3Scheduling Center Configuration

Scheduling Center Configuration

    Configuring Scheduling Center in Recruiting Administration

      Activating the Scheduling Center Screening Service

      The Access Screening Services configuration and the Access Administration user type permissions are required.

      The Scheduling Center and the Scheduling Center (Proctored) services have been created.

      The screening service must be inactive.

      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
      1. Click Scheduling Center service name.

      2. Click Activate located next to the name of the service.

      3. Click the Scheduling Center (Proctored) service name.

      4. Click Activate located next to the name of the service.

      The service is available in the Recruiting Center when users request an external service.

      Activating the Scheduling Center (Proctored) screening service.

        Configuring Scheduling Center Screening Service Settings

        The Access Administration user type permission is required.

        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
        1. Click Scheduling Center.

        2. Click Edit next to Properties.

        3. In the Settings section, configure the assessment settings as desired. For details, see Scheduling Center Screening Service Properties, Settings, and Fields.

        4. Click Save.

        Configuring Screening Service Settings for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

          Configuring Scheduling Center Input Fields

          The Access Administration user type permission is required.

          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
          1. Click Scheduling Center.

          2. Click the name of an Input field.

          3. Click Edit next to Properties.

          4. Under Name, enter the name of the field if you want to override the default name.

          5. Under Default Value, select the calendar that will appear by default in the calendar field located in the requisition Screening block. For details, see Scheduling Center Screening Service Properties, Settings, and Fields.

          6. Click Save.

          Configuring Input Fields for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

            Configuring Scheduling Center Result Fields

            The Access Administration user type permission is required.

            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
            1. Click Scheduling Center.

            2. Click the name of a Result field.

            3. Click Edit next to Properties.

            4. Under Name, enter the name of the field if you want to override the default name.

            5. Click Save.

            Configuring Result Fields for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

              Configuring Scheduling Center Screening Service User-defined Forms

              The Access Administration user type permission is required.

              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
              1. Click Scheduling Center.

              2. Under User-defined Forms, configure the following elements.

                • Capture of input fields: This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in Edit mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

                • Display of input fields: This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in View mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

                • Display of result fields: This is where you define how the Scheduling Center result fields will appear in the candidate submission.

                • Display of result set fields: This is used only for those external partners whose certification includes result set fields. Scheduling Center does not use this kind of fields. Therefore, nothing to configure here.

              3. Click Save.

              Configuring User-defined Forms for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

                Previewing a Screening Service User-defined Form

                The Access Screening Services configuration and the Access Administration user type permissions are required.

                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
                1. Click a screening service.

                2. Click Preview this form located beside the form you want to preview.

                The final layout of a user-defined form used in a screening service is displayed to the system administrator.

                  Configuring Scheduling Center Screening Service Labels

                  The Access Administration user type permission is required.

                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
                  1. Click Scheduling Center.

                  2. Click Edit next to Labels.

                  3. Select the language of the message.

                  4. Complete the fields as desired. For details, see Scheduling Center Screening Service Properties, Settings, and Fields.

                  5. Click Save.

                  6. Click Preview next to Labels to see how the message will appear to candidates.

                    Previewing a Service Label

                    The Access Screening Services configuration and the Access Administration user type permissions are required.

                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
                    1. Click on the name of the service.

                    2. Click Preview next to Labels.

                    The labels will be displayed as the candidate will see them.

                      Configuring the Scheduling Center Candidate Selection Workflow

                      The Access Administration user type permission is required.

                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
                      1. Click Scheduling Center.

                      2. Click Create next to CSW Actions.

                      3. Complete the fields as desired. For details, see Assessment CSW Actions.

                      4. Click Save.

                      When the candidate selection workflow is used in the Recruiting Center, the execution of the Assessment will be carried out automatically.

                      Configuring Candidate Selection Workflow for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

                        Selecting Message Templates for the Scheduling Center

                        The Access Administration user type permission is required.

                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services
                        1. Click Scheduling Center.

