4Scheduling Center Administrator Functions

Scheduling Center Administrator Functions

    Candidate Portal Messaging

      Candidate Portal Messaging

      Scheduling Center administrators can create custom text in the Candidate Portal Messaging.

      The Candidate Portal Messaging uses message templates allowing Scheduling Center administrators to override default text within custom messages. The Candidate Portal Messaging is available via the Configuration page.

      The message templates contain default text that can be overridden for each specific locale. Both the header text and the body of the message are configurable.

      The available message templates are:
      • Closed Invites

      • Open Invites

      • Pending Invites

      • Scheduled Appointments

        Configuring Candidate Portal Messages

        The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

        Scheduling Center > Configuration > Candidate Portal Messaging
        1. Click a message template.

        2. Select a locale if applicable.

        3. Update the header text. Apply formatting as appropriate.

          If no updates are made, the default header text is displayed.

        4. Update the message text. Apply formatting as appropriate.

        5. Click Preview to see how the message will look like.

        6. Click Save.

          Email Templates

            Email Templates

            Emails sent via the Scheduling Center can be configured to reflect an organization communication style, standards, and requirements.

            The Administrator can configure system emails with their organization branding rather that having only one email model used by all users. If email templates are not configured, the system default templates are used.

            For each email template, the following information is displayed in the Email Template page:

            • Title: Name of the email, that is in which instance the email will be used.

            • Recipient: The person to whom the email will be sent.

            • Service Level: The permission level of the recipient, when the recipient is a candidate. Possible values are: None, Cancel Only, Full, All (All candidates can receive the email, regardless of their permission level.)

            • Location Type: The location type associated with the calendar. Possible values are: In Person, By Phone.

            • Actions: If the text on an email template has been modified from the default, Revert to Default will appear in the Actions column.

            The following default types of email templates are supplied with the system:

            Message Title Recipient Service Level Location Type
            Appointment Canceled
            Appointment Canceled Calendar Owner
            Appointment Canceled Candidate All
            Appointment Canceled by Recruiter Candidate All
            Appointment Confirmed
            Appointment Confirmed Calendar Owner
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate Cancel Only In Person
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate Full In Person
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate None In Person
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate Cancel Only By Phone
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate Full By Phone
            Appointment Confirmed Candidate None By Phone
            Appointment Reminder
            Appointment Reminder Candidate Cancel Only In Person
            Appointment Reminder Candidate Full In Person
            Appointment Reminder Candidate None In Person
            Appointment Reminder Candidate Cancel Only By Phone
            Appointment Reminder Candidate Full By Phone
            Appointment Reminder Candidate None By Phone
            Appointment Request
            Appointment Request Candidate Full In Person
            Appointment Request Candidate None By Phone
            Appointment Reschedule Notification
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Calendar Owner
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate Cancel Only In Person
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate Full In Person
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate None In Person
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate Cancel Only By Phone
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate Full By Phone
            Appointment Reschedule Notification Candidate None By Phone
            Appointment Reschedule Request
            Appointment Reschedule Request Candidate Full In Person
            Appointment Reschedule Request Candidate Full By Phone
            Feedback Request
            Feedback Request
            Scheduled Appointments
            Scheduled Appointments Calendar Owner
            Timeslots Not Feasible
            Timeslots Not Feasible Calendar Owner

            Templates cannot be manually created, however default templates can be modified to the specific needs of your organization. Only one default template can exist for each type of email.

            A template is edited either by typing text or by adding variables. These variables will automatically call information from the application and display it in the template. For example, if the variable [Candidate.LastName] is used in the template then the last name of the candidate will be automatically included in the template by the system. Variables can only be added to templates from the Merge Field selection list available on the Edit Template page and not copied and pasted from other templates.

            A user can choose to attach an iCalendar data file (ICS file) to the Appointment Confirmed email templates. If the ICS file is attached to the email template, then the candidate and the Calendar Owner receiving the email confirmation notification will be able to add the confirmation to their calendar.

