Candidate Search

You use the candidate search to find qualified candidates for current or planned open positions.

When you search for candidates, you can enter keywords, use boolean expressions, advanced search criteria, LinkedIn search, basic filters, and perform actions on the candidates that are retrieved. Each time a criteria is selected, the Total Candidates number gets updated to provide feedback on the results.

Find a Known Candidate

You can quickly look up known candidates using the Find a Candidate feature. Select Find a Candidate from the Search Action menu. Enter the appropriate information and click Search to start the search. When using this search method, take the following into consideration:

  • Phone number searches must have a country code, area code, and the complete number with no dashes.
  • Email searches must contain full email addresses.
  • Keyword search doesn't support search by email address or phone number.

Phone number searches must have a country code, area code, and the complete number with no dashes.

Keyword Search

When you search for candidates, you can enter a keyword in the Search field. As you enter letters in the Search field, words matching the characters you typed are displayed. The list continues to narrow as you enter more characters. You can select an item from the list and click the Search icon.

Keywords are searched in the following fields of the candidate file:

  • Candidate Number

  • Degree

  • Employer Name

  • Full Name

  • Job Title

  • Language

  • Last Name

  • License

  • Major

  • Medium

  • Resume Text (resumes containing footers aren't parsed)

  • School

  • Skill

  • Source

If you search for a candidate by entering their full name in the Keyword Search field, the search results will display candidates having the same full name at the top of the results list. Candidates having the same first name or last name will be displayed after them.

Boolean Search

A boolean search is a type of search where you can combine keywords with operators such as AND, OR, NOT, and parenthesis to produce more relevant results.

When you do a boolean search, consider the following:

  • AND, OR, NOT and parenthesis "()" are the supported boolean operators.

  • You can search in different languages but the boolean operators remain the same (AND, OR and NOT).

  • Anything between the operators will be considered as a full quoted text. Example: business analyst AND "marketing manager" is the same as business analyst AND marketing manager.

  • Wild card searches "*" aren't supported.

  • Multi-level parenthesis aren't supported. Example: (manager AND (analyst OR associate)) isn't supported. But manager AND (analyst OR associate) AND (computer OR electronics) is supported.

The table provides a detailed explanation of the boolean operators and examples.





Use the AND operator to join keywords or different aspects of search. Use AND to find candidate profiles that include both search phrases. When you use AND in a search, it essentially narrows your results to the intersection of the two search phrases or terms. Every candidate profile result will contain both terms and typically limits your search results.

product marketing AND manager

business AND economics

sales AND marketing


Use the OR operator to broaden the keywords or different aspects of search that mean the same or similar thing. Use OR to broaden your search by connecting two or more synonyms. When you use OR in a search you can find candidate profiles that include one term, the other term, or all terms. The more search terms you enter connected by OR, the more candidate profile results you get.

business analyst OR systems analyst

developer OR designer OR programmer

project OR program OR portfolio


Use the NOT operator to exclude a particular term from your candidate search. Type NOT immediately before the term. Candidate profile search results will exclude any profile that contains that term.

business analyst NOT manager

bachelors NOT masters

developer NOT manager


Use parenthesis "()" when you want to run complex search queries combining the logical sections of the query. The terms and operators inside the operators will be searched first.

(Sales OR Marketing) AND (Vice President OR Director)

(Company A OR Company B) NOT Company C

Advanced Search Criteria

When you search for candidates, you can use these advanced search criteria to narrow down your search results and improve the quality of your results:

  • Candidate Details: Name, Language, Skill, Contact Info, Source, Source Medium

  • Location: Postal Code, Location

  • Education: School, Degree, Major

  • Experience: License, Job Title, Years of Experience

  • Company: Current Company, Past Company

When you use an advanced search criteria, the Total Candidates number is updated. When you see a * (star) next to the Total Candidates number, it indicates that advanced search criteria were used.

Advanced search criteria are saved within the same session. If you search candidates using a criteria, go to some other screen and come back, the criteria will still be available in that session.

LinkedIn Search

You can find more candidates using LinkedIn’s search functionality, which is embedded in the Candidate Search page. This provides a unified experience by allowing you to search and browse LinkedIn profiles from within Oracle Fusion Cloud Recruiting. When you search for candidates on the Candidate Search page, the Search in LinkedIn Recruiter link is displayed on the results page. Clicking this link takes you to the LinkedIn search page, where you can search and browse for LinkedIn profiles. If you searched using a set of keywords on the Candidate Search page, clicking the LinkedIn search link displays candidate search results based on those same set of keywords.

Note: When you click the LinkedIn search link, it takes you to the Recruiter sign in page, if you didn’t previously sign in. You need to provide your credentials and select the contract type to view the LinkedIn search page.

Search Results

When you click Search, candidates matching your search criteria are displayed.

You can use filters to narrow down the list of candidates.

You can use the grid view to display candidate data in a columnar layout. You can set your view to understand where candidates are currently active on job applications, by viewing job applications and interactions information. You can view a candidate's 3 most recent job applications, and the 3 most recent interactions taken against job applications. The first 120 characters display for each interaction, but you can hover over them to see more content. If there are more than 3 applications, the number of applications is displayed at the bottom of the list in parenthesis. You can log an interaction against a candidate profile, or against a pool member, but only job-specific interactions are shown.

Unconfirmed candidates don't appear in search results. To appear in search results, candidates must confirm their email address or phone number. Deleted candidates don't appear in search results, but they're still available for reporting purposes.

In the search results page, the result indicates candidate profiles found using advanced search criteria and basic filters. For example, if the search result is Candidates (7 of 15*) 15 candidates were found using advanced filters, and 7 using basic filters.

Actions on Retrieved Candidates

From the candidates list, you can perform several actions on candidates. Available actions are:

  • Add to Requisition

  • Add to Candidate Pool

  • Add Interaction

  • Send Message

  • Delete Candidate

  • Create a Candidate