11Taleo Configuration

Taleo Configuration

    Taleo Configuration Settings

      Taleo Configuration Settings

      Sourcing's Taleo configuration section provides access to settings relating to the Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) and Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TE) integrations for the site.


      Settings for the Taleo configuration are listed in the following table.

      Name Description
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Business Edition
      TBE Enabled Enables Taleo Business Edition (TBE) integration with Sourcing.
      SSO Verifying Key Sets the TBE SSO verifying key.
      Signing Key Sets the TBE signing key.
      Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
      Last Synchronized Date Displays date employees were last synchronized between Sourcing and TBE.
      Synchronize Employees Synchronizes Sourcing's user base with that of the associated TBE instance by retrieving and uploading a user feed containing records of all new users in TBE since the Last Synchronized Date. Can replace doing this import of job and employee data with a third-party job scrape.
      Feed Schedule Sets the automated running of the Synchronize Employees feed on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.
      API URL Enter the URL for the TBE zone you are integrating with.
      Username Enter the TBE account username for the integration user.
      Password Enter the TBE account password for the integration user.
      Company Code Enter the TBE company code.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
      TEE Enabled Enables TE integration with Sourcing.
      TEE Version Enter the TE version.
      TEE Base Domain URL Enter the TE base domain URL.
      Username Enter the TE account username.
      Password Enter the TE account password.
      Use LDAP Enables the use of LDAP.
      Upload Resume Enables the display of the Upload Resume button.
      Unique Email Constraint Enables the Unique Email Constraint to be active.
      Accept Referrals for Known Candidates Enables referrals for known candidates.
      Allow Adding Employees Enables employees to be added to TE.
      Allow General Candidates Enables allowing for a general submission of a candidate not attached to a job. This feature only works if TE allows general submissions. When activated, a button at the top of the Home page allows an option for a logged-in employee to submit a friend's resume. On the Upload Friend's Resume modal the employee enters their friend's contact information and can upload their resume. When the resume is uploaded in this fashion it creates a profile in TE for the friend.
      Allow Integration Sending Email Enables allowing emails from the TE system.
      OLF Location Levels Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) locations to Sourcing address, municipality, city, state or province, and country fields.
      Refresh Job Location Levels Refresh all location mapping between Sourcing and TE. Use this only if needed. Normally this is refreshed as part of the TE Job Feed integration on a regular schedule.
      OLF Category Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing job category.
      OLF Organization Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing company (organization) facet.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo OLF Structure
      Organizations Click the folder icon to display the TE organization tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
      Locations Click the folder icon to display the TE location tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
      Job Fields Click the folder icon to display the TE job category tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
      Map Previous Location Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
      Map Previous Category Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Career Section
      Synchronized Career Sections Provides synchronization of active CSs from TE to load jobs from. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to display a list of the CSs available from the TE Job Feed integration. Use the toggles to turn On/Off the CSs you want to activate/deactivate for use with Sourcing. Activating a career section makes available the jobs from that CS to end-users in Sourcing.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition Job Connector
      Manual Job Synchronization Runs the TE Job Feed integration on demand or at a designated point in time.
      Run On Schedule Enables the setting of a schedule for automated running of the TE Job Feed integration on a recurring schedule.
      Feed Schedule Sets the TE Job Feed integration run schedule. Valid values vary from every 3 minutes to every 24 hours.
      Configuration > Taleo > Synchronize Employees with TEE Zone
      Last Run Date Date the feed was last run.
      Synch all Employees Now Triggers a feed of all employees from TEE.
      Synch Delta Employees Now Triggers the import of changes to employees.
      Deltas Days Ago Sets how far back the delta synch should look for changes.
      Employee Synch Page Size
      Run on Schedule Toggle for running the feed on schedule.
      Employee Synch Schedule Timing for when the synch should be run.
      Configuration > Taleo > TE Account URLs
      Submit Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Submit Profile URL.
      Manage Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Manage Profile URL.
      My Submission URL Enter the TE CS's My Submission URL.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Multiple Career Sections)
      Allow Multiple Career Sections for Handoff Enables ability to handoff candidates in a direct application flow to one of multiple TE CSs.
      Multiple Career Sections URL Format Enter the URLs for the multiple CSs.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (External)
      Taleo External Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an external candidate, desktop user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
      Taleo External Desktop Career Section Path Enter the external candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
      Taleo External Mobile URL Format Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
      Taleo External Mobile Career Section Path Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL path.
      Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Internal)
      TE Internal Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section.
      TE Internal Desktop Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
      TE Internal Mobile URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL.
      TE Internal Mobile Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, mobile user's career section URL path.
      Configuration > Taleo > Candidate's Statuses Updated
      Candidate Status Synch Enables the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed. The TE job submission status for external and internal candidates are exported to Sourcing in an API feed, so the appropriate candidate job submission statuses are displayed in Sourcing. When this setting is turned On the job submission information is shown to recruiters, referrers of a candidate, and candidates themselves.
      Update Schedule Sets the automated running of the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed on a recurring basis. Valid values are Off, Daily, Twice a Day and Four Times a Day.