                        2. Click Edit next to Correspondence.

                        3. Click Select under Message template (internal candidates).

                        4. Select the message template you want to send to internal candidates.

                        5. Click Select.

                        6. Click Select under Message template (external candidates).

                        7. Select the message template you want to send to external candidates.

                        8. Click Select.

                        9. Click Save.

                        The candidate will receive an e-mail based on these templates, depending on whether the candidate is an internal or external candidate. The e-mail will contain a link to an appointment invitation.

                        Configuring Message Templates for Scheduling Center (Proctored).

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Properties, Settings, and Fields

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Property Description Location
                          Name Value: Scheduling Center or Scheduling Center (Proctored) Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Description Value: The Scheduling Center automatically schedules candidates you designate on calendars you can control. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Provider Name Taleo Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Provider Description Taleo Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Type Scheduling Center Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Status Possible values are Active, Inactive. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Code Code given to Scheduling Center. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Setting Description Location
                          Validity Period

                          Value: Always valid

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Candidate must answer email within (in hours) Value: 0

                          This setting is not used by Scheduling Center.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          This service is mandatory for new requisitions and for those updated while in "Draft" status

                          This setting is not used by Scheduling Center.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Access this service through the browser full-screen mode Provided pop-up calendar delivery is used, this setting directs the browser to ignore the latest defined pop-up size and instead present the Scheduling Center in full-screen mode. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Client Identifier Client ID is assigned when Scheduling Center is created. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
                          Delay to wait before timing out a request (in hours) When a request times out the system will no longer try to receive a candidate appointment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Input Field Property Description Location
                          AssessmentID The calendar associated with the initial interview phase of the CSW.
                          The properties of the input field are:
                          • Code: The internal name of the input field. The code is a read-only property.

                          • Name: The label of the field in the requisition file. For example, Calendar ID 1.

                          • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read-only property.

                          • Mandatory: If the service definition specifies the field as being mandatory, then the input field will always be mandatory. If the service definition specifies the field as optional, then you can configure the field as being either mandatory or optional. For example, if the input field is mandatory, then in the Recruiting Center, the Assessment Version field in the requisition file Screening block will have a red asterisk to indicate that the field must be completed.

                          • Default Value: Calendar displayed by default in the requisition file.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Input Fields > Version [Properties] > Edit
                          AssessementId2-AssessementId10 The calendar associated with the interview phases of the CSW, after the initial phase.
                          The properties of the input field are:
                          • Code: The internal name of the input field. The code is a read-only property.

                          • Name: The label of the field in the requisition file. For example, Calendar ID 1.

                          • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read-only property.

                          • Mandatory: If the service definition specifies the field as being mandatory, then the input field will always be mandatory. If the service definition specifies the field as optional, then you can configure the field as being either mandatory or optional. For example, if the input field is mandatory, then in the Recruiting Center, the Assessment Version field in the requisition file Screening block will have a red asterisk to indicate that the field must be completed.

                          • Default Value: Calendar displayed by default in the requisition file.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Input Fields > Version [Properties] > Edit

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Result Field Description Location
                          Appointment The status of the first phase appointment. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > Appointment
                          ApointmentStatus2-10 The status of an appointment possibly in phase 2 through 10. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > ApointmentStatus1-10
                          DetailsUrl Appears as the More Details link by default. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the link by editing the Name field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > DetailsUrl
                          SchedulingError The value, Scheduling Center returned an error, will appear if there is a communication error between Recruiting and Scheduling Center. If the error pertains to an error within Scheduling Center, a code will follow the text.

                          The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingError
                          SchedulingStatus The status of scheduling the appointment. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingStatus
                          SchedulingNoShowStatus The value of this field is displayed in the Results Summary in the Screening tab of the Job Submission. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingNoShowStatus
                          Summary The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > Summary

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service User-Defined Form Description Location
                          Capture of input fields

                          This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in Edit mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
                          Display of input fields

                          This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in View mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
                          Display of result fields This is where you define how the Scheduling Center result fields will appear in the candidate submission. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
                          Display of result set fields This is used only for those external partners whose certification includes result set fields. Scheduling Center does not use these kinds of fields. Therefore, nothing to configure here. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Label Description Location
                          Service Name This is the name of the service. Default value:

