Example of Project-Specific Safety Stock Planning

Let's understand the project-specific safety stock planning with this example. Let's assume that you considered these safety stock level values for your plan:

Sequence Number Demand Attribute Demand Operator Supply Attribute Supply Operator
1 Project Group Any Project Group Matches Demand Value
Project Any Project Matches Demand Value
Task Any Task Matches Demand Value
2 Project Group Any Project Group Matches Demand Value
Project Any Project Matches Demand Value
Task Any Task Any
3 Project Group Any Project Group Matches Demand Value
Project Any Project Any
Task Any Task Any
4 Project Group Any Project Group Blank
Project Any Project Blank
Task Any Task Blank
Project-specific safety stock planning.

Here's how the planning process nets supplies for safety stock and the demand of the project group PG1 with the project P1 and Task T1.

Project-specific safety stock plan output.

These are the conditions that the planning process fulfills during the project-specific safety stock planning:

  • If you have a safety stock and a demand with the same project and task value in a time bucket, the process nets the supply to the safety stock before the demand. In this example, we have 30 units of supply on day 1. The planning process nets 20 units of supply for the safety stock and nets 10 units of supply for the demand on day 1. The process maintains 20 units of safety stock from day 1 to day 5 to ensure that the net safety stock is zero.

  • In case you have sales orders, forecasts, or other demands in a future time bucket, the process allocates safety stock supply from the previous bucket to the demand. In this example, the process identifies a demand of 20 units on day 6 and nets 20 units of supply from Day 1 to the demand.

  • After such allocations, the process either allocates an existing supply to the safety stock or recommends a planned order for the safety stock. In this example, the process recommends a planned order of 20 units on day 6 to net the supply to safety stock on day 6 and day 7.