Example of Supply Creation

The planning process aggregates unmet demands based on the attributes selected for Demand Grouping in Attributes for Planned Orders of the attribute-based netting rules. Let's understand this with an example.

Let's assume that the attribute-based netting rule and the item associated with the plan have these configurations:

  • Reservation Level: Project group

  • Item Hard Pegging Level: Project and Task

  • Item Fixed Order Quantity: 40

Attributes for Planned Orders
Demand Grouping Striping
Project Group Project Group

Here's the supply recommendation for unmet demands:

An illustration showing supply creation for unmet demands.

In this example, the planning process identifies an aggregated unmet demand of 20 units at the project group level on Day 1 and Day 3.

The process considers the fixed order quantity and creates a planned order of 40 units for Day 1 and Day 3. The planned orders acquire the project and task attributes of the first project demand.

The process allocates the remaining 20 units from Day 1 to the demand on Day 2 and 20 units from Day 3 to the demand on Day 4.