            By default, notifications are not sent automatically by the system, email are sent only if the user has set the Send email field to Yes.

            Email templates can be configured for multiple languages.

              Revert to Default Available for Email Templates

              Scheduling Center administrators have the ability to overwrite custom text on email templates with the original default text.

              Default text is provided for all email templates used in Scheduling Center. This text is configurable and can be edited for specific needs. If the text on an email template has been modified from the default, Revert to Default will appear in the Actions column of the Email Templates page. When you click Revert to Default, a message box will appear to confirm the action before any custom text is replaced with default text. The email template will display only the originally provided default text and all custom text will be deleted.

                Editing an Email Template

                The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                1. Click an email template.

                2. Modify text as required.

                3. Click Update.

                  Adding a Variable to an Email Template

                  The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                  Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                  1. Click an email template.

                  2. Place cursor in the email template at the position to add variable.

                  3. Select variable from Merge Fields.

                  4. Click Update.

                    Adding a Static Hyperlink to an Email Template

                    The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                    Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                    1. Click an email template.

                    2. Type desired text into the body of the template.

                    3. Select the typed text.

                    4. Click Link.

                    5. Select Link Type, Protocol, and enter URL.

                    6. Click OK.

                    7. Click Update.

                    The typed text is a clickable hyperlink. The static hyperlink can be removed by selecting the link and clicking Unlink.

                      Email Template Activation

                      Allows an Administrator to choose if an email will be sent or not by the system.

                      The Administrator can choose to inactivate an email template meaning that emails using this template will not be sent to the candidate. All email templates are by default set to Active, that is emails based on the template are sent to the candidates by the system.

                      Activation or inactivation is automatically applied to every locale version of the calendar.

                        Activating an Email Template

                        The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                        The email template must be inactive.

                        Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                        1. Click on an email template.

                        2. In the Edit page, select Yes.

                        3. Click Update.

                        Emails using this template will be sent by the system.

                          Inactivating an Email Template

                          The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                          The email template must be active.

                          Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                          1. Click on an email template.

                          2. In the Edit page, select No.

                          3. Click Update.

                          Emails using this template will no longer be sent by the system.

                            Adding an iCalendar Data File to an Email Template

                            The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                            A Calendar role grants users access to this feature.

                            Scheduling Center > Configuration > Email Templates
                            1. Select an Appointment Confirmed email template.

                            2. Select Yes for the Send .ics field.

                            3. Click Update.

                            When the email is sent, the .ics file is added to the email allowing the recipients to add the appointment to their calendar.

                              Notify Calendar Owner of Time Slot Unavailability

                              Calendar owners receive an automated email notification when candidates cannot find a suitable interview time slot while self-scheduling an interview. With this feature, candidates no longer need to send a manual notification to the recruiter.

                              While scheduling an appointment, candidates click the No Feasible Timeslots button to notify the calendar owner that they cannot find a suitable interview time. The calendar owner then automatically receives an email notification entitled Timeslots Not Feasible which contains candidate information and the calendar name.

                              There are not steps necessary to enable this feature. If desired, you can modify the email template Timeslots Not Feasible. If you wish to not trigger the email notification, you can disable the feature. Note however that the No Feasible Timeslots button will still be available to candidates.

                              To disable the feature:

                              1. Click Scheduling Center.

                              2. Click Configuration.

                              3. Click Email Templates.

                              4. Click Timeslots Not Feasible.

                              5. For the Send Email option, select No.

                              6. Click Save.


                                  Location Template

                                  Information on how and where an interview will take place can be saved as a template for reuse purposes.

                                  In the Scheduling Center, it is possible to create a template for location information. When creating a calendar, information on where or how an interview will be carried out must be completed. The Administrator must choose the location where the appointment will take place. If templates are created for a specific location, information will be automatically populated into the fields when the calendar is created for a chosen location.

                                  The Administrator can choose to use the location information as is, or to modify it. In this case, the changes will not be saved in the template and will apply only for that specific calendar. To save the changes into the template, the location must be modified and saved in the Location configuration pages.

