Create an Event

Create a hiring event to fulfill the mass recruitment needs of your organization. When you create an event, you define the framework for event owners and collaborators to manage various aspects of the event such as whether it's public or private, the dates and location, and whether it's in-person or virtual.

Once the event is ready for registration, candidates who are interested sign up for the event to learn more about the opportunities on offer.

  1. Open the Hiring work area.
  2. Click the Events tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select one of the following:
    • Blank - to create a brand new event. You'll need to complete all fields for this event.
    • Existing Event - to create a new event based on an existing event. All fields are prepopulated for you based on the event you selected, but you can make changes. If there are any prescreening and disqualification questions, they're also copied to the new event. Events in draft or in event set-up phase can't be copied.
  5. Indicate whether the event is public or private in the Event Visibility field.
    A public event is open to all. A private event is by invitation only and isn't visible on a career site.
  6. Enter comments in the Event Purpose field.
    This field is intended for internal use, and the contents won't display to candidates.
  7. Select a language.
    If you believe that candidates from more than one region will attend your events, you can enable multiple languages for the events. Once you've selected the appropriate languages, you can then manually translate certain fields for the event using the Translate Event option in the Action menu. When the event is posted, candidates who have selected the same language on the career site as one of the event languages will see the event translated into the language of their choice.
  8. Select the Enable interviews for this event check box to enable interviews for mass hiring events.
    Once enabled, the Interviewers tab displays when the event moves to the event set-up phase. The event team uses that tab to add a set of interviewers who will interview candidates during the course of the event.
  9. If you'd prefer not to use automatic approvals of candidate registrations, select the Enable manual confirmation of registrations check box.
    Candidates will see a message when they register for the event that let's them know that they'll receive a confirmation once their registration is approved. Their status will display as Pending in My Events on the career site until it's confirmed.
  10. Complete the remaining fields for Event Information, Event Dates, Location Details, Event Team, and Attachments. In the Locations Details section, you can define both in-person and virtual event details.
    • In the Event Dates section, enter the last registration date information. The last registration date can't be greater than the event end date.
    • In the Location Details section, enter the event’s maximum capacity.
    Once the last registration date has been reached, or the capacity is about to be exceeded, registrations are automatically disabled on the career site.
    Attachments are internal-facing, and not displayed to candidates.
  11. Click either Save and Close or Submit.
    If you click Save and Close, the event remains in Draft phase. If you click Submit, the event is moved to Event Set-Up phase, where you'll design the Event Layout.

What to do next