4Getting Started

Getting Started


      The Objective

      The objective is to import one record into a Taleo product and then to export basic information from that same record back to TCC.

      A new candidate will be imported into the Taleo Professional product. This example will create a candidate profile only, e.g. it will not create an application on a requisition.

      Basic information regarding the candidate previously uploaded will be extracted. Various features of the export editor will be used to build powerful custom queries to extract data from the Taleo product.

      The candidate has:

      • An e-mail address


      • A first name


      • A last name


      • A curriculum vitae provided as a Microsoft Word document


      • A few work experiences

        Senior Consultant at ABC International in 2011

        Analyst at XYZ Inc. for the first half of 2012

      All the relevant files will be created in the C:\tcc\starter folder.

        Creating Starter Folder

        1. From Windows desktop open My Computer.

        2. Open Local Disk (C:).

        3. File>New>Folder.

          1. Rename New Folder tcc.

          2. Double click tcc

          Tcc is open, the address bar shows C:\tcc.

        4. File>New>Folder.

          1. Rename New Folder starter.

          2. Double click starter.

          starter is open, the address bar shows C:\tcc\starter.

        5. Navigate to the Taleo Connect Client installation folder.

          1. Open monitor folder.

          2. Copy web folder.

          3. Navigate back to the starter folder.

          4. Paste web folder

          The HTML monitoring page needs the graphic elements from that folder to display properly.

        6. Minimize window.

          Creating Curriculum Vitae

          1. Open Microsoft Word or a compatible editor.

          2. Create a new document.

          3. Enter Curriculum Vitae Paul Smith.

          4. Save as psmith_cv.doc in C:\tcc\starter.

          5. Close editor.

            Starting Taleo Connect Client

            1. Start Taleo Connect Client.

              First the splash screen appears, then the Ping the Taleo Product window opens.

            2. Select the product to connect to from the pull down menu.

              The product to ping is selected.

            3. Select the Endpoint.

              Make sure the Endpoint selected is for a staging, development, or testing zone, not the production zone. The information in this procedure will truly be imported to your Taleo Professional product and there is no undo action possible.

            4. Verify the authentication information.

            5. Click Ping.

              The Ping the Taleo product window closes. The TCC graphic user interface opens.


                Creating Import Specification

                The first task is to create an import specification that will describe the structure of the CSV format request file, by defining the information represented by each column.

                1. File>New>New Import Wizard

                  The New Import Wizard window opens

                2. Select Professional/Recruiting [Version] product from pull down menu.

                3. Select Candidate Import Service from list.

                4. Select Create new import specification.

                5. Select Merge Operation from pull down menu.

                  The merge operation will delegate processing to the create or the update operation as needed. If the record does not exist it will create it, if it exists it will update it.

                6. Click Finish.

                  The New import specification is displayed in the import editor.

                  Defining Import Specification

                  1. Verify General tab information and correct if necessary.

                  2. Click on Entity tab.

                    The Entity view displays the Candidate entity structure.

                  3. Click on Columns tab.

                    The Columns tab displays an empty columns list.

                  4. Drag and drop EmailAddress from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                    1. In Behavior section check Use the value to search or lookup.

                    2. Verify that Target is Candidate.

                    3. Check Also set this value in the entity.

                  5. Drag and drop FirstName from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  6. Drag and drop LastName from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  7. Scroll Entity Structure to AttachedFiles and expand.

                    1. Expand CandidateAttachedFile.

                    2. Drag and drop FileName from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                    3. Drag and drop FileContent from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  8. Click AttachedFiles,FileContent in Columns list.

                    1. Select Value is the location of a file to attach.

                    Indicates that the field is the path and file name of the file to attach.

                  9. Scroll Entity Structure to TalentUser and expand.

                    In terms of the business model, the TalentUser relation is where we create a general profile for the candidate.

                  10. Scroll Entity Structure to Profile and expand.

                  11. Drag and drop Locale from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                    The language of the profile is a mandatory field.

                    1. Click TalentUser,Profile,Locale in Columns list.

                    2. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    3. Enter Locale as header label.

                  12. Scroll Profile to Experiences and expand.

                  13. Drag and drop DisplaySequence from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                    The display sequence of the experience is a mandatory field.

                  14. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,DisplaySequence in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp1-Sequence as header label.

                  15. Drag and drop OtherEmployerName from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  16. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,OtherEmployerName in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp1-Employer as header label.

                  17. Drag and drop OtherJobTitle from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  18. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,OtherJobTitle in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp1-JobTitle as header label.

                  19. Drag and drop BeginDate from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  20. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,BeginDate in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp1-BeginDate as header label.

                  21. Drag and drop EndDate from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  22. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,EndDate in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp1-EndDate as header label.

                  23. Drag and drop DisplaySequence from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                    This is the beginning of the columns that describe the second work experience

                  24. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,DisplaySequence in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp2-Sequence as header label.

                    3. Select Start a new element in the collection in Behavior section.

                      Indicates the start of a new element in the experience collection.

                    4. Select Skip column if value is empty in Behavior section.

                      Indicates that a second experience is optional. This makes the specification more flexible.

