2Employee Management

Employee Management

    Working with Team Management

      Team Management

      Team Management provides managers with a self-service tool for performing employee changes and maintaining information about their employee-manager relationships.

      In the Talent Browser, a manager can request a change for members of his team. The manager can either take an individual he sees on his team and request that he be managed by someone else, or request that someone who is not shown on his team be added to his direct reports. As part of this process, the manager can also update data about the employee.

      Depending on the standard field configuration for team management, the manager can have the ability to edit an employee's manager, current job role, location and organization. These changes can be configured to require approval. In such cases, the approval workflow must also be specified as part of the configuration.

      In the event that a manager would like to remove a direct report from his team but does not know the name of the new manager, he can simply leave the manager name blank. The HR administrator will be required to assign the employee a new manager in order to approve the request.

      Following is a list of possible team management actions:
      • Add an employee from another team

      • Add a matrix manager

      • Change an employee's manager, thus moving the employee to another team

      • Change an employee's organization

      • Change an employee's location

      • Change an employee's job field

      Each type of change can be set to require approval, but a justification is always required for a change to be processed.

      All requested or rejected changes are indicated on the employee's card in the Talent Browser.

        Adding an Employee to My Team

        Adding an employee to My Team allows a manager to move an employee from another team to his own team.

        Performance > [Navigation Bar] Talent Browser

        1. On the required employee card, click the down arrow icon and select the Add Employee...

        2. In the Employee Addition window, click the magnifying glass icon to display the People Selector.

        3. Search for employees in your direct reports, your network or by a general keyword search.

        4. In the list of corresponding employee names, click on the desired name to highlight it and click Select.

        5. If needed, change the current organization, location and/or job field of the employee by clicking on the corresponding checkbox and then by clicking the magnifying glass icon to open the relevant selector.

        6. Proceed for each change in the same manner as you did for the employee name selection.

        If approval is required, the request to add the employee will be sent for approval, and then the new employee will be added to the proper manager, as designated in the request.

          Removing an Employee from My Team

          Removing an employee from my team allows a manager to remove an employee from his team and to move that employee to another team, if this information is known.

          1. From the Talent Browser, locate the card of the employee you wish to remove from your team.

          2. On the corresponding employee card, click the down arrow icon and select Request Employee Change...

            • You can also leave the Manager field blank if you do not know the name of the new manager.

          3. In the Request Employee Change window, check the Manager option and click the magnifying glass icon to display the Employee Selector.

          4. Search for employees in your direct reports, your network or by a general keyword search.

          5. In the list of corresponding employee names, click on the desired name to highlight it and click Select.

          6. If needed, change the current organization, location and/or job field of the employee by clicking on the corresponding checkbox and then by clicking the magnifying glass icon to open the relevant selector.

            Requesting an Employee Change

            Requesting an employee change consists in asking for an employee to be moved to another team or to change an employee's organization, location or job field information.

            When you request to move an employee to another team, the job position might also be moved or left with the current manager, depending on the team management configuration.

            1. From the Talent Browser, locate the card of the employee for which you want to perform a change:

            2. On the employee card, click the down arrow icon and select Request Employee Change...

            3. In the Request Employee Change window, indicate the change you wish to perform by clicking in the appropriate checkbox and then by specifying the new information.

              The Manager field is the only one that can be left blank, in the case you want to move an employee to another team but don't know who the new manager is. In this particular case, the request is automatically sent to the HR administrator.

              If the change requires an approval before being applied, it will be indicated for each change type.

            4. Explain the reason of the change by providing a justification, which is mandatory.

            5. Click OK.

            The employee's card will display an information bar at the bottom indicating the requested change status. If a change request was rejected, a red indicator will be displayed, indicating that you need to view the rejection details to either acknowledge the rejection or to modify and resubmit the request. Once the change has been approved, the information bar disappears.

            If no approval is required, the change will be done at that moment.

            Once an employee is moved to another team, the new manager has full security rights to the employee's information and history. The old manager no longer has access to the employee or his history. The one exception to this rule is if the old manager still has open reviews related to the employee. In that case, the old manager is considered the review “author” and retains ownerships.

            Once an employee change has been requested, it can be canceled if needed by the person who requested the change.

              Canceling an Employee Change Request

              Only change requests that require an approval can be canceled, and only by the user who has originally requested the change.

              1. From the Talent Browser, locate the employee card corresponding to the change to be canceled.

                The card will show a change information bar indicating that a change or a move has been requested.

              2. On the corresponding employee card, click the Down Arrow icon and select View Change Request Details...

              3. In the Change Request Details window, click Cancel Request.

              The change request is canceled and the change information bar on the employee's card no longer displayed.

                Acknowledging a Rejected Employee Change

                1. From the Talent Browser, locate the employee card showing a red indicator.

                2. On the corresponding employee card, click the down arrow icon and select View Rejection Details.

                3. In the Rejection Details window, do one of the following:

                  • Click Acknowledge to accept the rejection and indicate that you've viewed the details.

                  • Click Resubmit to display the Request Employee Change window and submit another request.

                  • Click Close to do nothing.

                If you selected Acknowledge or Resubmit the change information bar on the card disappears.

