Initial Learning Record Status Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning

Specify whether individuals and managers need to get approval when enrolling in a course, offering, or specialization. If you require approval, further specify whether to automatically activate approved enrollments.

  • Active: Let individuals enroll themselves and managers enroll their teams without getting approval before people can start learning.
  • None: Prevent individuals from enrolling themselves and managers from enrolling their teams in the learning.
  • Requested: Require that individuals enrolling themselves and managers enrolling their teams get approval before people can start learning.

    Activate enrollment requests automatically after approval: This check box appears after you select Requested.

    • If you select the check box, registration approval automatically activates the learning assignments. Wait lists and prerequisites can affect whether the learning assignment statuses actually change to Active.

      If you clear the check box, after enrollment approval, learning assignments have a Request Approved Status until a learning administrator manually activates them. This can be useful if you do advanced planning and require people to enroll for future learning that's not yet available. You can leave these learning assignments in a Request Approved status until it's time to activate them.

  • Request Approved (only for manger self-service): Don't start an approval process when learning administrators create assignments. Instead require that learning administrators to manually activate the assignments.

For learners, you can also get more information to help approvers decide whether to accept or reject the enrollment request. To do this, select the Show Enrollment Form option.