        Integrations Administration

        Administrators can set up integrations between Sourcing and other applicant tracking systems (ATS), and human resources information systems (HRIS). Some of the integrations can be complex and require implementation by Oracle.

        Sourcing integrations fall into the following categories:
        • Oracle Taleo integrations

        • Job Feed integrations

        • Employee Data integrations

        • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) integrations

        • Additional Sourcing/TE integration settings

        Oracle Taleo Integrations

        This implementation task is to verify the basic configuration settings required if your implementation includes integration with either Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) or Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TE). These settings are configured by Oracle at the beginning of an implementation.

        Basic enabling configuration settings for Oracle Taleo integrations are listed in the following tables.

        Basic Settings for TBE Integration
        Name Location
        TBE Enabled [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Business Edition
        API URL [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Username [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Password [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector

        Basic Settings for TE Integration
        Name Location
        TE Enabled [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
        TE Version [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
        TE Base Domain URL [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
        Username [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
        Password [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition

        Job Feed Integrations

        This implementation task is to integrate your organization’s open job requisitions to Sourcing, whether from your career site, an Oracle Taleo application or another non-Taleo ATS. Prior to Sourcing 15A, customers needed to choose either the Job Feed API Integration introduced in 14B or the standard third-party job scrape to transfer job information. Now, they can use both. Customers can choose to use both the Job Feed API and the standard job scrape instead of selecting one method over the other to better meet their needs. This allows customers to either grab jobs from different ATS's or include additional data from the job feed.

        • In the case where the Job Feed API is used to populate jobs, jobs can also be populated by the standard job feed without causing issue to the Location table.

        • Once the Job Feed API is running, the user can add new jobs through the third-party scrape.

        • The third-party locations are matched to TE locations.

          Note: If a client is using a third-party job scrape, they must first migrate to using the TE API Job Feed, and then re-establish the feed from the job scrape to use both methods. The steps to set up the API Job Feed can be found in the documentation for Release 14B.

        Job Requisition Integration via Job Scrape

        One way this integration can be accomplished is for Oracle to initiate a job scraping process through a third party vendor. This is the traditional method used prior to release 14B, and requires Oracle implementation. Job scrape is required for customers with non-Taleo ATSs.

        TBE Job Integration

        For TBE customers, the job scrape can be replaced by setting up an API feed from the TBE zone.


        Configuration settings for the TBE job integration are listed in the following table.

        Name Location
        Last Synchronized Date [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Synchronize Employees [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Feed Schedule [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        API URL [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Username [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
        Password [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector

        TE Job Feed Integrations

        Beginning with Sourcing version 14B, customers can synchronize open requisitions from Oracle Taleo Enterprise's career sections to Sourcing by leveraging the TE Job Feed API, which integrates jobs at regular intervals or on demand. The API sends Sourcing:
        • TE organization, location and job field (OLF) information.

        • TE job requisition information, including the association for which CS a job is posted at.

        This feature requires both TE and Sourcing version 14B or later. The Job Feed benefits customers who use both CS and Sourcing, as well as those who use Sourcing as a front-end to CS. It provides the ability to self-manage the transfer of OLF data from TE to Sourcing, replacing the need to engage third party services to perform job scrapes. Once the Job Feed is configured, Sourcing requests OLF and jobs information from TE at regular intervals or on demand, and the API sends the information to the Sourcing database.

        To set up the job feed integration the administrator performs the following high-level steps:
        1. Review the details of the TE OLF structure in the TE Configuration module's SmartOrg Administration section.

        2. Configure the OLF structure, Career Section synchronization, and Job Feed settings in the Sourcing Configuration area's Taleo section.