                  25. Drag and drop OtherEmployerName from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  26. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,OtherEmployerName in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp2-Employer as header label.

                    3. Select Skip column if value is empty in Behavior section.

                  27. Drag and drop OtherJobTitle from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  28. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,OtherJobTitle in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp2-JobTitle as header label.

                    3. Select Skip column if value is empty in Behavior section.

                  29. Drag and drop BeginDate from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  30. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,BeginDate in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp2-BeginDate as header label.

                    3. Select Skip column if value is empty in Behavior section.

                  31. Drag and drop EndDate from the Entity Structure to the Columns list.

                  32. Click TalentUser,Profile,Experiences,EndDate in Columns list.

                    1. Select Header check box in Column information section.

                    2. Enter Exp2-EndDate as header label.

                    3. Select Skip column if value is empty in Behavior section.

                    Saving Import Specification

                    1. File>Save as...

                    2. Select C:\tcc\starter as save in folder.

                      This folder was created earlier.

                    3. Enter candidate_merge as file name.

                    4. Select import (*_ld.xml) for save as type.

                    5. Click Save.

                      Creating Candidate CSV File

                      1. Click Generate a sample csv file.

                        A sample csv file with the import specification columns opens in the default editor.

                      2. Enter column data.

                        1. EmailAddress: psmith@acme.com

                        2. FirstName: Paul

                        3. LastName: Smith

                        4. AttachedFiles,Name: psmith_cv.doc

                        5. AttachedFiles,Content: C:\tcc\starter\psmith_cv.doc

                        6. ProfileLocale: en

                        7. Exp1-Sequence: 1

                        8. Exp1-Employer: ABC International

                        9. Exp1-JobTitle: Senior Consultant

                        10. Exp1-BeginDate: 2007-01-02

                        11. Exp1-EndDate: 2007-12-31

                        12. Exp2-Sequence: 2

                        13. Exp2-Employer: XYZ Inc.

                        14. Exp2-JobTitle: Analyst

                        15. Exp2-BeginDate: 2008-01-02

                        16. Exp2-EndDate: 2008-06-30

                      3. File>Save as...

                      4. Select C:\tcc\starter as save in folder.

                      5. Enter candidate_merge as file name.

                      6. Select csv files (*.csv) for save as type.

                      7. Click Save.

                        Creating Import Configuration

                        1. File>New>New Configuration Wizard

                          The New Configuration Wizard window opens.

                        2. Select Based on an import specification.

                          1. Click the Browse icon.

                          2. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                          3. Select candidate_merge_ld.xml.

                          4. Click Open.

                        3. Click Next.

                        4. Verify Endpoint.

                          Make sure the Endpoint selected is for a staging, development, or testing zone, not the production zone. The information in this procedure will truly be imported to your Taleo Professional product and there is no undo action possible.

                        5. Click Finish.

                          The New configuration specification is displayed in the configuration editor.

                          Defining Import Configuration

                          1. Verify general tab information and correct if necessary.

                          2. In Request select Pre-defined value.

                            1. In file, click the Browse icon.

                            2. Look in: C:\tcc\starter.

                            3. Select candidate_merge.csv.

                            4. Click Open.

                          3. In Response select Generated using an identifier.

                            1. In folder, click the Browse icon.

                            2. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                            3. In Identifier, click the Browse icon.

                              The Choose Identifier window opens.

                            4. Enter [FILE]_[NOW].

                            5. Click OK.

                          4. Click Monitoring tab.

                            1. Verify Enable Monitoring is checked.

                            2. In folder, click the Browse icon.

                            3. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                            4. Verify Reuse the workflow identifier as the file name is selected.

                            5. Verify Create XML monitoring files is checked.

                            6. Verify Create HTML monitoring files is checked.

                            7. Verify Create text monitoring files is checked.

                          5. Click Send tab.

                            1. Verify Endpoint.

                              Make sure the Endpoint selected is for a staging, development, or testing zone, not the production zone. The information in this procedure will truly be imported to your Taleo Professional product and there is no undo action possible. The Preview section displays the URL of the endpoint.

                          6. Click Poll tab.

                            1. Verify Use Endpoint from the list is selected.

                            2. Verify Endpoint is same as previous.

                            3. In Quality section, verify Retry is checked.

                            4. Verify Interval (in seconds) is 10

                            5. Verify Completion attempts is checked and set to 30.

                          7. Click Retrieve tab.

                            1. Verify Use Endpoint from the list is selected.

                            2. Verify Endpoint is same as previous.

                            Saving Import Configuration

                            1. File>Save

                            2. Select C:\tcc\starter as save in folder.

                            3. Enter candidate_merge as file name.

                            4. Select Client configuration (*_cfg.xml) for save as type.

                            5. Click Save.

                              Executing Import Configuration

                              Import configuration file candidate-merge_cfg.xml is open and selected.

                              1. Window>Open perspective>Runtime

                              2. Click Execute the configuration icon.

                              3. Maximise Monitoring perspective. The workflow execution details are displayed.

                              4. Wait for execution to complete.

                              5. Open C:\tcc\starter\candidate_merge-<datetime>.csv result file in CSV editor.

                                The result file opens.