                  Team Management Fields

                  All user interface elements related to Team Management functions are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes an element, a description and the part of the application to which the element applies.

                  UI Element Description Applicable to Function
                  Approval is late Filter option that displays approval requests that have not been looked, with a due date in the past. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Approval Status Filter option that displays approval requests according to their approval status, which can be:
                  • Not Set - Displays all requests, without any consideration to the approval status.

                  • Approval in Progress - Displays pending requests that have not yet been approved.

                  • Approved - Displays no requests as for the moment, approved requests are no longer displayed.

                  • Rejected - Displays approval requests that were rejected.

                  Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Assigned to Filter option that displays approval requests that are assigned to a specific user. In the case of a change request, the approver is the assignee. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Changes Summary Indication of the requested employee changes when related to a change in the organization, location, job field or job role. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Clear Button that resets all filters to null. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Due Date Date set automatically to the day following the date the change was requested. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Employee Filter option that displays approval requests related to a specific employee. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Employee Name of the employee for whom a change has been requested. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Initiating Manager Name of the manager who requested the employee change. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Job Field Filter option that displays approval requests related to a specific job field. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Job Role Filter option that displays approval requests related to a specific job role. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Job Role Option used to request the job role of an employee to be changed. Team Management Employee Change Requests
                  Justification Text box used to enter the reason of the change, which is mandatory for the change request to be saved. Team Management Employee Change Requests
                  Location Filter option that displays approval requests related to a specific location. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Location Option used to request the location of an employee to be changed. Team Management Employee Change Requests
                  Managed by Filter option that displays approval requests that were initiated by a specific manager. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Manager Option used to request the manager of the employee to be changed when moving an employee to another team. Note that it is also possible to move an employee without specifying the manager when you want to remove an employee from your team but don't know yet where to move that employee. Team Management Employee Change Requests
                  New Manager Name of the target manager when an employee is moved to another team. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Organization Filter option that displays approval requests related to a specific organization. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Organization Option used to request the organization of an employee to be changed. Team Management Employee Change Requests
                  Refresh Button that executes the search based on the selected filters and displays the corresponding requests in the result grid. Team Management Approval Request Filters
                  Results Per Page Drop-down list that allows you to select the number of approval requests to be displayed at once on a single page, the maximum being 40 per page. Team Management Approval Requests
                  Status Approval status of the request, which can be Approval in Progress, Approved, Rejected or Not Approved (which occurs when the approval process was canceled). Team Management Approval Requests

                    Working with Matrix Management

                      Matrix Management

                      Matrix management provides the ability to assign employees, for a specific period, to matrix or proxy managers that can participate in reviews, goals and any other tasks on behalf of the primary manager.

                      Matrix management is a technique of managing an organization (or, more commonly, part of an organization) through a series of dual-reporting relationships instead of a more traditional linear management structure. In its simplest form, a matrix configuration may be known as a cross-functional work team, which brings together individuals who report to different parts of the company in order to complete a particular project or task. Another example would be an employee who is managed by multiple supervisors, where the primary manager has named matrix managers for his employees. In all such cases, the matrix managers need to participate in the tasks related to the employees they were assigned, whether that be to write a performance review, approve a goal plan or even to assign development activities.

                      The matrix management feature provides important management functions:
                      • Allows managers to share their work responsibilities and administrative tasks with matrix managers who may act on their behalf.

                      • Allows managers or HR administrators to appoint temporary resource managers. In case that a primary manager is unavailable or on a leave, their tasks and performance management functions may be conducted by the matrix manager.

                      • Allows matrix managers to participate in performance management functions of employees who work in cross functional teams. It is important to note that to be entitled to participate in a review, matrix managers must also be made review collaborators.

                      Matrix managers are also added to the security relationships as matrix managers. In other words, matrix managers have both ownership and matrix manager security access.

                      A matrix manager can participate in various performance management processes such as reviews, goals, development plans, and succession plans. They may participate by conducting the tasks and actions of the primary manager or by directly providing input to these processes. However, for a matrix manager to edit or write an employee review, it must also be assigned as a review collaborator.

                      In Taleo Performance, matrix management is performed via the Talent Browser and provides the following capabilities:
                      • Delegated Employee View - This view of the organizational chart allows a matrix manager to view all employees that have been delegated to him, indicated by a dotted line. The delegated employee performance card indicates also the number of matrix managers each has.

                      • Manage Matrix Management Relationships - Via the “Manage Matrix Manager” action, a user can appoint a matrix manager to all or some of his employees and assign his tasks. When managing matrix managers, managers can add or remove matrix managers they have assigned as well as view a list of the employees they have delegated to each matrix managers.

                      • Task Delegation - When a manager chooses to delegate his tasks to the matrix manager, the tasks that would normally go to the primary manager are also be sent to the matrix manager, and therefore show in both the primary manager and the matrix manager's task list. The tasks that are delegated are those that are in relation to the delegated employees; for instance, tasks like network invitation sent to the primary manager would not be delegated to the matrix manager. Once the task is completed by either the original manager or one of the matrix managers, the task is considered complete and it is deleted from the task list.