                          Select an Interview Schedule

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Label 1 Default value:

                          Our initial review indicates that you may be qualified for this position. Additional information could facilitate your selection. This information will allow us to rank you with regard to other candidates as part of our total assessment process.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Label 2 Default value:

                          Therefore, we invite you to fill out an online assessment questionnaire. This process occurs in another window. You must answer all questions in a page before clicking Next. If you don't know the answer to a question, select the option that makes more sense to you.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Label Before Link to Service Default value:

                          Do not use the browser's Back or Forward buttons to view previous or following questions. If you do so, you will lose all the information you have entered.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Link to Service Default value:

                          Schedule an Appointment

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Tooltip for Link to Service Default value:

                          Access the assessment questionnaire

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
                          Label 3 Default value:

                          After completing the questionnaire, you will automatically return to this page.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service CSW Action Description Location
                          Workflow The action will take place when a candidate uses the specified workflow. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
                          Step The action will take place when the specified step is reached or later if the status criteria are not yet met. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
                          Status The candidate must have this status when he or she reaches the selected step or the action will not take place until this status is reached. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
                          Action Send Online Screening Assessment Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
                          Phase The phase is used with the candidate selection workflow (CSW). If a certain step/status is reached in the CSW, then the system can send out a Phase request to the partner (like perform additional assessment for the candidate after the candidate reached a certain step in the CSW). Phases are not used with Taleo Assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions

                          Scheduling Center Screening Service Correspondence Description Location
                          Message template (internal candidate) Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an appointment invitation for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the scheduling service. A message template is selected for internal candidates. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Taleo Assessment > Correspondence
                          Message template (external candidate) Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an appointment invitation for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the scheduling service. A message template is selected for external candidates. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Taleo Assessment > Correspondence

                            Configuring Scheduling Center in Career Section Administration

                            The configuration of Scheduling Center in Career Section Administration consists of the following steps.

                            1. Adding the Screening Block in the Career Section.

                            2. Configuring the Screening Block in the Career Section.

                              Adding the Screening Block in the Career Section Application Flow

                              The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission is required.

                              The application flow must be inactive.

                              Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows
                              1. Click an application flow.

                              2. Click Edit.

                              3. Enter the name of the Screening section in the Add a Page field.

                              4. Click Create a Page.

                              5. Select the Screening block in the Available Blocks section and drag it to the Screening section you created.

                              6. Click Save.

                                Configuring the Screening Block in the Career Section Application Flow

                                The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission is required.

                                The application flow must be inactive.

                                Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows
                                1. Click the application flow containing a Screening block.

                                2. In the Application Flow Properties page, under Page Ordering, click the Screening link.

                                3. Click Edit next to Properties.

                                4. Complete the fields. For details, see Screening Block Properties.

                                5. Click Save.

                                  Career Section Screening Block Properties

                                  Screening Block Property Value Location
                                  Allow candidates to receive questionnaire information later by email
                                  • Yes

                                  • No

                                  Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Click an application flow > Screening link > Edit
                                  Show this block to the following candidates
                                  • ACE Candidates

                                  • Those who Meet RMI Criteria

                                  • Those who Meet Required Criteria

                                  • All Candidates

                                  Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Click an application flow > Screening link > Edit
                                  Display Mode

                                  (The assessment can be delivered in a separate window (pop-up) or in the same window (inline) of the Career Section.)

                                  • Pop-up Window

                                  • Inline

                                  Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Click an application flow > Screening link > Edit
                                  This service is mandatory (candidates must click the link to access the questionnaire immediately or choose to receive it by email, if the latter is activated.
                                  • Yes

                                  • No

                                  Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Click an application flow > Screening link > Edit

                                  (The services available to the zone.)

                                  No Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Click an application flow > Screening link > Edit

                                    Configuring Phases


                                      A phase is an Administrator configured point in the hiring process where an invitation to book an appointment is sent to a Candidate.

