Self-Service View Mode Options for Default Learning Access in Oracle Learning

You can specify whether learner self-service pages should show details of the course, offering, or specialization. Or don't show the course, offering, or specialization at all.

  • Details View: Show learners all the details for the course, offering, or specialization, including title, syllabus, description, cover art, pricing, expected effort, and prerequisites.
  • No Access: Prevent learners from finding the course, offering, or specialization when exploring the learning catalog.

    Tip: You can grant specific learners access to the course, offering, or specialization, but you can't exclude access for specific learners. So when you want only certain learners to see the course, offering, or specialization, you need to select No Access for that learning item. Then configure access or access groups for the learning item to show the details or summary view to those learners, as appropriate.

The option that you select on the Configure Catalog Defaults page applies to all courses, offerings, and specializations created in the learning catalog. It also applies to any content you important from external content providers.

Course Override Options

Optionally use learning community access and visibility instead of the course access when learners access the course from a learning community. And optionally use the specialization access when learners access the course from a specialization.

Specialization Override Option

Optionally use learning community access and visibility instead of the specialization access when learners access the specialization from a learning community.