                      • Matrix Manager as Review Approvers - A matrix manager may be selected as an approver type in a review's approval workflow. In such a scenario, the matrix manager will be notified when a review reaches the approval stage in the workflow and will be able to approve/reject the review as desired.

                      • Searching Amongst Delegated Employees - A user that has been named matrix manager can use the People Selector to search for people amongst their delegated employees.

                      There are various tasks and actions that a matrix manager may perform. In order for the matrix manager to receive tasks and complete the associated actions, the primary manager must have also delegated his tasks to matrix manager. Following is a table listing all the actions than can be performed by matrix managers versus those allowed to review collaborators.

                      Task or Action Tasks that can be done by a collaborator Tasks that can be done by a matrix manager*
                      Write Employee Review (initial, rejected or restarted review) Yes No
                      Submit for Approval No Yes
                      Reopen for Approval No Yes
                      Decide on Approval No No (unless the matrix manager is defined as an approver in the review workflow or the original approver has delegated his tasks to this matrix manager)
                      Release Employee Review No Yes
                      Request Acknowledgment No Yes
                      Acknowledgment No No

                      The matrix manager cannot acknowledge the review on behalf of the employee even if the "Allow manager to override employee acknowledgment" setting is active in review process definition.

                      Send Review Back to Employee No Yes
                      Cancel Review No No
                      Transfer Review No No
                      Manager Review Collaborators No No
                      Notified of task 'Write Employee Review' or 'Reopen for Approval' via Task List Yes Yes
                      Notified of task 'Submit for Approval', 'Release' , 'Request Acknowledgment' or 'Close' via Task List No Yes

                      *Note that if a matrix relationship is created before review generation, the matrix manager is automatically added as a review collaborator and therefore be able to perform the tasks allowed to collaborators.

                      Like the primary manager, the matrix manager is entitled to send a review back to an employee under the following conditions:
                      • As long as the review is in a Draft status and not yet submitted for approval, and

                      • If the review request configuration indicates that this action is possible (via the setting 'Allow Manager to Restart Review Workflow'

                      HR administrators are can configure matrix management options as follows:
                      • View, edit, and delete matrix management relationships created by managers, for any coverage area.

                      • Create new matrix management relationships on behalf of managers, for any coverage area. The managers are in turn entitled to view, edit, and delete those matrix relationships created by the HR administrator.


                      Matrix management functions are optional and must be configured with the proper settings and user permissions.

                      Settings from Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
                      Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Security Level Setting Category
                      Matrix Management Enabled Enables matrix management functionalities allowing a manager to delegate his tasks to another manager.
                      • Yes

                      • No (default)

                      Public Matrix Management
                      Extended Matrix Management Indicates if matrix manager relationships also apply to the direct reports of delegated employees.
                      • Yes

                      • No (default)

                      Public Matrix Management
                      Maximum Number of Matrix Managers Indicates the maximum number of matrix manager relationships that can be set for an employee.
                      • 5 (default)

                      Public Matrix Management
                      Maximum Number of Matrix Management Requests Indicates the maximum number of matrix management requests a manager can have at the same time.
                      • 5 (default)

                      Public Matrix Management
                      Employee Change Matrix Management Behavior Indicates how matrix manager relationships are handled when an employee changes manager.
                      • Keep matrix managers

                      • Remove matrix managers (default)

                      Public Matrix Management

                      In addition to the configuration settings, users need to have specific permissions granted to be allowed to perform matrix management functions.

                      Permissions Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts
                      Permission Name Setting Description
                      Performance > Team Management > Access Talent Browser This permission grants the user access to the Talent Browser. This permission must be granted in conjunction with the appropriate View/Manage permission listed below.

                      If a user has this permission, he will be entitled to perform matrix management requests; however, to perform delegated tasks, he will need, for each context, to have the View - If the user is a matrix manager or the Manager - If the user is a matrix manager permission.

                      **If an organization wants to let the managers perform matrix management requests but not any employee change requests, the administrator needs to disable the editability of all Team Management Standard Fields (such as the manager, organization, location, and job role).

                      Performance > Performance Reviews > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Performance Reviews > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage performance reviews if designated as a matrix manager.

                      Performance > Goal Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Goal Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage goal plans if designated as a matrix manager.

                      Performance > Career Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Career Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage career plans if designated as a matrix manager.

                      Performance > Development Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Development Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage development plans if designated as a matrix manager.

                      Performance > Employee Metrics > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Employee Metrics > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage employee metrics if designated as a matrix manager.

                      Performance > Employee Profile > View - If the user is a matrix manager

                      Performance > Employee Profile > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

                      This permission allows the user to view and/or manage talent profiles if designated as a matrix manager.
                      Performance > Team Management > Access administration tools This permission grants the user access to the HR Administration Tools.

                      This permission, in conjunction with 'View as another employee' is required to allow an HR administrator to manage (create, view, edit, delete) matrix management relationships.

                      Performance > Team Management > Access Manage Matrix Manager This permission is required for the logged in user to have the option available from their card in the Talent Browser.

                      Aside from the configuration settings and permission, the matrix manager role has been added to the list of available roles in the Role Selector when setting the approvers of a review definition. Furthermore, the matrix manager can also be designated as a calibrator.

