Force Users to Access Sections While Creating Job Requisitions

You can define if sections within a job requisition need to accessed or not by users. When sections are configured as required, users who create job requisitions or modify draft job requisitions need to access and open these sections in the requisition to be able to save the requisition or submit it for approval.

If fields within a required section are configured as Required, users won’t be able to leave the section until those required fields are filled. Also, if users don’t access required sections, an error message is displayed indicating which ones need to be accessed to proceed with the selected action.

For users who can only initiate job requisitions (users without the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION), the error message is displayed when saving the requisition. For users with the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION), the error message is displayed when submitting the requisition. This allows users to save changes in the requisition even if not all required sections have been visited, while making sure required sections are visited before submitting.

  1. Activate a sandbox and page editing at the Site layer in Settings and Actions Menu > Edit Pages > Activate a sandbox.

  2. On your Home page, go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > HCM Experience Design Studio.

  3. Click the Transaction Design Studio tab.

  4. Select the actions Recruiting - Create Job Requisition.

  5. Click Add to create a rule to display certain sections and fields.

  6. In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. You can select a role name, recruiting type, and country.

  7. In the Show or Hide Regions section, set the Show questionnaire page to Yes to display the Required/Not Required configuration option for all sections of the requisition.

  8. You can change the value of the Required/Not Required configuration option for all sections, except the How section. This section must be visible every time a new requisition is created. When you set a section as Required, it's automatically set as Visible.

  9. Click Save and Close.

Tips and Considerations

We recommend that you set the Show questionnaire page setting to No when you create a rule. Currently, the questionnaire page isn't available when users create requisitions, regardless of the value of this setting. If eventually such questionnaire page support is added for requisitions (in a future release), the setting value will be taken into consideration. If the setting was set to Yes, users would start seeing the questionnaire page without having asked for it. For this reason, we recommend that you set the setting value to Yes only to change the value of the Required/Not Required configuration for a section and change the value back to No when you're done. The values selected for the Required/Not Required configuration option are kept even if the Show questionnaire page is set to No.

The How section is set as Required by default. Also, the following sections which were previously Required by default are now Not Required by default:

  • Provide Details

  • Basic Info

  • Hiring Team

  • Requisition Structure

Setting a section as Required has the side effect of disabling built-in business rules defined for this section. For example, the Screening Services section in a job requisition is displayed when screening services such as background check, assessment, tax credit screening are enabled. If you set the Screening Services section to Required, the section will always be displayed in job requisitions, regardless if screening services are enabled. Here's another example. The Provide Details section is available to users who can only initiate the creation of a job requisition by entering a subset of information. These users don't have the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION) and the profile option IRC_REQ_ALLOW_RULE_CONFIG_CUSTOMIZATION_ENABLED is set to No. If you set the Provide Details section as Required, the section will always be displayed, regardless of the user's privileges and the profile option value. For this reason, it's recommended that if you set some sections as being Required, you explicitly define in your rules which sections must be visible or not and define different rules for each user role requiring different sections to be visible.

The table presents the built-in business rules for each section, which rules will be disabled if the section is set as Required.




Not configurable. Only shown in creation.

Provide Details

Can be displayed if:

  • User doesn't have the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


Basic Info

Hiring Team

Requisition Structure


Work Requirements

Posting Description

Offer Info




Can be displayed if:

  • User has the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


  • User doesn't have the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


Estimated Time to Hire

Can be displayed if:

  • Time to Hire is enabled

  • AND User has the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


  • Time to Hire is enabled

  • AND User doesn't have the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


Screening Services

Can be displayed if:

  • Background check, assessment, or tax credit is enabled.

  • AND User has the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).


  • Background check, assessment, or tax credit is enabled.

  • AND User doesn't have the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).