                                    Creating a Location Template

                                    The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                                    Scheduling Center > Configuration > Locations
                                    1. Click Add New Location.

                                    2. Complete fields regarding the location of the appointment.

                                    3. Select one or several languages for the location.

                                    4. Enter details regarding the appointment in the language selected.

                                    5. Click Save.

                                    If this location is selected when creating a calendar, the information will be automatically populated in the fields of the new calendar.

                                      Editing a Location Template

                                      The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                                      Scheduling Center > Configuration > Locations
                                      1. Click on a location template.

                                      2. Modify fields as required.

                                      3. Click Save.

                                      Changes will reflect in the location template used to create a calendar.

                                        Users Creation

                                          User Creation

                                          The Create Users functionality allows the Administrator to search and select users who can have access to the Scheduling Center.

                                          Before a role can be granted to a user, the user must first be granted access to the Scheduling Center by a Recruiting Center system administrator. The user must try (but will not succeed) at least once to connect to the Scheduling Center for the administrator to be able to grant them a role.

                                            Creating a User

                                            The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                                            Scheduling Center > Configuration > Create Users
                                            1. Enter the first name, last name or full name of the user that you want available in the Scheduling Center.

                                            2. Click Search.

                                            3. Select the appropriate user displayed in the list.

                                            4. Click Save.

                                            Access Configuration to assign login rights to the user.

                                              Calendar Imports

                                                Calendar Import

                                                The Administrator can import a large number of calendars to have them automatically created by the system.

                                                In cases where a large number of calendars need to be created, the Administrator can have the system automatically create several calendars at a time. The Administrator adds information, such as name and scheduling cushion, in a spreadsheet for each calendar needing to be created. This information is uploaded in the system then calendars are automatically created with the information included in each row of the spreadsheet. Calendars are then downloaded into the Scheduling Center. Once these calendars are imported in the Scheduling Center, they are available to the Administrator and Calendar Owner, but permissions will need to be granted for any other type of users for them to have access to these calendars. These calendars can be used as is in the Scheduling Center or edited.

                                                  Importing Calendars

                                                  The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                                                  All spreadsheet fields must be completed.

                                                  Only one upload can be performed at a time.

                                                  Secondary locale information is optional.

                                                  Scheduling Center > Configuration > Import Calendars
                                                  1. Click on a template, that is Phone Calendar Template or In Person Calendar Template.

                                                  2. Click Open.

                                                  3. In the displayed spreadsheet, complete all fields for each calendar to be created.

                                                  4. Save the Excel file in a CSV format.

                                                  5. Log back in to the Scheduling Center.

                                                  6. In the Import Calendars page, click Browse to select the CSV file previously saved.

                                                  7. Select a type of calendar from the Select Calendar Type field (same type as for the CSV file).

                                                  8. Select if the first row of the spreadsheet contains headers or not.

                                                  9. Click Save.

                                                  The spreadsheet is validated by the system, uploaded and then calendars are created in the Scheduling Center. Download can take several minutes for large imports.

                                                    Time Zones

                                                      Time Zone Configuration

                                                      The Administrator has the ability to identify which time zones are visible to users in the Scheduling Center.

                                                      The Display Time Zones functionality allows system administrators to select the time zones displayed to users. When implementing a new zone, all time zones available in the Display Time Zones page are selected by default.

                                                      When a time zone has been enabled by a Scheduling Center administrator and then assigned to a calendar by a recruiter, it cannot be disabled while the calendar is active. The time zone will appear grayed out on the Display Time Zones page. If the calendar is no longer active, and the time zone is not used in any other active calendar, the time zone can be disabled. The Display Time Zone page displays a message that states "Time Zones that are not editable are in use."

                                                      Then, when users are creating calendars, they will only see and be able to select the time zones selected by the administrator.



                                                          The Scheduling Center is available in many languages.

                                                          The Language drop-down menu located in the right-hand side of pages allows users to select the language in which they want to use the product. Languages must be activated by the system administrator before they can be used in the Scheduling Center.