                        Viewing Your Delegated Employees

                        Navigation bar > Talent Browser button

                        Set the scope to Direct Reports.

                        If you have delegated employees, they are displayed with dotted lines indicating the matrix management relationships.

                          Designating a Matrix Manager for an Employee

                          Performance > [Navigation bar] > More dropdown > Talent Browser

                          This action is only available for the connected manager, and only from his own performance card, which is the highest one in the hierarchy.

                          1. From your own performance card, select Manage Matrix Manager in the Go to menu.

                          2. In the Manage Matrix Manager window, click the Plus icon.

                          3. In the Matrix Manager window, select the name of the matrix manager using theMagnifying Glass icon.

                            1. In the People Selector, specify the type of search and then select the matrix manager from the search results.

                            2. Click Select.

                            Once back on the Matrix Manager window, the name of the selected person will be in the Matrix Manager field.

                          4. Enter the duration of the matrix management relationship.

                          5. Indicate whether you want to delegate your tasks to this person by selecting the related option.

                          6. Specify the employees that you want to delegate to this matrix manager.

                            1. Click the Plus icon.

                            2. In the People Selector, specify the type of search and then select the delegated employees from the search results.

                            3. Make sure to click the Right Arrow icon to move the selected employees to the Selection list.

                            4. If you want to also include the direct reports of a selected delegated employee, check the related option.

                            5. Once all employees are selected, click Select.

                          7. Back to the Matrix Manager window, verify the information and click OK to save.

                          8. Back to the Manage Matrix Manager window, click Close.

                          The matrix management relationship has been defined. The tasks occurring during the specified period will be send to both the original manager and the matrix manager, and will show in their respective task list.

                            Ending a Matrix Management Relationship

                            Performance > [Navigation bar]Talent Browser button

                            This action is only available for the connected manager, and only from his own performance card, that is the highest one in the hierarchy.

                            1. From your own performance card, select Manage Matrix Manager in the Go to menu.

                            2. In the Manage Matrix Manager window, select the matrix manager to remove and click the Minus icon.

                            3. Click Close.

                            The matrix manager will be removed, as well as all matrix management relationships that you had established.

                              Managing a Matrix Management Relationship on Behalf of a Manager

                              • The user must be an HR administrator.

                              • The user must have the permission Performance > Team Management > Access administration tools .

                              • The setting Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings > Matrix Management Enabled is set to Yes.

                              1. From the Taleo Performance home page, log in as the manager for whom you want to either view, create, edit or delete the matrix management relationship.

                              2. From the Talent Browser of that manager, open the Go to menu of the manager's performance card and select Manage Matrix Manager.

                              3. In the Manage Matrix Manager window, perform the desired action.

                                • To assign a new matrix manager for this manager, click the Plus icon. In the Matrix Manager window, specify how long the matrix management relationship will be valid, indicate whether you want to delegate the tasks to this matrix manager and select the employees to be delegated to this matrix manager.

                                • To view or edit an existing matrix management relationship, select the desired matrix manager and select View Details... from the contextual menu. Enter and save your changes if so required.

                                • To remove a matrix manager, select the desired matrix manager and click the Minus icon.

                              4. Once you have completed your task, close the Manage Matrix Manager window.

                              The matrix management relationship task will be performed as requested and is automatically applied

                                HR Administrators Working with Employees

                                  Filtering Approval Requests

                                  Filtering approval requests allows HR administrators to sort pending succession plans, employee goal plans, performance reviews and employee change requests by approval status and to take action, by either rejecting, approving or canceling the approval.

                                  All approval requests can be viewed by HR administrators as long as the approval request is pending, meaning that no action has been taken by any authorized approvers.

                                  Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Performance Review

                                  Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Succession Plan

                                  Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Goal Plan

                                  Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Team Management

                                  Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Development Plan

                                  1. Depending on the requests you wish to view or to take action upon, from the Filters panel, specify the elements to be shown in the results by using any combination of filters. Following are a few examples:

                                    • To view requests depending on their approval status, select the desired approval status in the selection list.

                                    • To view only the approvals that are late, check the corresponding option.

                                    • To see approval requests assigned to a specific user, click the Magnifying Glass icon to select that user's name in the Assigned to field.

                                    • To see approval requests related to a specific organization, location, job field or job role, employee, incumbent, review cycle, or any other filter option, click the corresponding Magnifying Glass icon to select the desired element.

                                    For a description of filter options, please refer to the Fields and Buttons section associated to the type of approval requests, such as Performance Review Fields and Buttons.

                                  2. Once all filters are specified, click Refresh to show the corresponding approval requests in the result section.

                                  3. If needed, you can change the number of results per page to see more or less results at a time.

                                  The Filter Results section will display the approval requests corresponding to the specified filters. The status bar of the page shows the number of displayed requests over the total.

                                  When users enter the Performance Review Administration pages for the first time, no data is loaded. Users select their filters and click the Refresh the results icon to load only the data that they are interested in, thereby increasing performance. When these filters are set once, they are memorized within a single session. If the user navigates away from the page and comes back, the filters previously set will be preserved. If the user wants to clear the filters, selecting the Clear the filters icon will do so.