                                      The Phase allows the Recruiting Center Administrator to associate the Workflow, Step and Status that will Trigger a follow-up appointment and further configure which appointment invitation will be distributed. A requisition can include up to 10 phases. However, to avoid confusion it is recommended to use only 2 or 3 phases per requisition. The appropriate invitation will be automatically distributed based on the Calendar ID association selected by the Recruiter in the Screening tab.

                                      Phases must be configured before the Scheduling Center Screening Service is configured.

                                        Creating a Phase

                                        The Access Administration user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                                        Phases must be created.

                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Selections > Large Selections

                                        1. In the Custom tab, click the elements link located on the same row as TSC_Follow-Up-appointments.

                                        2. In the Selection Element Link page, select New.

                                        3. In the Selection Element Editor dialog box, complete the fields.

                                          The code value used must be a unique integer.
                                        4. Click Done.

                                        A new phase is now available in the CSW Actions section of the screening service.

                                        Adding an invitation phase to a requisition.

                                          Editing a Phase

                                          An administrator user can edit the name of an existing phase.

                                          The Access Administration user type permissions grants users access to this feature.

                                          A phase must be created in the Recruiting Administration.

                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Selections > Large Selections

                                          1. In the Custom tab, click the Elements link located on the same line as TSC_Follow-Up-appointments.

                                          2. In the Selection Element List, select an existing appointment phase.

                                          3. In the Selection Element Editor dialog box, complete the fields.

                                          4. Click Done.

                                          The selected phase is now edited and remains available in the CSW Actions section of the screening service.

                                            Activating a Phase

                                            To add a phase to a workflow, the phase must first be activated in the recruiting.

                                            The Access Administration user type permissions grants users access to this feature.

                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Selections > Large Selections

                                            1. In the Custom tab, click the Elements link located on the same row as TSC_Follow-Up-appointments.

                                            2. In the Selection Element List, click on a phase.

                                            3. In the Selection Element Editor window, choose the radio button to activate the phase.

                                            4. Click Done.

                                            The phase is now activated in the drop down list under phases, in the CSW Action section of the screening service.

                                              Inactivating a Phase

                                              A phase cannot be added to a workflow if it is inactivated in the Recruiting Center.

                                              The Access Administration user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Selections > Large Selections

                                              1. In the Custom tab, click the Elements link located on the same row as TSC_Follow-Up-appointments.

                                              2. In the Selection Element List, click on a phase.

                                              3. In the Selection Element Editor window, choose the radio button to inactivate the phase.

                                              4. Click Done.

                                              The phase is now inactivated in the drop down list under phases, in the CSW Action section of the screening services.

                                                Adding an Invitation Phase to the CSW

                                                During the requisition process, invitations can be sent to candidates at different points of the hiring process.

                                                The Access Administration user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                                                To be able to send multiple invitations to a candidate for the same requisition, the requisition must be created and phases must be created and activated.

                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services

                                                1. In the Screening Services list, select Scheduling Center.

                                                2. Click Create next to CSW Actions.

                                                3. In the Action drop-down list, select Trigger a follow-Up Appointment.

                                                4. From the Phase drop-down list, select the phase previously configured for which you wish to send an invitation.

                                                5. Click Add.

                                                6. Click Done.

                                                An invitation will be sent to the candidate at the selected phase of requisitions using this workflow.

                                                  Removing an Invitation Phase from the CSW

                                                  Invitation phases can be removed from the requisition process.

                                                  The Access Administration user type permission grants users access to this feature.

                                                  To be able to remove an invitation from a requisition, the requisition must be created and phases must be activated.

                                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services

                                                  1. In the Screening Services list, select a screening service.

                                                  2. In the CSW Actions section, click Remove next to the appropriate Candidate selection workflow.

                                                  The invitation phase is removed from the workflow.

                                                    Calendar Configuration


                                                      A calendar is the graphical representation of time from which candidates can choose a date to book an appointment.

                                                      A calendar is created in Scheduling Center to allow candidates to choose a date to book an appointment for an interview that will be carried out either in person or by phone.

                                                      Only an Administrator or a user with the Create calendars and access Scheduling Center user type permission can create a calendar.

