Create the Profile Option for AI Assist

To use AI Assist features, you must create the required profile options.

These profile options are:
  • HCM_GENAI_IRC_ODA_ENABLED for generating the work summary.
  • HCM_GENAI_IRC_ODA_QNA_ENABLED for answering external candidate questions.
For example, this task shows you how to create the HCM_GENAI_IRC_ODA_ENABLED profile option.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task, Manage Profile Options.
  4. Click the task name from the search results.
  5. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the New icon.
  6. On the Create Profile Option page, create the profile option by entering these values:
    • Profile Option Code: HCM_GENAI_IRC_ODA_ENABLED
    • Profile Display Name: Enable AI Assist for work summary
    • Application: Recruiting
    • Module: Recruiting Common
    • Description: Enable AI Assist for generating the work summary.
    • Start Date: Today's date.
  7. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

Enable the profile option at the site level and set up Recruiting Assistant to access the profile option value.