                                  Once the filtered approval requests are displayed, you can approve or reject the request, cancel the approval process or even specify the target manager in the case of employee changes or to complete a currently pending step in the case of performance reviews.

                                    Viewing Employee Change Request Details

                                    Viewing the employee change details allows HR administrators to see the name of the person who requested the change, the subject and the reason of the change.

                                    HR Administration Tools > Team Management

                                    1. Filter the requests in order to view the employee for which you want to view request details.

                                    2. In the result grid, click on the name of the desired employee,.

                                    3. Once you have viewed the information, click Close to return to the result view.

                                      Viewing Approval Details

                                      Viewing approval details allows HR administrators to see the date the approval request was assigned and the date it is due, as well as the name of all possible approvers.

                                      All approval requests can be viewed by HR administrators as long as the approval request is pending, meaning that no action has been taken by any authorized approvers.

                                      Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Performance Review

                                      Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Succession Plan

                                      Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Goal Plan

                                      Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Team Management

                                      Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Development Plan

                                      1. Filter the requests in order to view the element for which you want to the approval details.

                                      2. Next to the name of the desired element, click the down arrow icon to open the Go To menu and select the View Approval Details option.

                                      3. The Approval Details window will display information about the approval, such as the assigned and due dates as well as all the possible approvers.

                                      4. Once you have viewed the information, click Close to return to the result view.

                                        Assigning a Target Manager

                                        Assigning a target manager is a task that is done by an HR administrator when there is a request to move an employee from one team to another and the manager of the new team has not been specified.

                                        For this task to be available, the change must be related to a team change where the new manager was not specified by the person who requested the change.

                                        HR Administration Tools > Team Management

                                        1. Filter the approval requests in order to view the change request for which you want to specify the new manager.

                                        2. In the result grid, next to the name of the corresponding employee, click the right arrow icon to open the Actions menu and select Change the Target Manager.

                                        3. In the Allocate a Manager window, click the lookup icon to select the new manager.

                                        4. Once the manager is selected and its name is shown, click OK.

                                        5. If the action was completed successfully, a confirmation message will display and you will have to click Close.

                                        The name of specified manager now shows in the New Manager column.

                                          Accepting an Approval Request

                                          Accepting an approval request consists in basically performing the approval that has been requested.

                                          To be able to decide on the approval, the approval must have been requested.

                                          Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Performance Review

                                          Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Succession Plan

                                          Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Goal Plan

                                          Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Team Management

                                          Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Development Plan

                                          1. Filter the approval requests in order to view the element to be approved.

                                          2. In the result grid, select one employee or more:

                                            • to approve only one element, click the rigth arrow icon next to the name of the desired element;

                                            • to approve multiple elements at once, check the desired elements one by one or check the corresponding column header to select all elements on the page.

                                          3. From the Actions menu, select Decide on Approval.

                                          4. In the Request Approval window, select Approve and enter any needed comments.

                                            If all selected elements CANNOT be approved, a Partial Action window will be displayed, listing the elements for which approval was not possible.

                                          5. Click OK.

                                          Once approved, the request is no longer displayed in the task list.

                                            Rejecting an Approval Request

                                            Rejecting an approval request corresponds to not accepting the approval that is requested.

                                            To be able to decide on the approval, the element's approval must be in progress.

                                            Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Performance Review

                                            Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Succession Plan

                                            Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Goal Plan

                                            Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Team Management

                                            Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Development Plan

                                            1. Filter the approval requests in order to view the element for which you want to reject the approval.

                                            2. In the result grid, select one employee or more:

                                              • to reject the approval of only one element, click the right arrow icon next to the name of the desired element;

                                              • to reject the approval of multiple elements at once, check the desired elements one by one or check the corresponding column header to select all elements on the page.

                                            3. From the Actions menu, select Decide on Approval.

                                            4. In the Request Approval window, select Reject and enter any needed comments.

                                            5. Click OK.

                                            Once rejected, the approval request remains in the list but with a rejected status.

                                              Canceling an Approval Request

                                              Canceling an approval request consists in terminating the entire approval process as if it had never been assigned.

                                              Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Performance Review

                                              Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Succession Plan

                                              Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Goal Plan

                                              Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Team Management

                                              Performance > [HR Administration Tools] Development Plan

                                              1. Filter the approval requests in order to view the element for which you want to cancel the approval request.

                                              2. In the result grid, select one employee or more:

                                                • to reject the approval of only one element, click the right arrow icon next to the name of the desired element;

                                                • to reject the approval of multiple elements at once, check the desired elements one by one or check the corresponding column header to select all elements on the page.

                                              3. From the Actions menu, select Cancel Approval Process.

                                              4. When asked to confirm the cancellation, click OK.

                                                If all selected elements CANNOT be canceled, a Partial Action window will be displayed, listing the elements for which approval cancellation was not possible.

                                              Once canceled, the approval request is no longer displayed.

                                                Native Reports

                                                Predefined reports can be run from within Oracle Taleo Performance, without the need to move to a different module or have special access. This enables reports to be quickly and simply generated on common subjects, such as goal plan status or performance review details. Native reporting lets managers report from within a module, where they simply select which employees they want to include in the report and what subject they want to report on, based on the available templates.

