Project-Specific Safety Stock Planning

Here are some key points about project-specific safety stock planning:

  • The project-specific supply planning supports only user-specified safety stock planning.

  • Just like any other demand, the planning process allocates supplies to safety stocks with project and task attributes in each time bucket. This allocation depends on the order of netting sequences defined in the attribute-based netting rule that the plan uses.

  • In a time bucket that has a safety stock and a demand with the same project and task value, the process nets the supply to the safety stock before the demand. However, if you have sales orders, forecasts, or other demands in a future time bucket, the process allocates safety stock supply from the previous bucket to the demand. After this reallocation, the process either allocates an existing supply to the safety stock or recommends a planned order.

  • To recommend planned orders, the planning process aggregates safety stock quantity based on the attributes selected for Demand Grouping in Attributes for Planned Orders of the attribute-based netting rules.

  • During planned order recommendation in any time bucket, sales orders, forecasts, or other demands always takes precedence over the safety stock.

  • The safety stock override is applicable only to a safety stock that doesn't have any project and task attributes.

Upload safety stock levels using the ScpSafetyStockLevelImportTemplate.xlsm file.