View Data Presence Indicators

The presence indicator indicates that the objects in the row on the search page have extra content.

For example, the Has Structures presence indicator displays a structure icon in the column to indicate that the item in this row has a primary structure and you can view the (component) details. Other data presence indicators for components appear only if your administrator has configured them for the selected view. You can add the presence indicators to filters and as columns in the search results. Also, see the related links topic.

The supported presence indicators are:
  • Has Level Attachments
  • Has Pending Changes
  • Has Item Structure
  • Has AML
  • Has Quality Issues
  • Has PD Relationships
  • Has Substitute Components
  • Has Reference Designators
  • Data presence indicators are accessible for structures and AMLs on both child and reference organization items, as well as for attachments, quality issues, and quality actions on reference organization items.
  • To address performance problems related to data presence indicators for reference organization AMLs, create the profile option EGP_SKIP_DPI_PROPAGATION and set its value to Y. This will stop the application from generating data presence indicators for reference organization items. To update the data presence indicators on the existing reference organization items, run the Add Data Presence Indicator to Index scheduled process.
  • To update the correct data presence indicator values, run the Upgrade Product Management Data scheduled process with the following parameters:
    • Upgrade Process: Execution
    • Functional Area: Item Child Entity Presence Indicator
    • Feature: All

      You must wait till the scheduled process completed successfully and then submit the index rebuild job.

Notes on the drawer view:
  • On the Attachments tab, you must select only a single row to download the attachment.
  • The Pending Changes tab display change orders and change requests that are pending; it doesn’t include released changes.
  • The Product Development Relationships tab will display the relationships you added through the Product Development work area. When you click the concept component or the requirement specification that's been added as a related object, the parent concept or requirement is opened.
  • The Quality drawer only displays the open quality objects.

Controlling Drill Down to Other Pages

You can control the behavior of drill down when using the link for the object number in the search results or the Has Item Structure presence indicator through a profile option. The Drill Down in Place (ORA_EGP_PAGE_LAUNCH_CTRL) profile option controls if the Structure page will be launched in new browser tab or launched in same browser tab as the Product Management Search page. The default value is to launch the new page as a drill down in the same browser tab. Use the Manage Advanced Item Profile Options task to update the value of the profile.