                                                Beginning in Feature Pack 13C Native Reporting is based on the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher or BIP). The content of the delivered native reports has not changed from prior releases. Report layout may be slightly different due to the change in reporting technology. Customers are also able to create their own custom reports. The language selected at login determines which language the report is generated in. The report data displays in that login language, however, the language of the template reports are shown in the language they were originally created. The report labels display as designed in the report template. A separate report template must be created for each language if it is necessary for the report template and language to match. By default reports are available in Oracle Taleo Performance; however, they can also be emailed as attachments with additional configuration.

                                                Note: For details on how to configure native reporting, and how to use native reporting and BI Publisher to create custom native reports, see the Oracle Taleo Performance Cloud Service Configuration Guide.

                                                Delivered Reporting Templates

                                                The following report templates are delivered:
                                                • Goal Plan Status - Includes goal plan status information about the selected population. The report focuses on the plan status and approval date along with useful employee information such as their location and organization.

                                                • Development Plan Status - Similar to goal plan, except that it deals with development plans.

                                                • Review Status - Includes review status information about the selected population. It is useful for Employee Self-Assessment and Manager Evaluation statuses along with typical employee information.

                                                • Review History - Includes the historical performance review scores for the selected population. The report focuses on the goal score, the competency score, and the Overall Review Rating.

                                                • Performance Review Summary - Can include the review status, goal section score, and competency section score for a designated review cycle and review request.

                                                • Talent Profile - Provides a consolidated view of an employee's information such as their job, work history, skills and qualifications, performance, and development.

                                                • Organization Chart - Contains the organization charts for all the direct reports under the senior leader specified in the Select Employee(s) section of the Run a Report dialog. The report can provide a useful tool for compiling a talent book for the organization, although it is not an exact replica of the Talent Browser. If a manager has too many direct reports, not all nodes will be shown. It is recommended that each individual manager's organization chart report should be run separately to include all members. Note: This report is not modifiable by customers using the BI Publisher technology.

                                                Customizing Reports and Templates

                                                Listed below are a few of the entities within native reports that can be configured or customized.

                                                • Employee Status - Users can now include Employee Status in their reports. The Employee Status refers to the status in the SmartOrg user account. The possible statuses are New, Current or Former.

                                                The Employee Status has been added to the following data models:

                                                • Employee Data Model

                                                • Talent Profile Data Model

                                                • Employee Manager Data Model

                                                • Position Manager Data Model

                                                • Coverage Area - Instead of having to select a population based on employee hierarchy, direct reports, for example, users can now run reports based on coverage areas, or OLF data. This extends the Native Reporting capability for users, especially the needs of HR Administrators to report across the organization against coverage area, (organizations, locations and job functions) to provide more flexibility analyzing specific population segments.

                                                • Successor Readiness - Prior to 15A, reports picked up only successors with a readiness value set. Now reports can also retrieve successors with a readiness value of Not Specified.

                                                • Historical Review - Administrators can create a custom data model that joins the Review History to the Employee base data model, exposing the Review History data for reporting.

                                                The image shows the data model editor page. The image shows the data set field details.
                                                • Historical review scores are stored at the employee level, not at the review cycle level so users must select the group of employees first, then the review. For example, R&D, then Reviews 2011.

                                                • The employee’s OLF is not stored at the time of review generation, therefore, anyone who left R&D after the 2011 reviews were generated will not be included.

                                                Accessing and Generating Reports

                                                When you are granted permissions to access and generate reports the navigation bar at the top of the Performance application includes a Reports link. From any Performance module follow the link to open the My Reports dialog.

                                                Also generate native reports from many other locations in Performance:

                                                • Advanced Search > Actions > Create Report

                                                • Advanced Search > Employee inline menu > Create Report

                                                • Talent Profile > More Actions Menu > Create Report

                                                • Talent Browser > Employee Card inline menu

                                                • Talent Browser > More Actions menu > Create Report

                                                • Review Hub > More Actions menu > Create Report

                                                • Review Hub > Employee inline menu > Create Report

                                                • Talent Pool > Talent Pool inline menu > Create Report

                                                • Talent Pool > More Actions menu > Create Report

                                                • Talent Pool > Talent Pool > Members > Employee inline menu > Create Report

                                                • People Search - Users can run reports directly from the People Search results, pre-populating the report filter with either the search result criteria or the search selections.

                                                  If users select all the employees from the search results and then select Run Report, they are presented with a pop-up prompting them to choose whether to run the report on the selected employees or all employees. The data displays up to 20 rows per page.

                                                Note: The number of rows available to report on is dependent on the Advanced Search setting that defines how many rows are returned for the People Search. While reporting allows up to 5000 rows, the default value is 500 and it is recommended that this value be retained to optimize performance.

                                                My Reports DialogThe My Reports dialog displays a list from which you can access previously generated report instances, for both delivered and custom reports. For each report instance the dialog presents the report Name, Number of employees included in the report, Request Date and Status. The count is the Number of Positions in the case of Positions and the Number of Talent Pools in the case of Talent Pools. For measurement reports the count is always shown as 0. If you want to generate a different report instance with different parameters, click the Run Report link at top of the dialog to open the Run a Report dialog. The Name field has a More Actions dropdown selector providing these options:

                                                • View - Use to view the report content in the specified output format.