                                                          The Display Languages page displays a message that states "Languages that are not editable are in use." However, when a language has been enabled by a Scheduling Center administrator and then assigned to a calendar, it can no longer be disabled. The language will appear grayed out on the Display Languages page. The language must stay enabled in the event the calendar using it is reactivated in the future.

                                                          If a language is only used in a calendar location that has never been used by a calendar, then the language can be disabled upon deactivation of the location.  

                                                            Supported Languages

                                                            The languages supported for Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud products as well as specific features are listed below. For details regarding language availability for Oracle Learn Cloud and Oracle Taleo Business Edition, see the documentation for those products.

                                                            • Scheduling Center: All listed languages are supported except Portuguese (Portugal).

                                                            • Assessment: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa).

                                                            • OBIEE: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa), Lithuanian, Malaysian (Malay), Serbian, Slovenian.

                                                            Language Locale Recruiting and Onboarding Performance Mobile Sourcing Resume Parsing
                                                            Bulgarian bg Available Available
                                                            Chinese (China) zh_CN Available Available Available Available
                                                            Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW Available Available Available Available
                                                            Croatian hr Available Available
                                                            Czech cs Available Available Available
                                                            Danish da Available Available
                                                            Dutch nl Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                            English en Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                            English (U.K.) en_GB Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                            Finnish fi Available Available Available
                                                            French (Canada) fr Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                            French (France) fr_FR Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                            German de Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                            Greek el Available Available
                                                            Hungarian hu Available Available Available
                                                            Italian it Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                            Indonesian (Bahasa)* in Available Available Available
                                                            Japanese ja Available Available Available Available
                                                            Korean ko Available Available Available Available
                                                            Lithuanian* lt Available Available
                                                            Malaysian (Malay)* ms Available Available
                                                            Norwegian no Available Available Available
                                                            Polish pl Available Available Available Available
                                                            Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                            Portuguese (Portugal)* pt Available Available Available
                                                            Romanian ro Available Available Available
                                                            Russian ru Available Available Available Available
                                                            Serbian* sr (sh) Available Available
                                                            Slovak sk Available Available Available
                                                            Slovenian* sl Available Available
                                                            Spanish (Worldwide) es Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                            Swedish sv Available Available Available Available
                                                            Thai th Available Available Available
                                                            Turkish tr Available Available Available

                                                              Enabling Languages

                                                              Scheduling Center > Configuration > Display Languages
                                                              1. Check the box next to the languages you want to display to users.

                                                              2. Click Save.

                                                              Users will only see and be able to select the languages that were enabled.

                                                                Mass Update

                                                                  Ability to Mass Update Calendar Owners

                                                                  Calendars, permissions, and timeslots can be transferred from one Scheduling Center user to another in a single action.

                                                                  The Mass Update functionality allows all of a recruiter's or other Scheduling Center user's items to be reassigned to another recruiter or Scheduling Center user. This transfer includes all current ownership of calendars and timeslots, as well as permissions the originating recruiter has been granted for other calendars.

                                                                  A Scheduling Center administrator accesses the originating recruiter or other user's items by selecting them from Select Owner on the Mass Update page. Once the owner is selected, the Scheduling Center presents a count of all calendars, permissions, and timeslots for that owner. The new user can then be selected using Select Owner by the Select New User field. Once submitted, all items are transferred to the new owner.

                                                                    Mass Updating Calendar Owners

                                                                    The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

                                                                    Scheduling Center > Configuration
                                                                    1. Click Mass Update.

                                                                    2. Click Select Owner.

                                                                    3. Click Select User.

                                                                    4. Click Submit.

                                                                      The Scheduling Center presents a count of all calendars, permissions, and timeslots for that owner.
                                                                    5. Click Submit.

                                                                    All items are transferred to the new owner.

                                                                      Default Weekdays

                                                                        Default Weekdays

                                                                        The Default Weekdays functionality allows the Administrator to select default days for timeslots.

                                                                          Resend of Candidate Submissions

                                                                            Resending Candidate Submissions

                                                                            The Resend Candidate Submissions functionality allows the Administrator to resubmit appointments scheduled by candidates which were not successfully submitted to Recruiting during the appointment scheduling process.