        3. Run the initial job feed load.

        4. Review the results of the job feed in the Sourcing application to verify intended results.

        Job Requisition in Multiple Languages

        When an administrator sets up a Job Feed integration between TE and Sourcing, TE sends job fields that are translated or relate to the job requisition language (e.g. title, title (by manager), description internal, description external, qualifications internal, qualifications external, base language). Translated information from TE is mapped to the locales/languages in Sourcing.

        Job Category

        When an administrator sets up a Job Feed integration between TE and Sourcing, they can map which fields in the TE Job Field correspond to the Sourcing Job Category. This provides Sourcing a synchronized view of that component of the TE Organization, Location, and Job Field (OLF) structure. In the Sourcing Configuration area a read-only browser is populated for viewing the job field (job category level) tree information. If the API feed is run on regular intervals the Sourcing tree is updated when job fields are changed in TE. The data feed from TE also populates the corresponding job category facet in Sourcing, which is used throughout Sourcing (e.g. for category landing pages and job searches).

        Job Location

        When an administrator sets up a Job Feed integration between TE and Sourcing, they can map which fields in the TE Location correspond to the Sourcing city, state/province and country. This provides Sourcing a synchronized view of that component of the TE Organization, Location, and Job Field (OLF) structure. In the Sourcing Configuration area a read-only browser is populated for viewing the location tree information. If the API feed is set to run on regular intervals the Sourcing tree is updated when location fields are changed in TE. The data feed provides Sourcing all the different TE job locations, including secondary locations for a job, so that Sourcing can use them in job searches.

        Job Organization

        Customers that have different companies in TE and who want to be able to use them as facets in Sourcing (while running the Job Feed API), now have a tool to map the Organization in the OLF to a Company facet.

        • When used, the mapping function maps Organization to a company or brand.

        • When activated, this creates a facet in the Job Results page from which users can filter jobs.

        • When activated, this allows the Administrator to filter sites based on company (organization).


          For a job to show up on the Job Details page, the Company filter must be enabled in the Site Builder.

        To use this feature, users must go into the configuration and set the Organization level. It is recommended that customers minimize the number of times that the Organization mapping is changed; this should only happen during setup or while changing the organization in SmartOrg.

        Career Sections

        When an administrator runs the Career Section synchronization between TE and Sourcing, and subsequently a candidate applies to a job, Sourcing can route the candidate to the most appropriate CS application flow.

        Currency Fields

        Currency is part of the job feed, and represented as a text value (e.g. USD for United States Dollars). The currency displayed to a candidate is that for their selected language locale.

        Date Override on Manual Job Synchronization

        If it is discovered that a job that resides in Recruiting did not come over into Sourcing through the scheduled Job Synchronization, a new Manual Job Synchronization feature enables the Administrator to correct this error. The scheduled Job Connector requests requisitions with a last modification time and date since the last time it ran. If there are jobs, which for some anomaly did not synchronize into Sourcing, the Manual Job Synchronization can be invoked to retrieve the missing jobs. Administrators enter a date into the Manual Job Synchronization and the synchronizer will request all jobs that are currently posted on the tethered career sections with a last modification date on or after the date selected.

        When no date is selected, clicking the Synchronize Now button will request jobs from Recruiting that were modified or posted after the last time the Job Connector ran. Selecting a specific date will request jobs from Recruiting which were modified or posted after the date entered.

        Employee Data Integrations

        This implementation task is to integrate your organization’s employee data to Sourcing, whether from an Oracle Taleo application or another Human Resources Information System (HRIS).

        The HRIS integration for most Sourcing customers consists of a flat file delivery to an Oracle hosted sFTP server. The upload file must be in CSV format, and in accordance with Oracle specifications. Customers go over file specifications, data fields and delivery processes with Oracle during implementation. Existing Oracle Taleo customers who use Oracle Taleo Performance Management (PM) can also leverage a PM extract in lieu of an additional inbound integration that they would need to develop to send the employee data into Sourcing. Oracle implementation is required. For customers wanting to establish a direct feed from their HRIS to Sourcing, an Employee Feed API integration is offered.

        It is recommended customers do a full re-synchronization of all employees with the Synch ALL Now button which invokes a manual resynchronization. This is so that the additional datafields which are added to the Employee Sync are brought over into Sourcing.