                                  Creating Export Specification

                                  1. File>New>New Export Wizard

                                    The New Export Wizard window opens

                                  2. Select Professional/Recruiting [Version] product from pull down menu.

                                  3. In Filter enter the letter c.

                                    The candidate entity moves to the top of the list.

                                  4. Select Candidate.

                                  5. Verify Create new export is selected.

                                  6. Click Finish.

                                    The New export specification is displayed in the import editor.

                                    Defining Export Specification

                                    1. Click on Entity.

                                      The entity view displays the Candidate fields and relations.

                                    2. Click General tab.

                                      1. Verify Locale is English.

                                      2. In Export mode select CSV-report from pull down menu.

                                      3. Check CSV header present.

                                      4. Check CSV value delimiter and enter comma (,).

                                      5. Check CSV quotation character and enter double quote (“).

                                    3. Click Projections tab.

                                    4. Drag and drop EmailAddress from the Entity Structure to the Projections list.

                                    5. Click Add

                                      1. Select Add a function projection.

                                      2. Select Concatenate from the Function pull down menu.

                                      3. Click OK.

                                    6. In Alias enter FullName

                                      1. Drag and drop LastName from the Entity Structure to the Function parameters list.

                                      2. Select LastName and move to top with up arrow.

                                      3. Select second parameter.

                                      4. Select String from Data type pull down menu.

                                      5. Enter a comma followed by a space (, ).

                                      6. Select last parameter and delete with minus icon.

                                      7. Drag and drop FirstName from the Entity Structure to the Function parameters list.

                                    7. Click Filters tab.

                                      1. Drag and drop EmailAddress from the Entity Structure to the Filters list.

                                      2. Click Filter (Equal) in the Filters list.

                                      3. Verify first value is EmailAddress.

                                      4. Verify first Data type is Field.

                                      5. Verify Operator is Equals.

                                      6. Enter psmith@acme.com in second Value.

                                      7. Verify Second Data type is String.

                                      Saving Export Specification

                                      1. File>Save as...

                                      2. Select C:\tcc\starter as save in folder.

                                        This folder was created earlier.

                                      3. Enter candidate_export as file name.

                                      4. Select Export (*_sq.xml) for save as type.

                                      5. Click Save.

                                        Creating Export Configuration

                                        1. File>New>New Configuration Wizard

                                          The New Configuration Wizard window opens.

                                        2. Select Based on an export specification.

                                          1. Click the Browse icon.

                                          2. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                                          3. Select candidate_export_sq.xml.

                                          4. Click Open.

                                        3. Click Next.

                                        4. Verify Endpoint. Make sure the Endpoint selected is same one used for the record import.

                                        5. Click Finish.

                                          The New configuration specification is displayed in the configuration editor.

                                          Defining Export Configuration

                                          1. Verify general tab information and correct if necessary.

                                          2. In Request select Pre-defined value.

                                            1. In file, click the Browse icon.

                                            2. Look in: C:\tcc\starter.

                                            3. Select candidate_export_sq.xml.

                                            4. Click Open.

                                          3. In Response select Generated using an identifier.

                                            1. In folder, click the Browse icon.

                                            2. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                                            3. In Identifier, click the Browse icon.

                                              The Choose Identifier window opens.

                                            4. Enter Candidate-[NOW].

                                            5. Click OK.

                                          4. Click Monitoring tab.

                                            1. Verify Enable Monitoring is checked.

                                            2. In folder, click the Browse icon.

                                            3. Select C:\tcc\starter.

                                            4. Verify Reuse the workflow identifier as the file name is selected.

                                            5. Verify Create XML monitoring files is checked.

                                            6. Verify Create HTML monitoring files is checked.

                                            7. Verify Create text monitoring files is checked.

                                          5. Click Send tab.

                                            1. Verify Endpoint.

                                              Make sure the Endpoint selected is same one used for the record import.

                                              The Preview section displays the URL of the endpoint.

                                          6. Click Poll tab.

                                            1. Verify Use Endpoint from the list is selected.

                                            2. Verify Endpoint is same as previous.

                                            3. In Quality section, verify Retry is checked.

                                            4. Verify Interval (in seconds) is 10

                                            5. Verify Completion attempts is checked and set to 30.

                                          7. Click Retrieve tab.

                                            1. Verify Use Endpoint from the list is selected.

                                            2. Verify Endpoint is same as previous.

                                            Saving Export Configuration

                                            1. File>Save

                                            2. Select C:\tcc\starter as save in folder.

                                            3. Enter candidate_export as file name.

                                            4. Select Client configuration (*_cfg.xml) for save as type.

                                            5. Click Save.

                                              Executing Export Configuration

                                              Export configuration file candidate_export_cfg.xml is open and selected.

                                              1. Window>Open perspective>Runtime

                                              2. Click the Execute the configuration icon.

                                              3. Maximise Monitoring perspective

                                                The workflow execution details are displayed.

                                              4. Wait for execution to complete.

                                              5. Open C:\tcc\starter\candidate-<datetime>.csv result file in CSV editor.

                                                The result file opens and displays the extracted data.