Edit a Screening Service in a Job Requisition

You can change the configuration of screening services in job requisitions that are no longer in the draft phase.

As an example, you want to change a partner at the end of a contract or add packages due to new legislation.

If you have the Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION) and Update Job Requisition After Draft Phase (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION_AFTER_DRAFT_PHASE) privileges, you can edit the configuration of screening services in a requisition as long as there are no job applications on the requisition. You can edit screening services when the requisition is in any of these phases:

  • Approval

  • Job Formatting

  • Posting

  • Open

The configuration of these screening services is possible: background checks, assessments, tax credits.

Note that some of the screening services configurations might show as being deactivated if the action is deactivated in the candidate selection process:

  • When your administrator modifies actions of a candidate selection process that generates additional configuration on job requisitions, the configuration of the job requisition or requisition template using this process is updated accordingly.

  • When a job requisition uses a candidate selection process with deactivated actions, these actions are still visible on the job requisition configuration, but there is an indication that they're deactivated.

  • For actions that are waiting to receive information by a candidate (interview invite), the information will be accepted even if the corresponding action has been deactivated. The fact that the action is deactivated only impacts its triggering, not the reception of information after.