        Employee Feed API Integration

        The Employee Feed is an Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TE) integration based on an API. The Employee Feed provides employee information for Oracle Taleo Sourcing (Sourcing) customers that have an HRIS feed into TE without having to set up a separate user feed from HRIS to Sourcing. This integration provides the data in a familiar API with relevant fields so that it can be consumed by Sourcing.
        When the Employee Feed runs, Sourcing populates new employees and deactivates terminated employees. The fields that are synchronized are:
        • First Name

        • Last Name

        • Email

        • Employee ID

        • Office Location

        • Department/Category

        The Employee Feed calls synchronization to the OLF repository before it loads to make sure all of the available picklist values are in the database. Settings within Sourcing Configuration allow the feed to be manual or set up as a recurring feed at designated intervals. There is a trigger for a full load, and if scheduled, it can pull the delta. These configuration settings are found in Configuration > Taleo > Synchronize Employees with TEE.

        Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Integrations

        This integration sets up the handoff of candidates to the customer's ATS, such as Oracle Taleo Career Section.

        Apply Flow Integration

        Apply Flow Integration allows you to configure and direct the routing of applicants between Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TE) and Oracle Taleo Sourcing (Sourcing).

        This ensures candidates are directed to the most appropriate application process when applying for a job, and have an application experience that is designed for their role (i.e. whether they are an internal, external or mobile user).

        Administrator users synchronize the TE Career Sections (CS) integration by running a process from the TSS Configuration area. Once they have the synchronized career sections, they use that as the basis for where to direct users to. If this is configured, when an applicant clicks an Apply button in TSS, they get directed to an application flow in CS that:
        • Exists as one of the priority CS application flows specified in the TE configuration module.

        • Includes the job the candidate is applying for.

        • Respects whether the applicant is internal (employee), external or a mobile user.

        • Is in the same language the applicant was viewing the job from.

        If the applicant is on a mobile device, and the preferred application flow does not have a mobile pairing, they are sent to a site with the job that has a mobile pairing.


        Configuration settings for the TE apply flow integration are listed in the following table.

        Name Location
        Synchronized Career Sections [TSS] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Career Sections
        Allow Multiple Career Sections for Handoff [TSS] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Multiple Career Sections)

        Additional configuration settings for the apply flow integration are listed in the following table.

        Name Location
        • View Type

        • Redirect Text Enabled

        • Redirect Text

        • Employee Apply Redirect Message

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Jobs > Apply
        • Default Value

        • Unaffiliated Value

        • Source Parameter Value

        • Alumnus Applicant Value

        • Employee Applicant Value

        • Unaffiliated Applicant Value

        • Referred by Alumnus Value

        • Referred by Employee Value

        • Referred by Unaffiliated Value

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Jobs > ATS Parameters
        • ATS Filter

        • ATS Default Status ID

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Jobs > Filters
        • Allow Multiple Career Sections for Handoff

        • Multiple Career Sections URL Format

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition > Taleo Direct (Multiple Career Sections)
        • TEE External Desktop URL Format

        • TEE External Desktop Career Section Path

        • TEE External Mobile URL Format

        • TEE External Mobile Career Section Path

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition > Taleo Direct External
        • TEE Internal Desktop URL Format

        • TEE Internal Desktop Career Section Path

        • TEE Internal Mobile URL Format

        • TEE Internal Mobile Career Section Path

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition > Taleo Direct Internal
        • Candidate Status Synch

        • Update Status

        [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition > Candidate Status

        For more information see the Jobs Configuration chapter of this guide.

        Additional Sourcing and TE Integration Settings

        This implementation task is to ensure certain additional Sourcing integration-related settings match those for the TE Recruiting Administration configuration.


        Configuration settings for these additional settings are listed in the following table.

        Additional Sourcing/TE Integration Settings
        Setting in Sourcing / Location Corresponding Setting in TE / Location Comments

        Unique Email Constraint

        [Sourcing] Administrator login >[Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition

        Email Uniqueness

        [TE] Configuration > Recruiting Administration > General Configuration > Settings

        Controls how the integration determines if a candidate exists in TE in order to get the Candidate ID and associate the referral information to the candidate profile

        Accept Referrals for Known Candidates

        [Sourcing] Administrator login >[Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition

        Accept Referrals from Employees for Known Candidates

        [TE] Configuration > Recruiting Administration > General Configuration > Settings

        Enables referrals from employees for known candidates

        Allow Integration Sending Email

        [Sourcing] Administrator login >[Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition

        Allow Integration Sending Email

        [TE] Configuration > General Configuration > Settings

        Validate the TE setting and make sure it matches in Sourcing. If TE is set to No, Sourcing should be set to Off.