                                                • Download report data - Use to download the report data in an XML file.
                                                  Note: Not all users will have this option. This is configurable and the Access Report Data setting must be enabled at the user level for this option to display.
                                                • Delete - Use to delete the report instance from the list.

                                                When you run a report and first come to the dialog box to open the report instance it may not yet be displayed. Click Refresh to prompt the report instance to display on the list.

                                                Run a Report Dialog

                                                The Run a Report dialog is accessed using the Run Report link on the My Reports dialog. It provides the ability to generate new report instances using different report parameters, for both delivered and custom reports. You can only select and run one population/report combination at a time.

                                                The reports and report output types available to a you depends upon your organization's implementation. Configured group and role restrictions for report display are applied to the Run a Report dialog. Performance only loads permitted reports on your page.

                                                The Organization Chart is available only in the PDF and PPT report output formats. A customizable data model is not available for the Organization Chart report, you cannot create a custom Organization Chart report.

                                                The Run a Report dialog has five tabs grouping reports by employee population type (employees, positions, talent pools, reviews, goals). The following table lists the selection parameter values presented for each type.

                                                Category tab (entity type) Selection Parameters
                                                • Direct Reports

                                                • Direct Reports + One Level

                                                • All my employees

                                                • Specific employee(s)

                                                • Talent Pool

                                                • Employees in my coverage area

                                                • All my positions

                                                • Specific position(s)

                                                • Positions in my coverage area

                                                Talent pools
                                                • All my talent pool(s)

                                                • Select talent pool(s)

                                                • Review Cycle

                                                • Review Request

                                                • Review Request Group

                                                • Coverage Area Filters

                                                • Business Period

                                                • Coverage Area Filters

                                                  Running Reports

                                                  Running reports involves creating report instances which you subsequently send to the printer server for generation, and then viewing the reports via Taleo Performance or email.

                                                    Generating New Report Instances

                                                    New report instances can be generated from throughout the system, wherever you can access the My Reports dialog, and take the current context into consideration when initially setting the criteria for the report.

                                                    For instance, if you select New Report from the Talent Browser — which is set to display direct reports — then the Direct Reports option is preselected in the New Report window. The reports available to choose from are based on the main components of the system — development and goal plans, performance reviews along with review status and ratings history, talent profile — and will be bespoke for your organization. Reports are not generated on-demand. You may have to wait a number of minutes before you can view the report.

                                                    Note: Your reports only contain information on employees you have access to.
                                                      Running a Report Instance

                                                      You must have the Team Management > Access Reporting user type permission.

                                                      Your access to a given report may be further restricted by User Group or User Role configuration.

                                                      [Navigation bar] > Reports

                                                      [Navigation bar] > Talent Browser button > More Actions

                                                      [Navigation bar] > Talent Browser button > Performance Card

                                                      [Navigation bar] More dropdown > Talent Pools > More Actions

                                                      [Navigation bar] More dropdown > Talent Pools > Employee > Actions menu

                                                      [Navigation bar] > Profile > More Actions

                                                      [Navigation bar] > Reviews > Employee > Actions menu

                                                      Search Results > Employee > Go To menu

                                                      1. In the My Reports dialog click the Run Report link.

                                                      2. In the Run a Report dialog click the appropriate employee population type tab and enter the applicable employee population parameters for the desired report.

                                                        The number of employees that will be included in the report is displayed at the bottom of the tab.
                                                      3. In the Select a Report section locate and click the report's name from the list. Reports are listed by domain (module). Available delivered and custom reports are listed, subject to your access permissions.

                                                      4. In the Customize the Report section:

                                                        1. Choose any additional temporal selection parameters, such as Business Period or Review Cycle, if any.

                                                        2. Give the report instance a name.

                                                        3. Then select the desired output format.

                                                      5. Click Run Report.

                                                        The report instance is sent to the reporting server.
                                                      6. In the popup dialog that displays do one of the following:

                                                        • Click OK to close the dialog and return to the original page you were on.

                                                        • Click Go to My Reports, where the report's progress is displayed. In the My Reports dialog you can click Refresh until the report instance displays at the top of the list with a status of Ready. When the report is ready it will be accessible from the My Reports window. If the report cannot be created an error message is displayed.

                                                      Depending on your system configuration you may open the report instance by clicking the hyperlinked report name on the My Reports dialog, or the report may also be emailed to you. In either case when you open the report it will be in the selected output format you chose on the Run Reports dialog.

                                                        Viewing Reports

                                                        Once you have generated a report and it has been run, you can view it from throughout Taleo Performance, anywhere the Reports link is available. Reports can also be configured to be emailed to whoever created them.

                                                        While the context you are in can affect the default options available when you want to generate a new report instance, regardless of where you access the My Reports dialog from, the report will display the same details.

                                                        When you receive a report via email you will receive a link to the report in Taleo Performance and you may also get an attached PDF. Whether an attachment is included is dependent on the PDF not exceeding the attachment file size limit. When you select the link (not the attachment) in the email you may be prompted to sign into Oracle Taleo Performance, but then the report will be displayed automatically, without the need for additional navigation. If the report expires before you access it, the report name is no longer clickable.

