Configure Career Site Tags

Tags are displayed beneath jobs in career site search results, and for jobs on job details pages. They help you to promote certain job requisitions, or to display more information about jobs to candidates. They also display for events (available in Recruiting Booster) so candidates can quickly see which events they've already interacted with.

If you've set up custom search results pages or custom job details pages, you can also configure the style of the tags on those pages to match your branding.
Note: Job tags are available for use with career sites using the Minimal template.

Career Site Tags

Tag Description
Hot Job

Promote particular job requisitions on external career sites by displaying the Hot Job tag to indicate a job is in high recruiting demand. The tag is visible in search results and on job details pages. The tag can also be used as a criterion in the custom job list component.

For instructions on displaying this tag, see Display the Hot Job Tag in Career Sites.

Trending Promote job requisitions based on the number of submitted job applications by displaying the Trending tag for requisitions. The tag is visible in search results and on job details pages. By default, if there are more than 50 candidate applications for a job, this tag is shown beneath the job in search results. For instructions on configuring this tag, see Configure the Trending Tag.
Be the First to Apply Promote job requisitions based on the number of submitted job applications by displaying the Be The First to Apply tag. The tag is visible in search results and on job details pages. By default, if there are 5 or fewer candidate applications for a job, this tag is shown beneath the job in search results. For instructions on configuring this tag, see Configure the Be The First to Apply Tag.
Already Applied The Already Applied tag displays to authenticated candidates for jobs they already applied to. The tag is visible in search results. If a candidate applied for a job, but didn't confirm their application, a different label displays that says Must Confirm. Similarly, on job detail pages, if a candidate has already applied for a job, there's a You Already Applied message that displays on an inactive button on the job details page. If a candidate applied, but didn't confirm, an active button displays that says Confirm Your Job Application.

You don't need to do anything to enable this tag.

Already Registered Indicates to candidates that they've already registered for an event. This tag is shown to authenticated candidates. (Available in Recruiting Booster)
Must Confirm Indicates to candidates that they still need to confirm their registration to an event. This tag is shown to authenticated candidates. (Available in Recruiting Booster)
Registration Closed Indicates that an event's registration window has closed. This tag is shown to all candidates. (Available in Recruiting Booster)