material, resources, and operations. You can report operation completion individually, or all at once, for each unique combination of a work order and an asset.

    You can additionally update the asset's meters, capture a failure event, and create and manage turnover notes.

  • Complete Work

    Lets you complete a work order. You can track the reporting progress for your work order, capture return to inventory details, optionally record a work summary, and submit the work order for completion.

  • Print Work Order

    Lets you generate a work order summary report using a scheduled process.

Note: Work orders will only show a status of Completed once the ingestion is run to refresh the search index.

My Work

You can use the My Work filter chip to filter the results based on resource qualification and assignment. You are considered qualified for a work order if one or more operation resources match your user-level resource instance. Once qualified, you can either be pre-assigned to an operation resource by a supervisor or planner, or you can self-assign to a work order or operation resource. This capability allows you to manage a user queue of assigned work.

To use this functionality, you must first be defined as a resource instance for a unique resource within a maintenance organization’s work center. Within a unique maintenance organization, your resource instance can only be assigned to a single resource. If you wish to leverage resource assignments, you will need to appropriately model users as being qualified for only one resource in an organization. If you don’t wish to use assignments, then you do not need to define users with resource instances for a resource. You do not need to use assignments to report on or complete work order operations.

Use the My Work filter to manage your work queue if you use resource assignments. You can select the following options:

  • Assigned: Returns work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.
  • Qualified: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource but are not assigned. You can then self-assign yourself to the qualified operations.
  • Qualified and assigned: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource, but are not assigned. Also returns work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.

Additional details about resource assignments are available in the Report Work section.

Note: Assignments is an optional feature. If you are not using assignments, then you can disregard the My Work filter, as it will not return any result rows.