        If Sourcing is Off, enable the following email settings in Sourcing:

        • Notify Applicant of Behalf of Taleo — Toggle

        • Notify Applicant of Behalf of Taleo — Text

        [Sourcing[ Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Messaging > Automated Messaging

          TE OLF Structure

          In preparation for setting up the organization, location and job fields (OLF) structure integration between Taleo Enterprise (TE) and Taleo Sourcing (Sourcing), administrators use TE's configuration module to review its OLF structure.


          Configuration settings for reviewing the TE OLF structures are listed in the following table.

          Name Location
          • Structure Management

          [TE] Administrator login > Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Organizations

          [TE] Administrator login > Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Locations

          [TE] Administrator login > Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Job Fields

          The following tables present examples of TE OLF structures as might be viewed in the TE SmartOrg Administration configuration section:

          Level Description
          1 Company
          2 Sector
          3 Department
          4 Division

          Level Description
          1 Country
          2 State/Province
          3 Region
          4 City
          5 Work Location

          Job Fields
          Level Description
          1 Category
          2 Function
          3 Specialty
            OLF Integration in Sourcing

            Administrators use Sourcing's configuration area to synchronize Oracle Taleo Enterprise (TEE) organization, location and job field (OLF) information to Sourcing's business, country/state/province, and job categories.

            The TEE Job Feed sends Sourcing the OLF information relevant to TEE job requisitions, when requested by Sourcing at intervals set in the Sourcing configuration. Jobs data and OLF structure are fetched at the same time, and the two systems are synchronized.

            Sourcing Administrators use settings within TEE and the OLF Structure configuration sections to:
            • Synchronize the job feed (right now or at defined intervals).

            • Synchronize the employee feed (right now or at defined intervals).

            • View the imported TEE OLF information in a set of read-only tree structures.

            • Map the TEE location information to Sourcing address, city, state or province, and country.

            • Map the TEE job field information to Sourcing job category.

            • Map the TEE company information to Sourcing organization.

            Note: When TEE Career Section is in Maintenance Mode, the job feed synchronization is disabled. When CS is back in production mode, changes made during maintenance are fetched during the next job feed load.
              Mapping TEE Locations to Sourcing

              You must have Administrator access to Sourcing.

              Review the TEE OLF Structure in the TEE SmartOrg Administration configuration section before initial setup or making any changes.

              If this is for an initial load there is no information in the Location tree structure. Set the location levels prior to the initial load.

              If the Job Feed has been loaded previously, location levels have been set before and are visible in the configuration, and the Location tree in the Taleo OLF Structure subsection is populated with data from TEE.

              [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] User Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
              1. Select the OLF Location Levels for the location data from the job feed to populate the location facet in Sourcing, corresponding to the Sourcing address, city, state/province and country.

                Locations are used in areas of the application such as:
                • Jobs short description in Search results and email campaigns.

                • Job Details page.

                • Job search and campaigns facets.

                • Job alerts (Interests).

                • Manage Location Landing pages.

              2. When you change a location level, make sure TEE is enabled, and then click the Refresh button (required).

                This is necessary to refresh the job location and translations data.

              When the levels are set and the data refreshed, Location data is re-populated in relevant tables.

              TE jobs populate in Sourcing with the location information at the configured levels.

              The location data also populates the Location tree structure.

                Mapping TEE Job Fields to Sourcing Job Category

                You must have Administrator access to Sourcing.

                Review the TEE OLF Structure in the TE SmartOrg Administration configuration section before initial setup or making any changes.

                If this is for an initial load there is no information in the Job Category tree structure. Set the job category levels prior to the initial load.

                If the Job Feed has been loaded previously, job category levels have been set before and are visible in the configuration, and the Job Category tree in the Taleo OLF Structure subsection is populated with data from TEE.

                [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] User Settings (Name) > Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
                1. Select the OLF Category Level, for the job field data from the job feed to populate the category facet in Sourcing.

                  Categories are used in areas of the application such as:
                  • Portal tiles.

                  • Landing pages.

                  • Job Search facets.

                  • Job Search results list.

                  • Job Details page.

                  • Job Alerts (Interests).

                  • Auto-suggest in Search.

                2. When you change the Category Level, and don't want to wait for the next run of the job feed, click the Synchronize Now button.

                  The button is located in the Taleo Enterprise Edition Job Connector subsection.

                When the level is set and the job feed run again, this will cause the TEE jobs to populate in Sourcing with the category information from that level.

                The job categories and job titles also populate the Job Fields tree structure.