Capture Interviewer Responses

You can view interviewer responses to Microsoft 365 interview invites when managing interviews.

Interview organizers no longer have to rely on the managing interviewer responses outside of Recruiting. When Office 365 events are sent to interviewers, and the interviewers respond to the invite, meeting organizers can view the interviewer response (Accept, Tentative, Decline, Propose New Time) in the interview details.

The system sends a notification to the "interview slot owner" or "interview creator" when an interviewer responds to the invite. This is true for all possible responses (Accept, Decline, Tentative, and Propose New Time).

To draw attention to when interviewers have declined or proposed a new time, different colors are used for interviews in the interview schedule's calendar. This helps interview organizers to take appropriate actions.

  • Red: At least one interviewer has declined.
  • Purple: No interviewer has declined, and at least one has tentatively accepted.
  • Green: No interviewer has declined or tentatively accepted, and at least one interviewer accepted.
  • Blue: No interviewer has responded, but the interview or interview slot has been scheduled.
  • Orange: No interview is scheduled for the interview slot.

When a candidate declines or proposes a new time for the interview, a notification is sent to the interview schedule owner and the interview slot creator. The notification includes a link to the job application's Interviews tab, and the user can make the required changes (either cancel the interview, change the interviewer, or reschedule the interview).

When candidates select a date and time for an interview, the interviewer receives an invite in Microsoft 365. When the interviewer accepts the interview date and time selected by the candidate, the info is updated in Recruiting.