                                                                            In the Candidate Submissions page, the latest 50 candidate submissions that were not successfully sent to Recruiting are listed. The Resend link is available to resend only the selected candidate submission. A Resend All button is also available to resend all the candidate submissions listed. The list is sortable by candidate name.

                                                                              Schedule Appointment Emails

                                                                                Scheduled Appointment Emails

                                                                                Calendar owners can receive daily and weekly reminders for scheduled interviews. Sending periodic automated reminders provides an easy way for interviewers to be aware of upcoming interviews and ensures that interviews are not missed.

                                                                                When administrators enable the feature, calendar owners receive email message listing appointments scheduled for them over the week or the day. The appointment date and time are indicated as well as the candidate name and email address.

                                                                                  Fields Description

                                                                                  Fields Description Location
                                                                                  Calendar Name The name of the calendar name that is displayed to candidates when they are scheduling their appointment. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Active Calendar Allows the calendar to be used in a requisition for candidates to book appointments. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Candidate Self-Service Level Sets the permission level for candidates to control their appointments. A candidate may be granted full scheduling capabilities (that is, scheduling, rescheduling, canceling - this is the highest level of permissions), or may be restricted to only canceling an appointment or have no permissions at all. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Allow Same Day Scheduling Allows candidates to schedule an appointment for the same day on which they make the appointment. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Scheduling Cushion (in minutes) Applies to same day scheduling. Represents the amount of time prior to an appointment that a candidate can self-schedule. For example, if set to 60 minutes and the candidate is self-scheduling 30 minutes prior to the appointment, that appointment will be unavailable. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Scheduling Horizon (in days) Represents how long in advance a candidate may book an appointment on a calendar. The default value is 14 days in advance. The scheduling horizon can be set to 60, 90 or to a maximum interval of 180 days. The scheduling horizon can be edited once appointments have been made on the calendar. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Appointment Change (lock-down) Determines for a calendar how close to the time of a confirmed appointment a candidate will be allowed to reschedule. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Calendar Owner The person responsible for maintaining the calendar. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Calendar Display Name The name of the calendar as the user wants it to display to the candidates. The calendar name that displays internally to users is often different than what is shown to candidates. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Select As Primary Locale Displays the language in which the calendar will be displayed to the administrator and recruiters. Note: If only one language is offered, it will default to the current language and the button will automatically be checked. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Multiple Location Indicates that a calendar is created for several locations (maximum of 5 locations). Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Single Location Indicates that a calendar is created for one location. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Location Type Indicates if the interview will be held in person (default) or on the phone Scheduling Center > Calendars

                                                                                  Scheduling Center > Configuration > Locations

                                                                                  Calendar Location Name The name of the location created by the Administrator as visible within the Scheduling Center. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Location Display Name The name of the location as it is displayed to candidates. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Pre-schedule Information Instructions such as asking the candidate to bring two types of ID, to dress business casual, etc. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Interview Directions The user creating a calendar can input directions to the appointment location. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Interview Instructions The user creating a calendar can input instructions for the appointment, for example to tell the candidates to check in at the front desk. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Timeslot Owner When a timeslot owner is assigned to a timeslot, the timeslot owner receives an email each time a candidate schedules an appointment for the assigned timeslot. If no timeslot owner is selected, the calendar owner receives the email. Scheduling Center > Calendars
                                                                                  Schedule up to a maximum Maximum number of timeslots available for the time selected. A maximum of 999 timeslots can be set. Scheduling Center > Timeslots
                                                                                  Interval in minutes How long the appointment will last. The system will automatically create appointments based on start time/end time and interval. For example, a start time of 9:00 am and an end time of 11:00 am for interval of 30 minutes will result in time slots being automatically generated for 9:00; 9:30; 10:00 and 10:30. Scheduling Center > Timeslots
                                                                                  Roster Report A roster report is a listing of scheduled appointments for the calendar and date time frame selected. It will list who has been scheduled and if they arrived at their appointed time. Reports