                                                        Large Profile Picture in Native Reporting.

                                                        Native Reports display a larger, higher quality employee photo image in the header section. It is the same image as that for the Talent Profile' General section:
                                                        • Image format can be .gif, .jpg. or .png.

                                                        • Image size is 256 x 256 pixels, passport style.

                                                        Some configuration is needed for the photo to display in the Talent Profile and for the user to be able to upload the photo for the Talent Profile.

                                                          Viewing Report Instances

                                                          You must have the Team Management > Access Reporting user type permission in Configuration. Your access to a given report may also be limited due to User Group or User Role report access permissions.


                                                          [Navigation bar] > Reports

                                                          [Navigation bar] > Talent Browser > More Actions

                                                          [Navigation bar] > Talent Browser > Performance Card > More Actions menu

                                                          [Navigation bar] More dropdown > Talent Pools > More Actions

                                                          [Navigation bar] More dropdown > Talent Pools > Employee > Actions menu

                                                          [Navigation bar] > Profile > More Actions

                                                          [Navigation bar] > Reviews > Employee > Actions menu

                                                          Search Results > Employee > Go To menu

                                                          1. In the My Reports dialog the hyperlinked names of existing (previously generated) report instances are displayed in a list.

                                                            The list displays all the reports you have requested, along with how many employees were included in the report, its request date, and status. If the status is Ready it can be viewed; however, if the status is Not Ready, Expired, or Error, it cannot be viewed. If the status is Not Ready, you can try clicking Refresh to prompt the report instance to display.
                                                          2. Click the desired report name to open a version of the report instance in the previously selected output format.

                                                            Only reports that are ready will have active hyperlinks and can be opened. The way the report opens is dependent on your internet browser settings. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, you will be prompted to do so for reports that are PDF output.

                                                          The report opens and you can choose to save it or print it.

                                                          Click Archived to display additional reports or click Run Again to rerun the report with the most current data.

                                                          After viewing, you can delete the report instance by selecting the Name field dropdown (the Down Arrow icon) and clicking Delete from the available options.

                                                            Employee Delete

                                                            The Employee delete feature provides the ability to filter, review, and delete former employees from the system as required by legal constraints in EMEA and other regions.

                                                            The Person Model

                                                            A person in the system can be composed of the following parts:

                                                            • User Account – to access the system with granted permissions.

                                                            • Candidate Account – to apply for jobs through the Career Section.

                                                            • Profile – to store the common profile. Employee and Candidate share the same profile.

                                                            • Employee – to store employee related data.

                                                            When a candidate is hired, he gets a user account and an employee associated to his profile:

                                                            • As an employee, the profile is maintained through Taleo Performance Talent Profile

                                                            • As a candidate, the profile is maintained through Recruiting and the Career Section.

                                                            Employee Delete Strategy

                                                            Employee Delete only removes employee specific data.

                                                            The Candidate account and common profile are left intact. This will allow the person to be rehired in the future. The person may remain in current pools or succession plans. The Candidate account can eventually be deleted as a distinct task if Recruiting is available in the system.


                                                            Not Deleted

                                                            Employee Specific Data

                                                            • Employee Metrics

                                                            • Pictures

                                                            • Job History

                                                            • Matrix Management

                                                            • Remaining Tasks

                                                            • Compensation History

                                                            • Goal Plans, Goals, Tasks (aligned goals will be unlinked)

                                                            • Performance Reviews & Review History

                                                            • Career Plans

                                                            • Development Plans

                                                            • Received Feedbacks

                                                            • Sent Feedback Requests

                                                            Other Taleo Performance Data

                                                            • Business Goals

                                                            • Projects

                                                            • Sent Feedbacks

                                                            • History of actions taken by the employee

                                                            Profile and Candidate Data

                                                            • General Profile (Education, Experience, Certifications, Preferences, etc)

                                                            • Job Submissions

                                                            • Offers

                                                            Talent Pools & Succession Plans

                                                            • Remains as member (now as an external candidate).

                                                            User Specific Data

                                                            • Remains in the system but inactive.

                                                            Employee Delete Rules

                                                            • Only terminated employees can be deleted.

                                                            • Employee must not be owner manager of positions. A transfer of ownership is required prior deletion.

                                                            • Employee must not be owner of talent pools. A transfer of ownership is required prior deletion.

                                                            Employee Delete Process

                                                            Employee delete is a three step process:

                                                            1. Employee termination

                                                            2. Deletion task creation

                                                            3. Task monitoring


                                                            • No archiving capabilities at this time.

                                                            • The user account cannot be permanently deleted from the system.

                                                              • User accounts are only virtually deleted but remain in the system.

                                                              • The user account does not contain employee related data.

                                                            • Products for which the data will not be automatically deleted by the Employee Delete task:

                                                              • Learn

                                                              • Evaluation Management

                                                              • Assessment

                                                              • Passport

                                                              • Talent Exchange

                                                              • Analytics

                                                              • Any other external products integrated with Taleo