                                                        Adding a Calendar to the Calendar List

                                                        The user must have administrator rights to the Recruiting Center.

                                                        The user must know the calendar ID number given when the calendar is created in the Scheduling Center.

                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Selection List

                                                        1. Click the Large Selections tab.

                                                        2. In the Custom tab, locate the entry Scheduling-Center-Calendar-Id and click on the number located in the Number of Elements column for this row.

                                                        3. In the Selection Element List page, click New.

                                                        4. In the Selection Element Editor page, complete the fields.

                                                          Calendar ID field must exactly match what is configured in Scheduling Center.
                                                        5. Select another language in the language drop-down list and translate the name in the selected language.

                                                        6. Repeat the translation process for each language of the list.

                                                        7. Click Done.

                                                        The selected calendar appears in the calendar list of the Recruiting Center and can be assigned to a requisition.

                                                          Removing a Calendar from the Calendar List

                                                          The user must have administrator rights for the Recruiting Center to perform this task.

                                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Selection List

                                                          1. Click the Large Selections tab.

                                                          2. In the Custom tab, find the entry for Scheduling-Center-Calendar-Id and click on the number of Number of Elements for this row...

                                                          3. In the Calendar List, click the check box of the calendar name you wish to delete.

                                                          4. Click the trash can icon.

                                                          The calendar no longer appears in the calendar list of Recruiting Center and it is not possible to assign the calendar to a requisition.


                                                              Sending an Invitation Automatically during the Workflow

                                                              System administrators can automatically trigger Passport screening services such as Scheduling Center when a candidate reaches a certain step or status within a candidate selection workflow. Triggering automatically an invitation during the workflow process can be used to send an invitation to several candidates at a time, by changing the status of the candidate to a determined step or status triggering the invitation.

                                                              The Scheduling Center screening service must be configured.

                                                              The Access Administration and Access Screening Services configuration user type permissions are required.

                                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services

                                                              1. In the Screening Services List, select the required integration type of the Scheduling Center.

                                                              2. Click Create next to CSW Action.

                                                              3. In the New Candidate Selection Workflow Action page, select the workflow, step and status combination that will automatically trigger the screening service. The workflows, steps and statuses available are the ones configured in the Taleo zone.

                                                              4. In the Action drop-down list, select Send Scheduling Center Invitation or Trigger a follow-up appointment. The Scheduling Center invitation will automatically send the correspondence identified in the Message Template section of the Screening Service settings.

                                                                • Selecting Send Scheduling Center Invitation will automatically send the correspondence identified in the Message Template section of the Screening Service settings. The message originates from the Correspondence Manager in the Recruiting Center.

                                                                • Selecting Trigger a follow-up appointment will automatically notify the Scheduling Center to send out the email request. The email sent is controlled by the email configuration located in the Scheduling Center.

                                                              5. Click Save.

                                                              6. Click Done.

                                                              An invitation is automatically sent to the candidate at the selected step of the requisition.

                                                                Sending an Invitation Automatically during Candidate Application

                                                                A Recruiting system administrator can automatically invite candidates to schedule an appointment by adding a Screening block in the application selection process.

                                                                The Access Administration user type permission is required.

                                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                1. Select the Steps tab.

                                                                2. Click an existing step or click New to create a new step.

                                                                3. On the Statuses Usage page, click Add... to add new statuses.

                                                                4. In the Add Status page, select the status you have just added.

                                                                5. Click Add.

                                                                6. Select a Step Progression Level.

                                                                7. Click Add.

                                                                8. On the Automatic Progression of Applications page, click Allow candidates to reach this status automatically when the (optional) conditions specified below are met.

                                                                9. In the Conditions section, select an existing condition, or click Create Condition.

                                                                10. Complete the fields as required.

                                                                11. In the Workflows list, select an existing workflow, or click New to create a new one.

                                                                12. Complete the fields as required.

                                                                13. In Steps Usage, click Add to add a screening step, or click New to create a new one.

                                                                An invitation is automatically sent to the candidate applying on a Career Section.